Undergraduate Studies
Undergraduate Studies
As a part of the Faculty of Arts & Sciences, the Department offer courses that lead to the following undergraduate degrees: Astronomy & Physics specialist, Astronomy Major, Astronomy Minor, and Planetary Science Specialist. The latter is composed of an interdisciplinary mix of courses relevant to planetary sciences.
The Department also offer courses that form part of the university breadth requirements. See the overview for astronomy courses and programme requirements in the Calendar.
For information about courses offered at UTM and UTSC, please see University of Toronto Mississauga and University of Toronto Scarborough.
Students interested in a broad first year introduction to the physical sciences which can lead into our Astronomy and Astrophysics majors and specialist programs are encouraged to consider the Vic One physical sciences stream, as well as the UofT Engineering Science program.
Undergraduate Assistant: Andrew Apong
Associate Chair, Undergraduate: Prof. Christopher Matzner
Email inquiries:
astro.undergrad@utoronto.ca (DADDAA)
recruit@artsci.utoronto.ca (Faculty of Arts & Science)