David Dunlap Observatory (DDO)
David Dunlap Doings
Table of Contents
V.1 no.1 1968 to v.27 no.3 1994
Unfortunately, the following material is in text-only format; use your browser 'find' function to look for particular items or subjects. Print copies of the DDO Doings can be found in many libraries including the UofT Astronomy and Astrophysics Library. Scanned versions of the DDO Doings 1968-1994 are available at http://www.astro.utoronto.ca/AALibrary/dddoings.html. The Doings Online is available from 1997 (there was a gap in publication of over two years). Compiled by Don Fernie.
Vol. 1, no. 1, January 1968:

     David Hickock and Chalmers Hardenbergh equal Walter Gorza's record of -15 deg F for
     cold weather 74-inch observing. New controls on the telescope (p2)

     Hilger spectrum comparator received (p2)

     Report on the long-baseline experiment in radio astronomy by Alan Yen (p2)

     John Schmitt arrives as a pdf (p5)

     Tom Clarke joins staff of McLaughlin Planetarium as of Jan 1, 1968

     Helen Hogg nominated to Bell's board of directors

     Helen Hogg, Ruth Northcott, Jack Heard awarded Canadian Centennial Medals
     National Committee of the IAU to meet at U of Waterloo April 8-9.  Scientific sessions
     will be held also.

     Other department members mentioned:  Fernie, van den Bergh, Anand, Fahlman, Moffat,
     Racine, Barnes, Bakos, Roeder, Verreault, MacRae, Naylor, Clement, Percy, Peter
     Hagen, Gretchen Hagen, McClure, FitzGerald, Moorhouse, Aikman, Longworth

     Visitors: Innanen, Iben, Demarque, Peniche, Eggmann (re the QEII telescope dome)

Vol. 1, no. 2, February 1968:

     74-inch workers included Doug Hube, Joan Hube, Pim FitzGerald, Anson Moorhouse
     (records dome temperature below -15 F   white titanium dome paint too effective?),
     Gerry Longworth

     New photometers built for 24-inch and 19-inch 

     Carnegie image tube about to arrive.  Stan Jeffers to take up pdf working with this.

     Ted Bednarek takes the first photographs with the new 16-inch.  John Percy's thesis is
     first serious photometric project completed with this telescope.  Campus Observers Ted
     Bednarek, Mark Naylor, Hugh Ross re-align the 16- and 8- inch telescopes.

     The second June Institute set for June 11-14.  Speakers will be Christy, Kraft, Spiegal,
     Schucking (p4).

     Pierre Demarque (UofT Phd 1959; DA faculty 1962-66) was visiting, as was Bev Oke
     (BA 1949, MA 1950; DA faculty 1953-57) (p4)

     Chris Aikman, Tom Barnes awarded Msc.  Inge Sackmann awarded an NRC pdf to be
     held in Germany.

     GASA hockey team  included Fort, Dodd, Dubas, Hardenbergh, Hickok, Ross, Verreault,
     Aikman. (p5)

     McLaughlin Planetarium to open in September (p6)

     Model of the QEII telescope and a block of quartz from the 157-inch disk material on
     display at DA (p6)

     New milling machine and drill press at DDO (p6)

     Other names mentioned:  Anand, McClure, van den Bergh, Heard, Hawker, Crampton,
     Norman Baker, Lutz, Clement, Bakos, Innanen, Iben, Poindexter, Gretchen Hagen, Peter
     Hagen, Seaquist, DuPuy, Roeder, Fernie, Hogg, Racine, Longworth, Earlam, Blyth,

Vol.1, no.3, March 1968:

     DuPuy using scanner on the 74-inch.  24-inch again operational after new panel installed.

     Astronomy sessions to be held at U of Waterloo meeting April 8 and 9.

     van den Bergh locates faint blue star which Ryle and Bailey identify with "the pulsar".

     Pauline Gruenberg resigns as assistant departmental secretary.

     Demers (PhD 1966) appointed resident astronomer at Tololo.  Hartwick (PhD 1966)
     appointed Assis. Prof. at U of Victoria.  Bill Sherwood (MA 1967) now in Edinburgh. 
     Peter Hagen returns from Kitt Peak.  Bob and Lyn McClure were renting a house in
     Tucson. Ren. and Claudine Racine were happy in Pasadena.

     Census of DA staff, students, spouses, children now numbers 137.

     Hogg elected to Bell Board, Heard to Board of York Central Hospital and again as
     Treasurer of the RASC.  Bob Garrison was to be in Toronto, house-hunting.

     Other names mentioned:  Anand, Dubas, Fernie, Joan Hube, Schmitt, Gretchen Hagen,
     Remage, Percy, Yen, FitzGerald, Bidelman, Roberts, Christy, Kraft, Sch.cking, Spiegel,
     Lutz, MacRae, Hickok, Chant, Maurice Clement.

Vol. 1, no. 4, April 1968:

     Early days of mirror coating/aluminizing.

     John Schmitt (pdf) discovers that a radio source is coincident with the 'variable star' BL
     Lacertae.  First photometric and spectroscopic results on Nova Vulpeculae.  Report on U
     of T building a 60 foot radio telescope at Algonquin Radio Observatory.  Seaquist and
     Bignell detect signals from 5 of 40 Haro galaxies.  Roberts, Buchanan, Dubas, Fahlman,
     Fort, Ross, and Banton being trained on the 150-ft dish.

     Report on the Waterloo meeting of the National Committee for the IAU.  Hosts were
     Bakos and FitzGerald.  Waterloo 12-in telescope dedicated.  28 papers given.

     PZT of Dept of Energy, Mines, & Resources near Calgary to be dedicated during RASC
     GA there next month.

     Another shipment of Palomar Atlas glass plates received safely.

     Roeder to be Canada's appointee to IAU Comm. 46 on Teaching of Astronomy.

     Doug Hube awarded an NRC pdf.  NRC studentships to Chambers and Martin.  Larson
     (MSc 1964) receives Cal Tech PhD and is appointed Assistant Prof at Yale.  Nancy
     Remage engaged to Martin Evans; to be married Aug 5.  Mrs Jenny Grasty resigns her
     computing position at DA.  7-month-old Sabine van den Bergh recovering from spinal
     surgery.  Heard appointed to Board of York Regional School of Nursing.

     Other names mentioned:  DuPuy, Bidelman, Gorza, Heard, Fernie, Joan Hube, Anand,
     Yen, Percy, Underhill, Mandelstam, van den Bergh, Wright, Godkin, Gower, Stevenson,
     Barnes, Demarque.

Vol. 1, no. 5, May, 1968:

     Spectrographs at the DAO.  

     More on Schmitt and BL Lac = VRO 42.22.01.  Novae Del (1967) and Vul(1968) both
     still under observation.  New grating for 74-inch.  Infrared photometer for 24-inch has
     very low sensitivity.  Northcott preparing a new order for observing books; she notes that
     24 books will cost $225.

     June Institute preparations complete.  Non-departmental guests number 22 Canadians and
     27 Americans.

     Percy to receive his PhD on June 6.  Was appointed as of April 1 to Erindale and as Asst
     Prof in DA.  Peter Martin received his BSc, as did Walter Gorza.  Jack Winzer received a
     B.A.Sc in Electrical Engineering.  Roeder appointed to the University Senate.  Stanley
     Jeffers arrived to take up his pdf, and the Carnegie image tube that he was to use also
     arrived.  Christine Coutts (PhD 1967) was holidaying in Palermo.  Dubas, Martin, Naylor,
     and Fort were to be married in June.  Northcott and Hogg honoured as Centennial
     Medallists.  Mrs Jean Lehmann [part-time librarian] was holidaying in Britain.

     Other names mentioned:  Longworth, van den Bergh, Fahlman, Doug Hube, Roberts,
     Chambers, Ross, Verrault, Barnes, Remage, Jackson, Peter Hagen, DuPuy, Heard,
     Lindop, MacDonald, Goodenough, Chen, Newton, Nikaido, Nguyen, Sundquist, Topley,
     Chai, Henry, Clarke.

Vol. 1, no. 6, June 1968:

     Two-page editorial on the new McLaughlin Planetarium.

     The 74-in dome was getting an interior paint job for the first time in 33 years.  Hogg and
     Linda Poole got 43 plates of globular clusters in two nights at the 74-in Newtonian.  Mr
     King of Edwards High Vacuum made recommendations to improve aluminizing

     Jeffers and Blyth start work on the Carnegie image tube.  Hogg and Peter Chen start a
     program of globular cluster photography with the 16-in at DA.

     Roberts, Winzer, and Aikman were at ARO attempting to make TV displays of extended
     radio sources.  Anand, Seaquist, and Bell were observing blue "stellar" objects with the
     150-ft at ARO.

     The June Institute was a great success, despite rain during the DDO visit.  Fernie MC'd
     the dinner at the Faculty Club.

     Lehmann back; Northcott on holiday in Britain. van den Bergh starting a year's sabbatical
     at Pasadena.  Maarten Schmidt will teach him the ropes on the 200-in.

     Fernie appointed to a three-year term on the AAS's Committee on Education.  Ruth
     Coombes appointed as Research Assistant at DA.

