Palomar 10 / C1916+184 RA: 19:18:02.1 +18:34:18 (J2000) (Most recent updates: Membership probability flag - 2024; Remaining data - July 2014) ============================================================ Bytes Format Explanation 1-8 A8 Star ID 10-32 A11,1x,A11 Position 34-35 A2 Membership probability flag based on data published by Prudil & Arellano Ferro (2024) m1: prob >=0.85; m2: prob >=0.7 and <0.85; m3: prob >= 0.5 and <0.7; f: prob <0.5 u: no data available 37-44 F8.4 Period (days) 46-51 F6.3 Mean magnitude (or maximum magnitude if "max" is indicated in the remarks column) 53-57 F5.3 Light amplitude (range of variability) 59 A1 Colour for mean magnitude and amplitude e.g. B, V, R, I, J, K or P (for photographic). 61-65 A5 Type of variable (draft 2006 GCVS classifications) CST denotes non variable stars previously designated as variables 67-80 A19 Notes and Remarks (f denotes field star) "--" or "----" indicates no data available ========================================================================= ID Position Mem Period ampl C Type Notes/ RA Dec Flag Remarks ========================================================================= 1 ---- ---- ---- -- -- =V2? 2 19:17:51.48 +18:34:12.7 f 393.0 12.9 5.6 I M mem? 3 19:17:59.59 +18:33:53.0 m1 311.5 14.0 3.4 I M f ==================================================================== Supplementary Notes The RA and dec for V2 and V3 are from Samus et al. (2009) who have pointed out that these stars are MV Sge and MZ Sge respectively. The periods, magnitudes, amplitudes and variability types for V2 and V3 are from Rosino & Guzzi (1978) and their membership status is from Canterna & Rosino (1981). However, Rosino & Ortolani (1985) commented that, since they lie in a field rich of Mira variables, it is possible that they both belong to the field. A VI CM diagram by Kaisler et al. (1997) shows a purely red HB, characteristic of a metal rich cluster. The cluster is heavily reddened and also differentially reddened. ====================================================================== Discovery of the variable stars in Pal 10: V1 announced by Sawyer Hogg in her 3rd catalog because of a 1972 letter from Rosino. He discovered the variable on red plates. It had a large amplitude and was near the centre of the cluster. No further information was given. It is probable that this is one of the variables subsequently announced by Rosino & Guzzi (1978), probably V2 (MV Sge) according to Samus et al. (2009). V2-3 = R&G 66 and R&G 70 = MV Sge and MZ Sge Rosino & Guzzi (1978) with 1950 RA and Dec and ID chart. Rosino & Ortolani (1985) also published an ID chart. The numbers V2 and V3 were assigned in the electronic update to the catalogue (Clement et al. 2001). ==================================================================== References Canterna, R. & Rosino, L. 1981, A&AS, 45, 53 Clement, C. M., Muzzin, A., Dufton, Q., Ponnampalam, T., Wang, J., Burford, J., Richardson, A., Rosebery, T. 2001, AJ, 122, 2587 Kasler, D., Harris, W. E., McLaughlin, D. E. 1997, PASP, 109, 920 Prudil Z., Arellano Ferro, A. 2024, MNRAS, 534, 3654 Rosino, L. & Guzzi, L. 1978, A&AS, 31, 313 Rosino, L. & Ortolani, S. 1985, Mem. SAI, 56, 113 Samus, N. N., Kazarovets, E. V., Pastukhova, E. N., Tsvetkova, T. M., Durlevich, O. V. 2009, PASP, 121, 1378 ==========================================================================