Next tour:

The Fate of Comets

September 5, 2024
20:00 EST

Room 102, McLennan Physical Laboratories, 255 Huron Street
Toronto, Ontario, Canada

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Credit: MIT News Office

Talk Abstract

Comets at night and the Sun during the day have always mesmerised humanity. Studying how comets move around the Sun is one of the oldest problems in theoretical astrophysics. In this AstroTours, we will explore what comets are made of, how they move, and how you can spot them! Then, we will explore what will happen to comets billions of years from now, when the Sun will have exhausted its nuclear fuel and become a white dwarf -- a dead star.

About the Speaker

About the Speaker


Dang Pham (he/him)

Dang is a PhD candidate in the Department of Astronomy & Astrophysics at the University of Toronto. He studies planetary dynamics (how planets and comets move) by theoretical work and developing simulations. He likes to apply theory and simulations to explain observations. Born in Vietnam, Dang later moved to study physics at Cornell University for his undergraduate degree. Outside of working during weird hours, Dang enjoys taking pictures of the night sky, playing the piano, and going on long walks.