     Upcoming graduate students appointed as summer assistants: Jack Winzer, Jim Clarke
     (McGill graduate), and Dieter Br.ckner (Memorial U graduate).  George Mitchell (PhD
     1967) giving a talk at Bonn.

     David Goodenough passed his PhD generals.

     Dr Robert Garrison (newly appointed as Assistant Professor) and family are expected to
     arrive in Toronto on June 28.

     Carl Bignell married.  Hogg entertained President and Mrs Bissell (who are still at
     Harvard) at her home in Dunstable, Mass.  They spent the day walking in the woods and
     exploring Mrs Hogg's 40 acres in her Jeep.

     DDO has purchased a white Renault sedan for transportation of summer assistants and
     observers from the city.  The Plymouth station wagon will be kept at DDO for more
     rugged tasks.

     Other names mentioned:  Henry King, Norman Green, Tom Clarke, Terry Dickinson,
     Higgs, Remage, Peter Jackson, Hardenbergh, Hickok, Fort, Sch.cking, Spiegel, Roeder,
     Sherwood, Schmitt, Peter Hagen, DuPuy, Schmidt-Kaler, Gillis, Newton.

Vol. 1, no. 7, July 1968:

     Aluminizing matters.  Garrison, Schmidt, and Hube adjusting new low-dispersion
     spectrograph.  50 KV power supply for the image tube arrived.  New photomultiplier for
     the infrared photometer on the 24-in installed, and Barnes using it for his thesis.  The drive
     of the 24-in still giving trouble.

     The Rose Committee (re the proposed QEII telescope) held hearings in Toronto on July
     4&5.  Many local astronomers presented briefs.  Committee member van de Hulst came to
     DDO on July 14 to hear briefs, and on July 16 MacRae and Hogg attended the Ottawa
     hearing.  Committee's report being presented to the Science Secretariat this month.

     Joan Topley visiting Norway, Anand in India for his sister's wedding, the Garrison family
     arrived on June 28, and Mrs Jeffers arrived from England on July 23.

     Fernie promoted to full professor, Roeder to Associate Professor.

     Northcott back from the UK, bringing greetings from Bill and Vicki Sherwood (both MSc
     in 1967) in Edinburgh.  A daughter born to the Cramptons.

     DDO was broken into on the night of July 21, but nothing stolen or damaged.

     Other names mentioned:  Jeffers, Longworth, Hawker, Beals, Wehlau, Low, Innanen,
     Schmidt-Kaler, Heard, FitzGerald, van den Bergh, Welsh, Yen, Percy, Marlborough,
     Seaquist, Bell, Verreault, Remage, Jackson, Larson, Hickock, Poole, Bignell, Peter
     Hagen, DuPuy, Dodd, Bednarek, Joan Hube, Gretchen Hagen, Hardenbergh.

Vol. 1, no. 8, Aug 1968:

     Editorial on early (deceased) Canadian astronomers whose names might be put forward
     for features on the far side of the moon.  Included are Brydon Jack, Newcomb, W.F. King,
     S.A. Mitchell, Plaskett, Chant, Frank Hogg, McKellar, Petrie, Sandford Fleming, J.S.

     Longworth, Earlam, Ridder aluminizing mirrors of the 74-in and spectrograph.   New
     aluminizing equipment from Edwards Hi-Vac nearly ready.  Glass enclosure at top of 74-
     in staircase to cut down air circulation now completed.

     Jeffers about to mount image tube on the 24-in Nasmyth.

     DDO water supply in jeopardy as the pump in the Bayview pumphouse is giving out.  A
     new one to be installed.

     BRoeder's USSR visit similarly uncertain.  Hogg, Roberts, Clement, Seaquist, Doug
     Hube, Tom Clarke attended AAS meeting in Victoria.  Raymonde Verreault attending
     Brandeis Summer Institute for Theoretical Physics.  She is engaged to George Chimonas. 
     Northcott and Peter Hagen have each recently been in hospital.

     Final PhD orals for Doug Hube and Inge Sackmann set for September.

     Other names mentioned:  Garrison, van den Bergh, FitzGerald, John Bolton, Chambers,
     David Crawford, Werner Ehm, Margaret Falconer, Wellmann, Schmitt.

Vol. 1, no. 9, Sep 1968:

     Obituary of Peter Hagen, who died Sep 3, 1968 at age 27.

     DDO spectrographs now as fast as those at DAO.  Further trials of TV displays of radio

     Anand back from India.  Hogg and Fernie back from Budapest.  Hubes left for Tucson.

     There will be 28 graduate students this academic year.  New ones: Baines, Bruckner, Chai,
     James Clarke, Crelinsten, Gorza, Hawkins, Alan Irwin, Lindop, Peter Martin, Sauve,

     Planetarium committee struck to consider use of planetarium in teaching.

     IAU National Committee meeting in Ottawa, Oct 4 & 5, will include an excursion to the
     Algonquin Radio Observatory on Oct 6.

     Doug Hube and Inge Sackmann passed their final PhD orals.

     Toronto Centre of the RASC visited DDO on Sep 12; 160 in attendance.

     Philipp Kronberg has joined the faculty as Assistant Prof at DA and Scarborough.

     Northcott discharged from hospital and back teaching a large evening class.

     Other names mentioned:  Roberts, David Crawford ("Progress of Kitt Peak Telescope
     Projects"), Clement, Peery, O'Dell, van der Laan, van den Bergh, Barnes, Bednarek, Tom
     Clarke, Dodd, DuPuy, Nancy Evans, Fahlman, Goodenough, Hardenbergh, Hickok,
     Jackson, Naylor, Poole, Ross, Verreault, King, Heard, Seaquist, Roeder, Percy, Bakos,
     Pluscauskas, Gretchen Hagen.

Vol. 1, no. 10, Oct 1968:

     Prof. Leclaire of Laurentian University notes that in the early 1900s the Rev Gervaix of
     the Jesuit College of Montreal built a 20-in reflector that at the time was the third largest
     telescope (after the Yerkes and Lick refractors) in North America.

     Further speed gains with the 74-in spectrograph.  Heaters installed on the shutter rails.

     The National Committee of the IAU met in Ottawa Oct 4-5.  Dr.s Fernie, Garrison,
     Heard, MacRae, Roeder, Seaquist, and van den Bergh attended.

     Marshal Wrubel of Indiana University has died.

     Frank Hawker married Joan Hudson on Oct 9.

     All students requested to have their 'mug shots' taken by Anson Moorhouse.

     Other names mentioned:  Barnes, Kronberg, van der Laan, Saaf, Hardenbergh, Hawkins,
     Chiu, Anand, Gold (colloquium on pulsars), Greenberg, Bignell, Ross, Dodd, McClure,
     Hogg, Wheeler, Hube, Schmidt-Kaler, Percy.

Vol. 1, no. 11, Nov 1968:

     Weather exceptionally poor for observing.  ("We usually have some very unusual weather
     at this time of year"    Mrs Plaskett.)  Image tube installation at 24-in Nasmyth focus
     nearly complete.  New aluminizing chamber for mirrors under 30-in assembled and being
     tested.  Earlam and Ridder have built and installed a new half-gate at the DDO

     Goodenough, supported by a Reinhardt award, is leaving for a 5-week run at Cerro
     Tololo to observe southern star clusters.  Percy at Kitt Peak since mid-November
     observing beta CMa stars with a 16-in.  Students in G1001 and G1004 visiting ARO under
     supervision of Seaquist.  

     Re early-1900s telescopes, Hogg notes that Harvard had built a 24-in refractor in 1894,
     although it was soon sent to Peru.  Roeder writes amusing letter on the probability of him
     (R2) being supervisor of Hardenbergh (H2) and of Dodd (D2).  Editor gives amusing

     PhDs awarded to Braun, Hube, Sackmann.  MScs to Chambers, Dodd, Naylor, Poole, and

     Other names mentioned:  Morton, Hickok, Jeffers, Blyth, Longworth, van den Bergh,
     Greenberg, Anand, Gold, Bednarek, Fahlman, Wanner, Evans, Clement, Demers,

Vol. 1, no. 12, Dec 1968:

     Bakos and Bajcar (Waterloo) starting on a spectroscopic program on Ba II stars. 
     FitzGerald (also Waterloo) is working on MH. 328-116.

     MacRae just back from Washington and the founding of the Universities Space Research
     Association represented by 46 universities.  Forerunner of the Lunar Science Institute in

     van den Bergh  notes that the early-1900s telescope referred to in the October issue was
     never the third-largest in North America.  The Lick 36-in Crossley reflector was erected in

     Alice Streit (pronounced "Straight") from Switzerland has been appointed third secretary
     in the Department.

     Reinhardt travel awards to Goodenough and Fahlman.  Short write-up on Reinhardt.

     Student RASC fees are only $3.00 annualy, including Journal and Handbook.

     Visit by Dr David Crampton.  Other alumni who recently met together were the Hubes,
     McClures, Demers, and Racines.

     Holiday verses by Hogg and by Heard.

     Other names mentioned:  Fernie, Garrison, Northcott, Roberts, Schmitt, Hardenbergh,
     Ross, Anand, Dodd, Bignell, Naylor, Roeder.

