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Sub-clusters and Gas and Binaries, oh my: Star Cluster Formation is Messy

Stars are primarily formed in clustered environments in giant molecular clouds. Stars are also primarily found in binary or higher order multiple systems. This hierarchy of binaries inside clusters, particularly at early times, means that binary systems interact with other stars from the first moments of their life. Both the binaries and the cluster will be changed as a result of these encounters.  Taking the effects of stellar dynamics into account is an important component to furthering our understanding of the formation & evolution of the stellar content of clusters. I will discuss results from simulations of star cluster formation that include simultaneous hydrodynamics and detailed N-body stellar dynamics including binary stars, and will touch on the implications for cluster structure, binary populations, and the multiple populations problem in globular clusters.

Cody Hall

Alison Sills, McMaster University

November 01, 2023
2:00pm - 3:00pm