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The characterisation of the low-mass planets: super-Earths and mini-Neptunes. The former are planets that are mostly solid, either rocky or icy in composition, while the latter posses also a volatile
envelope. My goal is to determine if planets with masses between 1-15 Earth-masses are scaled up versions of Earth, or scaled-down versions of Neptune in terms of their composition, evolution and physical properties.
Biographical Info
I am interested in compact objects, stars and binaries, their structure, formation and evolution, and their use to infer fundamental physical properties. My research is based on observations, but includes interpretation, theory and numerical modelling as required. Currently, I am trying to use neutron stars to study physics in conditions out of reach of terrestrial experiment, and to solve associated astronomical puzzles. I’ve become particularly intrigued by the possibilities of extremely high resolution astrometry offered by pulsar scintillation.
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My primary research interests involve the Large Scale Structure (LSS) in the Universe. By studying its properties and evolution, we can make firm statements about the physical processes which must have been active. Despite — or perhaps because of — its size, the LSS is difficult to observe, and specialized instruments and surveys are required to study it. I work on two such instruments, the South Pole Telescope (SPT), and the Canadian Hydrogen Intensity Mapping Experiment (CHIME)