Vol. 2, no.1, Jan 1969:

     Editorial on astro-navigation.  Frank Hogg's two-star sextant.  First computing
     assignment of U of T's first digital computer, FERUT, was to compute navigation tables
     of Heard's.  Sally Hogg spent a summer cutting and pasting hardcopy output for
     publication.  Contemporary systems used machine-made astro sightings.

     New programs on the 74in involving Gretchen Hagen (cluster radial velocities) and Heard
     (eclipsing binaries).  Jeffers has taken preliminary direct photos with the Carnegie image

     Gretchen spent a month in Tucson reducing Peter Hagen's photometric data.  Roeder
     visited Steward Observatory, Fernie visited Yale, Anand visited Stoney Brook.

     Hogg awarded Medal of Service of the Order of Canada.

     Jim Thomson, BA Waterloo, a former summer assistant at the DAO, has been appointed
     observing assistant here as of January 27.

     Northcott and Mrs Fidler (RASC secretary) in a serious accident when latter's car
     overturned en route home from Hamilton.  No severe injuries, however.

     Roeder agrees to serve on a subcommittee of the IAU National Committee to study the
     possibility of founding a Canadian professional astronomical journal.

     Hube writes that Kam Leung (1963-64) is visiting KPNO.  Also that DDO alumni are
     scheduled to use more than half the time on two KPNO telescopes.

     Christine Coutts (PhD 1967) has returned from her pdf stint at Asiago, and is spending a
     few months working with Mrs Hogg.


     Alice Streit's name is pronounced 'Strite' after all.  Only Dr Roberts has been right.

     Other names mentioned:  Garrison, Petrie, van den Bergh, Goodenough, Mezger, Schmitt,
     Ross, Costain, Hardenbergh, Underhill, Pesch, Kronberg, Hickok, Evans, Racine, Brewer,
     Durdle, Frank McDonald, Verreault.

Vol. 2, no.2, Feb 1969:

     Editorial on Velikovsky and Bob Baglow

     15 out of first 23 nights this month were clear.  Scheme of having Thomson work all night
     for 20 consecutive nights working well.  His degree is a BSc in general physics, not a BA.
     Longworth has realuminized 24-in mirrors with the new chamber.

     Special countdown to celebrate Valentine's Day and MacRae's birthday resulted in many
     hilarious skits.  Some are described.

     Jonathon Seaquist born on Feb 12.

     Dr Rene Racine has accepted an assistant professorship at Erindale and DA.  Chambers
     has returned from UCLA and is a research assistant working on a computing project with
     Roeder.  Jackson has gone to Maryland to start a PhD. Dodd has left to teach math at
     West Hill Collegiate.  Hawkins has taken over Dodd's infrared project.  David Ellis (BA
     c1960) has resumed grad studies at U of Virginia.  Don Morton (BA c1955), now at
     Princeton, writes from U of Sydney where he is collaborating with Hanbury Brown that he
     climbed the highest mountain in New Zealand en route to Mt Stromlo.

     Fahlman passed his generals.  Martin awarded a Commonwealth Fellowship to be held at
     Cambridge.  Garrisons have purchased a house, and the Anands a condominium.

     Other names mentioned: Hube, Fernie, Goodenough, Hogg, Gingerich, Naylor,
     Marlborough, Verreault, Schmitt, Baines, Hardenbergh, MacRae.

Vol. 2, no. 3, March 1969:

     Editorial on Barry Gunn (former support staff member who went to the high Arctic).
     NRC awards Department a grant towards a 24-in in Chile.

     Upcoming June Institute will be June 10-13.  Speakers will be G. Burbidge, Friedman,
     Prendergast, and Thorne.

     IAU National Committee to meet at UBC May 2-3, and visit DAO May 4.  RASC General
     Assembly to be held in Toronto May 16-19.  Dr Percy is arranging the affair.

     A daughter born to Doug and Joan Hube.

     Hogg made an Honorary Member of the Royal Canadian Institute.  To be invested with
     the Medal of the Order of Canada on April 8.

     David Hogg (PhD 1962) reports that colleagues at Greenbank have just discovered
     formaldehyde in radio sources.  Water and ammonia had previously been detected.

     CBC crew at DDO obtaining footage of 74-in for a feature starring Roeder, Roberts, and
     Kronberg on pulsars.  Roberts gave a talk at Cornell where "Someone in the audience is
     said to have noticed an error of 1036 in one of his diagrams...."

     Other names mentioned:  Frank Hogg, Longworth, Baglow, Garrison, MacRae, van den
     Bergh, Goodenough, Hickok, Deutsch, Anand, Morris, Verreault.

Vol. 2, no. 4, April 1969:

     Guest editorial by Henry King on the first six months of the McLaughlin Planetarium.

     Report on a Town Meeting.  Topics included admission policy in light of fewer jobs,
     purpose of the general exam, availability of TA-ships, computing facilities, justification of
     the University, should the DDO library be moved downtown.

     How the countdown got its name.

     Bob McClure (PhD 1967) appointed assistant professor at Yale.  Gorza married. 
     Verreault to be married.  Moorhouses have a son.

     Roeder, as member for Canada of IAU Comm 46, is making a survey of  Canadian
     education in astronomy.  Fernie, as a member of the National Committee for the IAU, is
     writing a report on the advisability of forming a Canadian professional astronomical

     Other names mentioned:  Tom Clarke, Terry Dickinson, Hogg, Garrison, MacRae, G.
     Hagen, Boshko, Roberts, Fahlman, DuPuy, van den Bergh, Racine, Schmitt, D. Hube,
     Heard, Deutsch, Jeffers, Barnes, M. Burbidge, Pipher, Bancroft.

Vol. 2, no. 5, May 1969:

     Editorial on David Dunlap.  Notes that "the family have continued to be interested in the
     Observatory, and from time to time have made gifts as evidence of this, the latest one as
     recently as last year."

     A new MK spectrograph is ready to go on the 24-in. Yen has used a U of T 5 cm maser to
     study OH lines in W3 at ARO.  Hawkins gone to Tucson to pick up the IR detector to be
     used for his thesis.

     Dr Chris Coutts and the van den Berghs "represented the Observatory at the meeting of
     the AAS in Honolulu...."  Fernie, Garrison, Heard, Kronberg, MacRae, Roeder, and van
     den Bergh attended the May meeting of the National Committee for the IAU at UBC.

     Titles of talks for the upcoming June Institute.

     Summer assistants:  Rosalind Schemilt [Roslyn Shemilt] in the library, Scott Chen working
     for van den Bergh and Fernie, Molly Morrow working for Heard, Tan Phuc Nguyen for
     Kronberg, John Kormandy for Anand, Jim Gillispie for Percy.

     Charles Dyer accepted as a graduate student for 1969-70 under supervision of Roeder. 
     Bednarek and Hickok will receive MSc degrees.  Hickok has a teaching appointment at
     Pensacola Junior College.  Serge Demers (PhD 1967) appointed assistant professor at
     Laurentian University.  John Schmitt appointed assistant professor at South-western
     College in Memphis.

     A daughter born to Martin and Nancy Evans.  Northcott will enter hospital for surgery in
     early June.  Alice Streit visiting Switzerland.

     Other names mentioned:  Garrison, Hiltner, Blyth, Ross, Seaquist, Bell, Braun, Bajcar,
     Hogg, DuPuy, Barnes, Winzer, Strakas.

Vol. 2, no. 6, June 1969:

     Editorial on Roy Marshall and his collection of astronomical anecdotes.

     Testing the image tube using the 74-in, 24-in, and 16-in telescopes simultaneously.

     June Institute attracted 100 participants.  Was a good show.

     'Topical Seminars in Radio Astronomy' will be held at DA in August prior to the URSI
     General Assembly in Ottawa.

     Charles Dyer, a new graduate student, has reported in.

     Jeffers appointed as Assistant Professor in the Physics Dept at York U as of Sep 1.  Doug
     Hube appointed as Asst. Prof. at U of Alberta.  John Rice (MSc 1966) has accepted a pdf
     at the Dominion Obs with Vic Gaizauskas as of Sep 1.  MacRae elected Chairman of the
     Council of Institutions of the recently incorporated Universities' Space Research Assoc,
     which is to operate the Lunar Science Institute at Houston.

     Carl Bignell and Raymonde Chimonas have passed their PhD orals.

     Ken Wright's wife has died.  Northcott, while recovering well from surgery suffered a
     stroke on June 8 and is in intensive care at Toronto Western.

     Moffatt Dunlap has tied for second place in the North American Equestrian Grand Prix at
     the CNE grounds.

     A volleyball court has been laid out at the east end of the south parking lot.  It is
     entertaining to watch the lunch-hour games....

     Other names mentioned:  Clement, Percy, van den Bergh, Kronberg, Baines, Hawkins,
     Ross, Maran, Anand, Roeder, Winzer, Fernie, Lindop, Irwin, Coutts,  Jim Clarke,
     Hulkower, Garrison, Hagen, Schemilt, Zuckerman, McIntyre.

Vol. 2, no. 7, July 1969:

     Obituary of Northcott, who had died the previous day.

