Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Is the 5th or 6th edition of the textbook acceptable?
A: Yes, as mentioned in the course outline the 5th or 6th edition is fine. The chapters and sections are essentially identical; however the page numbers and contents within each section will differ slightly.

Q: When are the quizzes being posted/due?
A: Quiz postings will usually be on Wednesday evenings. The due dates are listed in the quiz description on blackboard. Check blackboard regularly.

Q: Why is there an exclamation mark next to my quiz results/why is the wrong grade listed for the quiz?
A: These usually result from a time out/incomplete quiz. These will be corrected regularly. Note that the quiz grade is for your *last* attempt, not your best attempt, so you should not leave any attempts half-finished or unsubmitted.

Q: What types of questions can I expect on the tests?
A: There will be multiple choice and short-answer questions. The former will be similar to those used for the on-line and in-class quizzes; some sample short answer questions have been posted.

Q: What types of questions are in the on-line quizzes?
A: True/False, fill in the blank, match items and multiple choice.

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