I enjoy working with students at all levels of their education. My
approach is to mentor and collaborate with each student one-on-one as
we study the stars of interest to us.
Undergraduate Students
Jason Broersma - Senior project "The Winds of
Hybrid Stars", BSc 1998. Jason is now a high school science
Ana Lopes - Senior project "A New Spectroscopic
Diagnostic for the Determination of Surface Gravity in Cool,
Luminous Stars", BSc 2005. Ana is now employed at the
Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Rayomond Dinshaw - Senior project "Limb Darkening:
A New Approach to Stellar Mass Determination, using
Arcturus as a Test Case", BSc 2010. Rayomond completed his
MSc in the chemistry department, University of Toronto
and then got his law degree from Queen's University.
Ian Tretyakov - Senior project "Cepheid Pulsation
Coding Model, Modifying ATLAS to Support Pulsation
Mechanism", BSc 2015. Ian is now a PhD student in the
physics department at the University of Toronto.
Master of Science Students
Petrusia Bojetchko-Kowalsky - "An Alternative
Formulation of the Equation of Transfer for LTE
Atmospheres", MSc 1983. Petrusia is now a high school
science teacher.
Michael S. Fieldus - "A Program to Compute Line
Blanketed Spherical Stellar Atmospheres", MSc 1988. Mike
is now deceased.
T. A. Aaron. Sigut - "A Non-LTE Analysis of Mg II
in B Stars", MSc 1990. Aaron is now a professor in the
department of physics and astronomy at Western University.
Christopher Tycner - "Synthetic Simulation of a
New Method of Measuring Solar-like Oscillations", MSc 2000.
Chris is now chairman of the physics department at
Central Michigan University.
PhD Students
Mary C. Lane - "A Quantitative Spectroscopic Study
of the Metallic-Line Stars", PhD 1981. Mary is now working
in industry.
Dimitar Sasselov - "A Study of the He I 10830 Line
in the Atmospheres of Classical Cepheids", PhD 1990.
Dimitar is now a professor of astronomy at Harvard
University and the founding directory of Harvard's Origins
of Life Initiative.
C. Ian Short - "The Structure of the Outer
Atmospheres of Cool Stars", PhD 1994. Ian is now a full
professor in the department of astronomy and physics at
St. Mary's University, where he has also been the chair of
the department.
T. A. Aaron Sigut - "Infrared Rydberg Transitions
in B Stars", PhD 1994. Aaron is now a professor in the
department of physics and astronomy at Western University.
Devon Hamilton - "Observational Signatures of
Convection in Solar Type Stars", PhD 2001. Devon was a
senior scientist, physics, at the Ontario Science Centre
before going to the TELUS Spark Science Centre, Calgary,
Alberta where he was the Vice President and Director of
Content and Exhibits. He has now the principal and owner of
the company Playful Content
Christopher Tycner - "High Precision Optical
Interferometry and Application to Be Stars", PhD 2004.
Chris is now chair of the physics department at Central
Michigan University.
Hilding R. Neilson - "The Dynamic Atmospheres of
Classical Cepheids: Studies of Atmospheric Extension, Mass
Loss and Shocks", PhD 2009. From 2009 to 2012 Hilding held
postdoctoral positions at the University of Bonn, Germany.
Initially Hilding was a Fraunhofer postdoctoral fellow,
and then held a national Alexander von Humboldt Postdoctoral
Fellowship. He then returned to North America and had a
the position of research assistant professor at East
Tennessee State University. Hilding is currently a
limited-term assistant professor at the University of
Postdoctoral Students
Gregg A. Wade 1998-2000. Gregg is now a professor
and head of the physics department at the Royal Military