     Kronberg spending the summer at Jodrell Bank.  Roberts has been appointed to a one-year
     staff appointment at Arecibo, starting September.  MacRae in Washington for USRA
     meeting amidst excitement of moon landing.  Hickok and Hardenbergh have returned to
     the States following a Yankee Go Home party they hosted.  Racine has arrived to take up
     his assistant professorship.  The Demers's have had a son.  George Mitchell (Phd 1967)
     appointed assistant professor at St Mary's University.  Colin Kaye (MSc 1964) visited
     DDO en route to his assignment at Houston for an Australian newspaper.  Tom Clarke has
     a badly fractured leg after a canoe accident.

     GASA picnic held at Bass Lake, Orillia.  (Swimming session was the GASA strip.)

     Other names mentioned:  Blanco, van den Bergh, Hogg, Garrison, Martin, Hawkins,
     Shakeshaft, Walsh, McLean, Fahlman, Gorza, Lindop, Bignell, Dodd, Fernie, Percy,

Vol. 2, no. 8, August 1969:

     Editorial about Otto Struve by Heard, who was one of Struve's students.

     Weather has been good, and the 74-in repainted.

     Northcott's funeral.  The Roberts's have left, and the Racine family has settled in.  Listing
     of our delegates to the Albany AAS meeting and the Ottawa URSSI meeting.  Moorhouse
     is visiting Yerkes to learn new photographic techniques.  Roslyn Shemilt has returned to

     National IAU Committee will meet at UWO on Sep 5-6 following the official opening of
     the new UWO 48-in telescope.

     Annie Laval of Marseille Observatory is expected for a 3-week visit to study DDO radial
     velocity techniques.  The old lead sink in the DDO darkroom has been replaced by a 9-ft
     stainless steel one.

     Starting in September, countdowns will be on Tuesdays instead of Wednesdays because of
     teaching timetable changes.

     Other names mentioned:  Norman Green, Anand, Clement, Fernie, Garrison, Percy,
     Barnes, DuPuy, Hagen, Martin, Naylor, MacRae, Seaquist, Yen, Baines, Bignell,
     Hawkins, Lindop, Ross, Sauve, Crelinsten, Br.ckner, van den Bergh, McClure, Mitchell,
     Sherwoods, Hubes, Hickok, Hogg.

Vol. 2, no. 9, September 1969:

     Letter from Inge Sackmann.  ("The new IBM 360 at the Max Planck Inst is Europe's most
     powerful computer   ten times as fast as the IBM 7094 at Uof T, etc, etc")

     The 74-in dome is receiving a new coat of titanium white paint.

     PDFs Jeffers and Jan Straka have left.  New grad students are Peter Chen, Charles Dyer,
     Gretchen Hagen, David Hanes, Bill Harris, Bob Lake, Barry Madore, Catherine Riordon,
     Jacques Vall.e.  Ted Bednarek has returned for the PhD program.  Peter Martin has left to
     do a PhD at Cambridge.

     Annie Laval has moved on.

     Henry King notes that John Herschel in 1837 noted 47 Tuc is rose-coloured.  Earliest
     reference to Pop II stars?

     A Ruth Northcott Memorial Fund has been established.

     MacRae wants to know if prospective attendees of the 1970 IAU are interested in a
     charter flight Toronto-London return at $240 per seat.

     The Seaquists have bought a house in the Don Mills area.

     Other names mentioned:  Schmidt-Kaler, Moffat, Kronberg, Ross, van den Bergh, Racine,
     Heard, Garrison, Iain Baines, Clarke, Drake, Goodenough, Tom Clarke, Ostriker, Braun,
     Locke, Palmer, Fernie, Percy, Yen, Roeder, Clement, Fahlman, Naylor, Crampton (going
     to Radcliffe in South Africa), Aikman.

Vol. 2, no. 10, October 1969:

     Editorial on the growth of the University of Western Ontario since 1929.

     Trouble with the large aluminizing chamber since its modifications.  Both 74-in and 24-in
     oversubscribed by requests from faculty and students.  van den Bergh is (actually)
     measuring radial velocities, all be they of Cas A filaments.

     Miss Katherine Graham appointed assistant secretary at DA.  Mrs Linda Emerson has a
     part-time staff appointment at Scarborough.  Miss Rita Heeringa appointed assistant to
     van den Bergh.

     G2000 seminars listed for first time.  Town Meeting to be at DDO on Nov 4.   Upcoming
     IAU Symposium on Laboratory Astrophysics to be held at York University on Nov 7-8. 
     Registration is $5.00, which includes two lunches.

     Final PhD thesis exams for Tom Clarke and Dave Goodenough about to take place.  The
     Martins have arrived in Cambridge, where Peter will begin study under Sciama.

     Moon rocks and dust samples were on display in the McLennan Labs earlier this month.

     Other names mentioned:  Longworth, Racine, Hogg, MacRae, Percy, Barnes, Coutts,
     Garrison, Laval, Wilson, Clement, Layzer, Fahlman, Hawkins, Winzer, Bednarek, Petrie,
     Swings, Gorza, Heard, Anand, Sackmann, Naylor, McClure, Sauve, Garton, Underhill,

Vol. 2, no.11, November 1969:

     Editorial on astronomical errors in literature.

     van den Bergh's measures of Cas A remnants show radial velocity changes in months, and
     brightness changes of 10x in 15 years.  Racine has found BL Lac fluctuates in light on a
     scale of minutes.

     Fernie in New York for a meeting of the AAS's Committee on Education.  Dave and
     Sherry Goodenough have left for Victoria where Dave has a pdf.  Peter Biermann is
     visiting from G.ttingen, where is finishing his PhD.  Sackmann is also visiting.  There will
     soon be astronomy positions available at U of Calgary, Laurentian U, U of Manitoba, and
     U of Waterloo.

     DuPuy marries Liese Kruska, Hickock marries Helen Blanchard.  The Gorza's have a son,
     the Innanens a daughter, and the FitzGeralds a son.  Bob Burrell, a PhD radio astronomy
     candidate in Electrical Engineering has died.

     PhDs awarded to Tom Clarke and Goodenough, MSc's to Jim Clarke, Chai, Hardenbergh,
     Hickok, and Martin.

     U of T has dropped the term "Non-academic staff" in favour of "Support Staff".  (Joan
     Topley: "Are academic staff now non-support staff?")

     In the USA the Secretariat of the AAS has undertaken in an informal way to serve as a
     clearing house for information on available astronomy positions there.

     Other names mentioned:  Terzan, Garrison, Beaudet, Felten, Crelinsten, Anand, Seaquist,
     MacRae, Roeder, Hogg, Millman, Patterson.

Vol. 2. no. 12, December 1969:

     Christmas greetings in lieu of an editorial.

     Description by Roeder of the new infrared photometer for the 74-in.

     Attendees at the New York AAS meeting included Anand, Fernie, Garrison, Percy, and
     van den Bergh.  The MacRaes were in Ottawa attending a state dinner in honour of the
     Apollo 11 astronauts.

     Vandals have bent the gnomon of the DDO sundial again, and also the flagpole which was
     erected only recently.  Persistent vandalism has hastened action on the proposal to build a
     combined gate-house/caretaker's residence on Donalda Drive at Hillsview.  Chant left a
     bequest to build a new Observatory road, and asked that it be called Donalda Drive.

     Ursula Dewsbury has produced a new version of  the departmental census.  All told there
     are now 17 academics, 20 support staff, and 31 students.  Including families, the total is
     nearly 200.

     A position of staff astronomer will become available at Winnipeg Planetarium.  Starting
     salary for someone with a master's degree will be $10,000.

     Members of staff should consider enrolling in the Blue Cross Extended Health Plan if they
     have not already done so.

     Travel to the IAU next summer:  The AAS will charter a flight from New York to London
     return at $225 per seat.  By comparison, Air Canada's 21-day excursion fare in August is
     $409. The Cramptons have left Victoria for a few months in South Africa.

     Other names mentioned:  Hawkins, Terzan, Kronberg, Seaquist, Coutts, Vall.e, Fahlman,
     Phillip Morrison, Racine, David Hogg, Bednarek, Winzer, Barnes, Spinrad.

Vol 3., no. 1, January 1970:

     Editorial about DDO's first caretaker, Tommy McKenzie.

     Originally the 74-in had a weight-driven drive.  Replaced within a few years with a motor,
     and now fibre gears have been installed.  Very much quieter.

     Infrared photometry:  Roeder and Hawkins "are getting within shooting distance of their
     aim to observe the Quasars."

     The MacRaes are in Houston for the dedication of the Lunar Science Institute.  Garrison
     is still in Chile and due home next week.  Alice Streit has resigned to return to
     Switzerland.  Irene Gates, a student at Waterloo, is working at DDO for three months. 
     Ursula Dewsbury has returned to full-time duties after recent surgery.  Fahlman has passed
     his Senate PhD thesis exam and has left to hold an NRC postdoc at Cambridge.  Hogg has
     heard from Linda Poole (MSc 1969), who is now working in Houston for McDonnell
     Douglas Astronautics.  The Lorne Brauns have a son.  Christmas visitors included
     Mitchell (PhD 1968), the complete Wehlau family, and the Gaizauskas's.  The MacRaes
     entertained 105 of the staff, students, and families at their annual Christmas Party on
     December 20.

