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Chair, Professor
High redshift galaxies, the evolution and morphology of galaxies, observational cosmology.Ph.D. 1992, Oxford
Biographical Info
My research probes galaxy evolution over a time span of about 11 billion years, and tries to answer questions such as: What did galaxies look like when the Universe was young? How can we best describe galaxies in a quantitative way? How do changes in galactic structure map onto ideas for the underlying physics of galaxy evolution? Technological advances drive my efforts to answer these questions: at the moment I am building a novel telescope array in New Mexico to image very faint structures in nearby galaxies, and I am using Adaptive Optics on large telescopes to study the evolution of galaxy sizes over cosmic time.
One-pager from the 2023 Jamboree
Supervisor: Bryan Gaensler
Work Email: INTERNET
Department Manager
Work Phone: 416-978-3149work
Personal Email: INTERNET
Banting Postdoctoral Fellow
Work Email: INTERNET
Undergraduate and Department Assistant
Work Phone: 416-946-5243work
Work Email: INTERNET
Work Email: INTERNET
Website: http://www.utsc.utoronto.ca/~pawel/
Biographical Info
I am interested in the study of the birth and evolution of binary stars and planetary systems, dynamics of astrophysical disks, physics of circumstellar dust, with occasional diversions to binary blackholes and AGNs