Graduate Students
- The results are being filtered by the character: P
Supervisor: Bryan Gaensler
Radio astronomy; galactic magnetism and evolution; pulsars; fast radio bursts
Work Email: INTERNET
Website: https://ayushpandhi.github.io/
Galactic dynamics, stellar streams, dark matter, galaxy formation, large scale structure
Work Email: INTERNET
Supervisors: Hanno Rein + Marta Bryan
Exoplanet observations and evolution: direct imaging, high-resolution spectroscopy, dynamics
Work Email: INTERNET
Website: http://www.astro.utoronto.ca/~michael.poon/
Work Email: INTERNET
Website: https://mike-power666.github.io/
Biographical Info
I was born and raised on Cape Breton Island in the province of Nova Scotia. My research is typically theoretical and computational, though I like including observational data whenever possible to stay grounded in reality. I’m interested in non-ideal magnetohydrodynamics and its applications to all aspects of star formation in astrophysics.