     McLennan Labs and Galbraith Building evacuated for an hour last Thursday after a
     telephoned bomb threat.

     Time's ten most significant scientific accomplishments of the 1960s includes five that are
     astronomical:  Schmidt's discovery of the distance of quasars 1963; Mariner photos of
     Mars 1965; Cosmic background radiation 1965; Discovery of pulsars 1967; Moon landing

     Hilarious bloopers about DDO in a Toronto Star article by Martha Guran.

     Sherwood writes from Edinburgh about their new 'Galaxy' plate-measuring machine.

     Other names mentioned:  Longworth, van den Bergh, Madore, Racine, DuPuy,
     Shivanandan, David Hogg, Winzer, Hughes, Ruderman, Deutsch, Gorza, Crelinsten,
     Barnes, Bednarek, Lehmann.

Vol. 3, no. 2, February 1970:

     Editorial on York Central Hospital.

     Garrison back from observing at Cerro Tololo, Chile,  notes an observing loss due to
     clouds of one hour out of 12 nights, while DDO is having very poor weather.  Blyth back
     from visiting his ailing father in Scotland.

     Miss Gloria Evans appointed assistant secretary at DA, and Miss Nonna Russ has been
     appointed research assistant, currently measuring spectra for Heard.

     IAU National Committee will meet at Queen's University in mid-March.  Lovell will be
     the guest speaker.

     Other names mentioned:  Roeder, Hawkins, MacRae, Percy, Strom, Crelinsten, Spinrad,
     Poll, Morrison, van de Kamp, Fernie, Hogg, Hube, Sherwood.

Vol. 3, no. 3, March 1970:

     Editorial on Sir John McLennan.

     Total eclipse of the sun seen by Hogg, David Hogg, and by van den Bergh from Virginia,
     and observed as a partial eclipse at DDO, by MacRae from a plane, and by Percy and 200
     students at Erindale.

     Mrs Tricia Edwards appointed as Research Assistant on campus four days a week and at
     DDO on Tuesdays.

     The fourth June Institute has been arranged for June 16 - 19.  Speakers will be John
     Bahcall, Ken Kellerman, Donald Osterbrock, and Ray Weymann.

     Dave Goodenough has a teaching appointment at Wheaton College, Mass.  Ken Wright
     married to the former Mrs Jean Ellis.  The Racines have a daughter.  Heard elected
     Secretary of the Board of Trustees of York Central Hospital.

     Other names mentioned:  Coutts, Anand, Kronberg, Roeder, Morrison, van de Kamp,
     Evans, Fahlman, Ross.

Vol. 3, no. 4, April 1970:

     Editorial on the Great Fire of May 16, 1951.  Features Longworth and Barry Gunn.

     U of T coat-of-arms mounted on 74-in dome.  I-beam fitted in aluminizing room.  This
     should decrease time lost to aluminizing to one night.  Modifications to slit controller on
     the spectrograph.

     MacRae, van den Bergh, and Garrison were in Ottawa in connection with the 24-in
     installation in Chile.  Racine was at Palomar, where he squeezed in some plates of Comet
     Bennett.  Dr Chris Coutts was in Chile, where she had a very good run.

     van den Bergh gave an additional countdown on "A Jet-like Structure associated with the
     Crab Nebula."  Fernie writes a letter to the editor re King's letter in vol 2, no. 9, pointing
     out that William and Caroline Herschel had noted the red colour of M32 half a century
     before John Herschel noted the redness of 47 Tuc.  Other letters to the editor regarding
     John McLennan by Hogg and Roeder.

     Kronbergs have a son.  Gloria Evans has resigned as DA assistant secretary.  Mrs Jean
     Lehmann is retiring as part-time DDO librarian at the end of this term.  Mrs Sheila
     Smolkin has accepted a position of full-time librarian starting mid-June.  Tom Bolton is to
     receive his PhD from Michigan this summer and has accepted a postdoctoral fellowship
     with Garrison and Heard at DDO starting in September.  Barnes has accepted a pdf at the
     University of Texas.  He hopes to finish his thesis before the IAU General Assembly, to
     have his thesis exam in September, and then report to Texas.

     Heard elected Vice-President of the Board of Governors of the York Regional School of

     Other names mentioned:  Madore, Check-Sen Chai, Evans, Dodd, Shrum, Hans Fast,
     Ovenden, Dewsbury.

Vol. 3, no. 5, May 1970:

     Editorial on Carl Reinhardt.

     74-in re-aluminized.  Report on "Torch", i.e. the U of T 24-in in Chile.  Optics to be ready
     for inspection July 1, 1970, and the complete telescope ready for shipment by August 1,

     Mark McCutcheon is a summer research assistant to Heard.  Roslyn Shemilt has returned
     as a summer assistant.

     Other names mentioned:  Oke, Longworth, Percy, van den Bergh, Fernie, Hagen,
     McClure, Kronberg, Roeder, Garrison, Blyth, Demers.

Vol. 3, no. 6, June 1970:

     Editorial on Sidney Girling (former machinist and designer at DAO).

     74-in spectrograph speed improved.  Moorhouse experimenting with plate baking. 
     Garrison getting great results with his new spectrograph on the DDO 24-in.  van den
     Bergh reports Canadians dominating Cerro Tololo telescopes.

     MacRae in Pasadena conferring with Carnegie about installing our 24-in on Las

     June Institute was a resounding success with 120 in attendance.  A town meeting on PhD
     general exams is planned for July.

     Roeder appointed Acting Chairman of Physical Sciences at Scarborough.  Summer
     assistants and early-arrival graduate students include:  Alice Hine, Bill Herbst, Mark
     McCutcheon, Roslyn Shemilt, Pearl Topley, John Kormendy, Kayll Lake, Charles
     Lumsden, Michael McGowan, Michael Shara.

     An Observatory Tea was held to say farewell to Mrs Lehmann.  MacRae thanked her for
     her eight years of service as part-time librarian.  She was given gifts of Eskimo carvings
     and two colour photos of DDO.

     Hogg suffered a broken ankle stepping off her porch in Dunstable.  George Mitchell (PhD
     1967) was visiting.

     The white Renault has been replaced with a new (blue) one.  The old Dodge station-
     wagon was replaced by a Ford van some months ago.

     Barry Gunn has been referred to in a recent article as Baffin Island Regional Director.

     Other names mentioned:  Plaskett, Heard, Hagen, Anand, DuPuy.

Vol. 3, no. 7, July 1970:

     Editorial about Sidney Smith and the calendar misprint.

     Fred West from SUNY at Buffalo was a visiting observer, as was Doug Hube.  On the
     night of July 2-3 all five scheduled observers were women:  Coutts and Shemilt on the 74-
     in, Evans and Hagen on the 24-in, and Kathy Riordon on the 19-in.

     MacRae was in Pasadena again regarding our telescope in Chile.  Racine was in Ottawa re
     his appointment to the Consultative Committee of the National Museum of Science and

     Town Meeting on PhD exams was held, and "many constructive ideas were exchanged."

     Rita Heering, van den Bergh's assistant, has resigned to register in the York Regional
     School of Nursing.  Hogg back in Richmond Hill after her broken ankle and flu.

     Fire drill was held at DDO.

     Doug Paul (BSc 1962) brought 30 North York students to DDO for a visit.  Hagen and
     Percy supplied talks, displays, observing, etc.

     Other names mentioned:  Garrison, Longworth.

Vol. 3, no. 8, August 1970:

     Editorial about the IAU.

     Most of the staff and some of the grad students gone to the Brighton IAU.  Hube was
     observing prior to going to the IAU.

     Letters from Carl Beals re recent editorials on J.C. McLennan and Sidney Girling.

     Other names mentioned:  Chant, Frank Hogg, Heard, MacRae, Hogg, van den Bergh,
     Fernie, Roeder, Anand, Clement, Garrison, Kronberg, Seaquist, Barnes, Richard Henry
     (MA 1962).

Vol. 3., no. 9, September 1970:

     Editorial expressing surprise at how ubiquitous English has become at IAU meetings, and
     how important it is that English speakers avoid slang, etc. at such meetings.

     The DDO library has been repainted "in keeping with its traditional Adams decor".  Short
     biography of and welcome to Sheila Smolkin.

     Barnes's PhD oral on Sep 30; he will leave for his pdf in Texas Oct 1.  Peter Chen has left
     for SUNY at Stoney Brook.  Raymonde Chimonas has left with her husband for his post
     at University of Colorado.  Bob Lake has left for the University of Massachusetts.

     Hogg appointed as IAU Comm.27's Chair of the committee on Variable Stars in Globular

     Three postdocs have arrived:  Tom Bolton from Michigan, who will work with Garrison
     and Heard; Philip Gregory from Manchester, who will work with MacRae, Seaquist, and
     Kronberg; Dennis Marks from Michigan, who will work with Anand.  All three have part-
     time appointments as assistant professors to help with undergraduate teaching.

     New grad students:  Emmanuel Davoust, Robert Deupree, Claude Faubert, Jim Gillespie,
     Austin Gulliver, Bill Herbst, Francois Painchaud, Serge Pineault, Chris Pritchet.  This
     brings the graduate enrolment to 29, the largest we've had so far.

