Over time star-forming galaxies transform into passively-evolving red galaxies. These transformations are due to a combination of internal processes, like the presence of a bar or active galactic nucleus, as well as environmental processes. I will review some of our recent work on galaxies in the local universe, where we try to constrain the environmental processes driving galaxy evolution. Previous work has found that the properties of satellite galaxies depend on the mass of their host halo. We explore how galaxy properties depend on the evolutionary state of their host halo as traced by both dynamics and X-ray richness. We find that low mass galaxies living in X-ray rich environments have suppressed star formation and fewer disc-dominated galaxies, at fixed galaxy stellar mass and host halo mass, compared to those in halos with weaker extended X-ray emission. We also find that the fraction of both star-forming and disc galaxies are sensitive to the dynamical state of their host group. I will discuss how these results can help constrain the mechanisms at play in environmentally-driven galaxy evolution.
Cody Hall, AB 107
Laura Parker (McMaster University)
November 21, 2018
3:00 pm - 4:00 pm