Archived AstroTours

Mapping our universe in millimeter: what have we learned?

By Yilun Guan on 04 May, 2023

Mapping the sky in millimeter has revolutionized our understanding of the universe, allowing us to probe its early history, explore its fundamental building blocks, and study the magnetic field morphology of our galaxy. In this talk, I will discuss the latest breakthroughs in millimeter sky mapping and their implications for our understanding of cosmology and astrophysics.

About Yilun Guan


Yilun Guan completed his PhD in millimeter astronomy at the University of Pittsburgh and is now a postdoctoral fellow at the Dunlap Institute of Astrophysics and Astronomy, University of Toronto. His research focuses on making precise maps of the millimeter sky and extracting cosmology and astrophysics from the data from the Atacama Cosmology Telescope. In his free time, you can find him teaching cosmology to his cats.