     Madore and Riordon married August 29; a son to the Gregorys.

     Other names mentioned:  Kronberg, van den Bergh, Winzer, Fernie, Philip Morrison,
     Peimbert, Bednarek, Clarke, Clement.

Vol. 3, no. 10, October 1970:

     Editorial on the bust of Newton at Herstmonceux.

     Report on who attended the IAU and gave papers.  DuPuy and Barnes attended the
     NATO Advanced Study Institute on Stellar Evolution and Variable Stars at Oporto,
     Portugal, as did Sackmann.  Fernie, MacRae and van den Bergh attended the National
     Committee for the IAU meeting in Ottawa.  Heard took the G12 grating to Rochester for

     Brief mention of letters from Demarque, Ed Kennedy, Sackmann, and Morton.

     Roeder has been appointed to the new IAU Commission 47 on Cosmology.  van den
     Bergh elected to the organizing committees of Commissions 28 (Galaxies) and 37 (Star
     Clusters).  Newly elected to the IAU are Anand, Clement, Garrison, and Seaquist.

     Mrs Kathleen Turner is a new office staff assistant at DA, and Miss Debby Munshaw is a
     new office assistant at DDO.

     New back-of-the-moon craters named include Chant, Hogg (for Frank jointly with A.R.
     Hogg of Australia), and van den Bergh (for Sidney's uncle, George).

     Other names mentioned:  Longworth, Sylvia and Manuel Peimbert, Solheim, Gregory,
     Salpeter, van Agt, Visvanathan, Locke.

Vol. 3, no. 11, November 1970:

     Editorial on George Tidy, an early telescope assistant, who survived a sunk ship and
     Japanese POW camp in World War II.  His grandfather started Tidy's Florists in Toronto.

     Bolton and Gulliver taking an amazing number of spectrograms despite poor weather. 
     Hawkins getting ready for another winter attack on QSOs.

     Report from Roeder on his trip out West.  Letter from Malcolm Thomson re earlier U of
     T astronomy graduates.  Brief biography of David Hogg on his being appointed Assistant
     Director at Green Bank.  Letter from Tom Barnes about his start at Texas.  He will
     receive his PhD at this Fall Convocation, when Gorza, Bill Harris, and Bob Lake will
     receive MSc's.

     Bednarek has assembled a piece of equipment that simulates a variable star surrounded by
     non-variables, from which eye estimates quickly provide a light curve.

     Other names mentioned: Longworth, Hartwick, Crampton, Hube, Winzer, Percy, Racine,
     Sagan, van den Bergh, Hogg.

Vol 3, no. 12, December 1970:

     Christmas greetings from MacRae, Bob Hawkins (President of GASA), and the DDD

     Lookback at 1970's highlights:  Our Chilean observatory nearing completion.  DDO
     gatehouse completed and Frank McDonald and family ensconced  Hookup of DDO and
     Observatory House to township water almost complete.  Complete overhaul of electrical
     service at DDO, new transformers providing 800 amp service compared to previous 400
     amps.  DDO darkroom has been completely made over and re-equipped.  Some research
     highlights featuring van Agt, Racine, van den Bergh, and Garrison.

     McDonalds celebrating their 25th wedding anniversary.

     Population growth:  In 1935 all staff plus students plus spouses and children numbered 73. 
     Now, in 1970, the number is 216.

     Annual bird census of Richmond Hill Naturalists in November 1970 noted 41 species on
     DDO grounds. [Includes a list of more notable cases.]

     Other names mentioned:  Bolton, Marks, Kronberg, Claude Faubert, Seaquist, Gregory,
     Winzer, Anand, Pineault, Roberta Humphreys, George Abell, Fahlman, John Kormendy,
     Roeder, Hogg.

Vol. 4, no. 1, January 26, 1971:

     Editorial on the history of Richmond Hill, it having just extended its boundaries from 2 to
     50 square miles, and population from 19,000 to 33,000.  Prior to this time DDO was in
     Markham, not Richmond Hill.

     Reference to a news release of January 18 re our new telescope in Chile, and its sources of
     funding (telescope money from NRC, building at Las Campanas from Chant, Helm, and
     Dunlap money, operating costs from Associates of U of T, New York City.)  Hope to
     start observing later this year.

     Wallace Sargent of Cal Tech visiting for a week in March.  Will give four lectures.

     Dr Vic Meen, a geologist and a leading Canadian meteoricist, who also catalogued the
     Crown jewels of Iran, has died.  Was father-in-law of Dave Crampton.

     Hogg hosting a series of astronomy interviews on Channel 19, including Carl Sagan.

     Sackmann awarded a Humboldt Fellowship.  Richard Henry (MSc 1962) has written from
     Senegal about his hitch-hiking across the Sahara, accomplished in only four rides at a total
     cost of $5.  Wallace Russell (BA in astronomy 1958) is now general manager of the
     National Ballet Guild of Canada.

     Another Christmas Countdown of the previous month noted, including some skits.

     Other names mentioned:  Garrison, Racine, MacRae, Dennis Marks, Roeder, David Hogg,
     Wanner, Smolenski, Melvyn Wright, Heard, Narlikar, Breger, Douglas, Peimbert, van den
     Bergh, Percy, Smolkin.

Vol. 4, no. 2, February 23, 1971:

     Editorial on the Dunlap family, its rise to wealth, and gifts to DDO.

     Gretchen Hagen and (independently) the MacRaes on interesting trips to Chile.  Concrete
     being poured for our buildings on Las Campanas.

     Letter to the editor from Peter Millman re the earlier editorial on changes in Richmond

     Roeder lecturing to the Workman's Education Association.

     Crelinsten, Irwin, and Madore received MSc degrees.  Crelinsten has now left the
     department, but the other two will proceed to PhD work.  Heard appointed as RASC
     representative to SCITEC.

     Other names mentioned:  Hogg, Garrison, Landstreet, Naylor, Alan Barrett, Sargent,
     Narlikar, Savedoff, Marks, Clement, Percy, Kronberg, Racine, Morgan, Hiltner, van den
     Bergh, Aaboe.

Vol. 4, no. 3, March 23, 1971:

     Editorial about the Helm family.

     Letter from Ed Kennedy expressing pleasure at MacRae's communications with the
     families of benefactors re the Chile venture.  Also a letter from David Ellis, a former
     student now at the U of Virginia.

     Born to the Seaquists, a daughter, Suzanne.

     Mark Naylor successfully defended his thesis and is now at the University of Guelph.

     Hogg suggests starting a plate file of plates taken with the DA 16-inch, since students now
     tend to just keep any plates they've taken.  Agreed, and Coutts will be in charge.  Two
     days later just such a need arose over a plate taken by John Kormendy.

     Visit of the Heard's conversational French class to DDO, followed by wine and cheese at
     the Heards' house.

     Garrison at an Aeronautics Symposium giving a talk on image intensifiers in astronomy
     and their application to remote sensing.  Hogg's TV astronomy series on channel 19 to
     start in May.  Percy giving talks at local high-schools.

Vol. 4, no. 4, April 27, 1971:

     Percy edited this issue.  Editorial on the Toronto Centre of the RASC.

     Bolton, in place of Garrison, will handle 74-in time requests for June.  Percy and Racine
     have submitted a proposal for a 24-in at Erindale.  Racine and Gillespie have designed and
     had built at Erindale a fly-spanker for quick magnitude estimates on Palomar Schmidt

     Travels: Coutts to the AAS meeting at Baton Rouge and Dyer Observatory; Fernie to
     Warner & Swasey and the Cleveland Astronomical Society; Garrison to the University of
     Virginia and then Chile; Gregory to Ottawa; Heard working at Marseille; Hogg to
     Harvard for 70th birthday of Donald Menzel; Kronberg and Faubert to Algonquin; MacRae
     to Houston; Seaquist to Algonquin; van den Bergh to Chile; several staff and students to
     the NRC Associate Committee meeting in Victoria.

     Post Office has issued a new stamp honouring Lord Rutherford.  The Canadian VLBI
     team has been awarded the Rumford Medal of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences.

     Hickoks and Fahlman have visited the department.  Sackmann has been awarded a
     Research Fellowship at Cal Tech, where she will work with W.A. Fowler.  The Cramptons
     have a daughter.

Vol. 4, no. 5, May 31, 1971:

     Editorial about the Haute-Provence Observatory.  Notes that Meudon has a working
     population of 600.  H-P Observatory has two hotels, one for observers and one for non-
     observers.  The rooms, cuisine, and wines are superb.  Total cost is $3 per day per person.

     van den Bergh has ordered a Zeiss two-coordinate measuring machine.  Mirror for our
     Chilean 24-in is "in beautiful shape", and on its way to Chile.

     The NRC Associate Committee on Astronomy (successor to the National Committee for
     the IAU) met at UVic May 13 - 15.  A special meeting was held at which 60 persons
     voted to found the Canadian Astronomical Society, with Hogg as Chairman of the
     provisional executive. 40 signed up for membership at this meeting.  Dues: $20 for full
     members, $10 for students.

     Ursula Dewsbury leaves DDO on June 4.  She is 'expecting', and she and her husband
     moving to Newmarket.

     Heard received an honorary LLD from the University of Western Ontario May 28.

     Other names mentioned:  Fernie, Kronberg, MacRae, Racine, Seaquist, Garrison, Percy,
     Winzer, Preston, Iben, Mestel, Arp, Gorza, van Agt, Coutts, Hanes, Yen, Batten,
     Beaudet, Millman, Shuter, Tatum, Biraud.

Vol. 4, no. 6, June 29, 1971:

     Editorial on the history of the June Institute, plus a humourous 'exam' on this year's one. 
     The first June Institute was in 1967, so the 1971 one was the fifth.

     Now possible to obtain spectra on the 74-in out to 10,000 A.  Regular observing on the
     24-in in Chile could begin in August.  Racine and Longworth will go to Chile in July for
     supervise installation.  Guiding eyepiece of the 74-in has been equipped with a 3-stage
     image tube, which will later go to Chile, but which meanwhile is a great way to improve
     74-in observing.  A new terrazzo floor has been laid in both levels of the 74-in dome.  van
     den Bergh's two-coordinate measuring machine has arrived and been set up in the
     measuring room.

     Roeder has left to start a year's sabbatical in Tucson.  Hogg and Heard attended a Royal
     Society of Canada meeting in Ottawa, where Heard was elected Rapporteur of the
     Interdisciplinary Division of Section III.  Early summer vacations:  Smolkin to Europe,
     Kathy Graham to the west coast, Hogg to Dunstable, Racines to Quebec, Alice Kato to
     Poland.  MacRaes have their first grandchild.  Demers' have a daughter.  Gorza has
     accepted a post as science teacher in Winston Collegiate, Scarborough, starting

     Sharon Fisher has been appointed to the Assistant-Secretary post vacated by Ursula
     Dewsbury.  Seaquist promoted to Associate Professor effective July 1.  Naylor received a
     PhD, John Booker an MSc.  New GASA council: Hagen is president, Chambers is vice-
     president, Pritchard is secretary-treasurer, Herbst is rep for GSU.  Dyer and Vallee have
     passed their PhD orals.  Longworth has had leg surgery, and Earlam confined to bed with
     back trouble.

     Other names mentioned:  West, Fernie, Garrison, Coutts, Winzer, Hube, Booth, David
     Sher (MA 1960), Percy.

Vol. 4, no. 7, July 27, 1971:

     Editorial on early spectroscopists remembered by Heard.  ("Spectroscopy, lab and astro,
     are not as exciting as they once were, but I get pleasure thinking back forty years to the
     halcyon days.")

     The Racine/Longworth expedition to Chile postponed because of an earthquake in La
     Serena.  New grating installed in the 74-in spectrograph.  Coutts has a so-so run at Cerro
     Tololo.  Fernie attends a meeting in Los Alamos.  Gregory a meeting in St John's, Nfld. 
     MacRaes at their cottage.  Hogg to Geneva to arrange funeral of her cousin.  Garrison to
     Maine for a holiday, then to Yerkes.

     Ursula Dewsbury has a son.  GASA picnic at Bruce's Mill on July 9.  Bednarek passes his
     PhD oral.

     Other names mentioned:  Kato, Hall, Marks, Percy, Walborn.

Vol. 4, no. 8, August 31, 1971:

     Editorial on two more spectroscopists, the colourful and controversial Jackson brothers.

     Report on the Racine/Longworth visit to Chile to install our 24-in.  More on the 74-in and
     its new grating.  McCutcheon has produced a program that gives settings for various

     Mitchell, Hube, and Fred West were visiting.  Dennis Marks and wife left for Valdosta
     State Colleg in Georgia.  Henry King attended the Congress for History of Science in
     Moscow.  Alice Kato back from Poland.  Fernie and Percy attended a conference in
     Bamberg.  Batten, Shuter, and Beaudet visited for discussions re the CAS meeting in
     Toronto next October.  Hogg reports 130 applications for CAS membership.

     McCutcheons have daughter.  Kathie Graham left the secretarial staff on Aug 13, and Mrs
     Turner will replace her next month.  Kronberg elected to the General Policy Committee of
     Scarborough College.

     Other names mentioned:  Harris, Hagen, Anand, Seaquist, Bignell, van den Bergh, Gorza,

Vol. 4, no. 9, September 28, 1971:

     Editorial is first installment of Chant's biography. (Including how he forgot to observe the
     1882 transit of Venus.)

     Report from Bill Harris on the first-ever observing run with our 24-in in Chile.

     Walborn attended IAU Symp 49 in Buenos Aires.  Garrison to Las Campanas, then to
     Cordoba for IAU Symp 50.  Coutts to the USSR after travels in Turkey.  Anand to

     van den Bergh elected to a 5-year term on the ApJ editorial board.  Arrival of a new pdf,
     Ashit Senyal, from India to work with Clement and Anand.  Rick Salmon, a U of T
     undergrad, appointed as observing assistant on the 74-in.

     New grad students:  Bruce Campbell, Martin Duncan, Dean Hess, John Roger, Roslyn
     Shemilt, Philippe Teillet, Norman Udey, Blake Kinahan, Kayll Lake, Michael Shara.

Vol. 4, no. 10, October 26, 1971:

     Editorial continues the biography of Chant.

     Report from Walborn on the Chile facilities.

     MacRae and Racine at Laval University for the opening of the new Laval Observatory. 
     van den Bergh having a run at Palomar. Hogg to Dunstable and then Geneva. Percy
     attends the Regional Conference of Science Teachers.

     Letters to the editor from Hogg (next transit of Venus is 2004, not 2002) and Fernie (John
     Herschel announcing in 1828 that there's nothing left for astronomers to do in the
     northern skies).  Also letter from Ed Kennedy requesting a copy of Chant's unpublished

     van den Bergh elected to Division III Council of the School of Graduate Studies.  Sharon
     Fisher has left her position of secretarial assistant at DDO, and will be replaced by Mrs
     Jenny Fabian.  Debbie Munshaw, DA assistant secretary, was married to Henry Beintema.

     Vicki Watt Sherwood (MSc 1967) is visiting from Germany after her father was killed and
     mother seriously injured in a car accident.  Her husband, Bill Sherwood (MSc 1967), has
     accepted a two-year fellowship with Schmidt-Kaler of the University of Bonn at

     NRC Associate Committee and the CAS will meet at U of T Nov 10-12.  60+ visitors are

     Ted Bednarek, Jack Winzer, and Barry Madore have passed their PhD generals.  Jim
     Gillespie, Austin Gulliver, David Hanes, Kathy Madore, Francois Painchaud, and Serge
     Pineault will receive MSc's. 

     Other names mentioned:  Clement, Nicholls, Coutts, Hawkins, Heard, Haldenby (of
     Mathers & Haldenby, architects of DDO).

Vol. 4, no. 11, November 30, 1971:

     Editorial: conclusion of Chant's biography.

     Madore reports trouble getting Racine's photometer working at Las Campanas.  Hagen
     now having a photographic run there.

     Travels:  Hear to RSC meetings in Ottawa.  Garrison to Northwestern Univ to give a
     colloquium.  Anand to Queen's Univ for a PhD exam, and to JILA at Colorado to give a
     colloquium.  Fernie to New York for a meeting of the AAS's Committee on Education. 
     van den Bergh to Tucson for a meeting of the Users' Committee.  Hogg to Ottawa for a
     dinner given by Governor-General Michener for Herzberg, then back to Switzerland.

     Report on the first meeting of the Canadian Astronomical Society, held at U of T Nov 12-

     Hagen has passed her PhD generals.  Mrs Teresa Griffin has been appointed to an assistant
     secretarial post at DA.

     Other names mentioned:  Dupree, Irwin, Roeder, Lake, Kronberg, Conway, Gilbert,
     Beals, Petrie.

Vol. 4, no. 12, December 21, 1971:

     Christmas messages from MacRae, Bob Chambers (GASA president), and DDD staff.

     Hagen back from Las Campanas.  Demers there now, followed by Garrison after the New

     Bolton attended the Puerto Rico AAS meeting, presenting a paper on his spectroscopic
     binary orbit for HDE 226868, which he equates to Cyg X-1, "presenting arguments for the
     intriguing idea that the companion in the system is a black hole."  Other attendees were
     van den Bergh, Clement, Coutts, Kronberg, Anand.  Sanyal left for holiday in India.  Hogg
     returned from Geneva.

     Question:  When did Christmas Countdowns start?  No later than 1964 anyway.  Recent
     student effort has concentrated on the DD Droppings.

     G de B Robinson of Mathematics has phoned in a correction re the W.J. Loudon
     mentioned in the last month's editorial.  van den Bergh invited to give a talk on extra-
     galactic research with Schmidts at ESO in Hamburg in March.

     Visitors:  Peter Martin (just finishing his PhD at Cambridge).  Donald Morton (BA 1956)
     from Princeton.  Tony Moffat (MSc 1966) from Bochum.

     Jim Newton (BSc 1969) writes to say he is completing his second year as a CUSO teacher
     in Guyana, and hopes to return in 1972 for graduate work in biophysics.

     Heard's amazement at having a student named Ng.

     Other names mentioned:  Henriksen, Michaud, Lake, Naylor, Hawkins, Hanes, Deupree,

Vol. 5, no.1, January 25, 1972:

     Editorial on R.K. Young and the early days at DDO.

     Demers reports a successful run at Las Campanas.  Ada Garrison submits a poem pleading
     for a tape deck there.  Seaquist and Biraud (Meudon) observe at Greenbank while
     Gregory and Tom Clarke observe same objects at ARO.  Kronberg to Univ of Montreal
     for a colloquium. Jacques Vallee spends a week at NRAO.  Percy gives talks to high
     schools.  van den Bergh to Univ of Maryland for a colloquium.  Fernie gives an invited
     talk to the Canadian Society for the Study of the History and Philosophy of Science.  Bob
     Hawkins returns from a successful observing run at Kitt Peak.

     Henry King's son, David King of Yale, gives a talk on Islamic Astronomy.

     Letter from Doug Paul responds to the query in last December's issue as to when the first
     Christmas Countdown began.  It was in December, 1961, done by the class of '62, viz.
     Judy Bancroft, Sue Priddle, Pim FitzGerald, Richard Larson, Mike Marlborough, John
     Percy, Bruce Taylor, and Doug Paul.

     Letter from Joseph Greer, son-in-law of Walter Helm, on various topics, including the
     story that Shapley hated clich.s and so sometimes opened an address with "Fellow

     Claude Faubert, Bill Herbst, and Chris Pritchet have been recommended for MSc's. 
     Gretchen Hagen's mother has died.  Ted Bednarek married Daphne Barclay.  Mel Viner
     (MSc 1965) is living in Kingston while he finishes his PhD thesis for the Univ of
     Maryland.  Raymonde (Verreault) and George Chimonas have a daughter.  Hogg's series
     on astronomy being telecast again on Channel 19.

     Appointments:  Miss Jaye Thackeray as assistant to Mrs Kato at DA.  Miss Linda Bobo as
     assistant to Mrs Topley at DDO.

     Other names mentioned:  A'Hearn, Bolton, Steven Strom, Rene de Costa, Anand, Shara,

Vol. 5, no. 2, February 29, 1972:

     Editorial on the Marsh family and Observatory House.

     Bolton observing Algol following reports of the star showing radio activity.  Finds K-line
     shows variable P Cygni profile.  Walborn observing at Las Campanas.

     Travels:  MacRaes to Freeport, Bahamas, by invitation of a group trying to set up an
     astronomical association and observatory there.  MacRaes have to walk the last mile to
     get home during the worst snowstorm of the winter.  Heard to Ottawa for RSC Council
     meeting.  van den Bergh to Ottawa for NRC Grant Selection Committee meeting.  Bolton
     gives colloquia at Princeton, Rochester, Toledo, and Don Mills Collegiate on his Cyg X-1

     Report on school liaison activities involving Percy, Seaquist, and Fernie.

     Town meeting:  MacRae accepts the proposal that two grad students attend staff
     meetings.  MSc students unhappy at being evaluated for PhD acceptance only halfway
     through their master's year.  No resolution on this.

     CRESS at York University has launched a newsletter.  van den Bergh elected to Council
     of the AAS for 1972-75.

     Other names mentioned:  Bignell, Hjellming, Friedman, Charles Cowley, Anne Cowley,
     Kronberg, Garrison, Topley.

Vol. 5, no. 3, March 28, 1972:

     Guest editorial by Gregory on graduate training at Jodrell Bank.

     Sanyal would like to do spectroscopy in the visual (yellow) region.  Probably needs a new
     grating.  Anyone else interested?

     MacRae and Garrison in Ottawa for talks with French astronomers.  Some of the latter, as
     well as K.O. Wright, also visited DDO to describe French plans for a 3.6-m telescope in

     van den Bergh and Racine in Hamburg for a meeting on Schmidt telescopes.  van den
     Bergh to G.ttingen and Cornell for colloquia.  Racine to a meeting of the Society of
     Photo-optical Engineers in Tucson.  Percy to Univ of Western Ontario for a colloquium.

     June Institute speakers to be van den Bergh, Bolton, Gursky, Tucker, Herbig, and Rees.

     Vic Hughes phoned to remind the editor that Queen's Univ radio astronomers were also
     involved in the Algol work mentioned in the last issue.

     Naylor has been appointed Assistant Prof at the University of Guelph, and DuPuy an
     assistant prof at St Mary's University.  Anand appointed Faculty Election Officer to
     supervise elections to the A&S General Committee.  Blake Kinahan awarded the RASC
     Gold Medal.  The Hubes have a second daughter.

     Report on use of satellites to monitor the temperature of the bed of a hibernating bear.

     Other names mentioned:  Moran, Fernie, Madore, Beals, Hogg, Heard, MacRae.

Vol. 5, no. 4, April 25, 1972:

     Editorial on W.F. King, father of organized astronomy in Canada.

     Fernie attended a meeting of the AAS Committee for Education in Seattle.  This
     committee has voted to disband itself and be replaced by a single Education Officer. 
     MacRae attended a meeting of the Council of Institutions of Universities Space Research
     Association in Washington.  Seattle AAS meeting attendees:  Coutts, Fernie, Gregory,
     Heard, Kronberg, Sanyal, Seaquist, van den Bergh, DuPuy.  Racines and van den Bergh to
     various places in Europe.  Hogg back from Switzerland.  Rick Salmon is now working at
     Las Campanas.  Percy starting a sabbatical at Cambridge.  MacRae and Hogg attend an
     RSC symposium in Ottawa.

     Bignell finished his PhD work, and gone to NRAO to start a pdf.  John Booker will
     conduct a summer course in astronomy at Brandon University this summer.  Jeff
     Crelinston is now teaching at Sir George Williams University in Montreal.

     Henry and Debbie Beintema have a daughter.  Innanens have a son. Marie Fidler married
     Sam Litchinsky and was replaced as RASC secretary by Rosemary Freeman.

     DDO secretarial office 'completely transformed'.

     Other names mentioned:  Terzian, Barnes, Brosche, Garrison, Anand, Naylor, Topley.

Vol. 5, no. 5, May 30, 1972:

     74-in spectra obtained of a supernova at dec = -31. 31'.

     Attendees at the CAS meeting in Montreal:  Heard, Hogg, Kronberg, MacRae, Bolton,
     Garrison, Percy, Racine, Walborn, Bruce Campbell, Martin Duncan, Claude Faubert,
     Gretchen Hagen, Dave Hanes, Bill Herbst, Barry and Kathy Madore, Serge Pineault, John
     Roger, Roslyn Shemilt, Jacque Vall.e.

     Department is to host an IAU Colloquium on Variable Stars in Globular Clusters and in
     Related Systems.  Fernie is organizer.  Several other conferences in Canada mentioned.

     Several letters to the editor regarding the previous editorial on W.F. King. Another letter
     from Fernie giving sky brightness measures in 1966 and 1972.  Another letter from a Mary
     Dudgeon of the Marsh family regarding Observatory House and the Marsh familiy.

     The Bill Clarkes have son.  Fernie elected a Fellow of the RSC, and van den Bergh to a
     three-year term as Director of the ASP.  Heard received an honorary DSc from the Univ
     of Waterloo. Bill Harris passed his PhD oral exam.  Frank Hawker's mother-in-law died
     suddenly this morning.  Hube a visiting observer.

     Minor correction to piece on Crelinsten in last issue.

     Other names mentioned:  Coutts, Gursky, Herbig, Rees, Tucker, Young, Beals, Kennedy.

Vol. 5, no. 6, June 27, 1972:

     Editorial on a visit to Newfoundland (including how its fish stocks are diminishing).

     Travels:  At the CAS meeting in Montreal Hogg gave the first presidential retiring
     address, Racine was elected 2nd VP, and Hagen elected to the Council.  Fernie, Heard, and
     Hogg attended the RSC meeting at St John's, Nfld, June 4 - 7.  Rick Salmon returning on
     holiday from Chile.  Racine is there now with Ealing engineers tuning up the telescope. 
     Coutts will soon be there after attending a Dominion Day Reception at the Canadian
     Embassy.  Kronberg back from Jodrell Bank and Bonn.  van den Bergh to Kitt Peak and
     Palomar.  Roeder and family expected back from his sabbatical.

     June Institute of June 13 - 16 declared a great success with the usual ~100 attendees. 
     Thanks to Anand, Clement, and Alice Kato.

     DDO and DA staff ladies marked the occasion of Joan Topley's 10th anniversary as DDO
     secretary by hosting a 'bang-up' dinner for her at La Chaumiere on May 31.  This is a
     near-record length of service in this post.  Her predecessors were Edna Fuller (1935-46),
     Carson Whelan (1946-48), Barry Gunn (1949-51), Barbara Creeper (1951-54), Cecily
     Mader (1954-56), Margaret Lamb (1956-58), and Nancy McKenzie (1958-62).

     Garrison has instituted a weekly lunch-time session on spectroscopy on Tuesdays in the
     DDO lecture room.

     Summer jobs at DDO/DA:  John Archer, Rita Heeringa, Art Skill, Chris Smith, Gary
     Wicks.  New grad students already at work:  Mark McCutcheon, Lars Rogers.

     Congratulations to Heard on his 65th birthday, June 18, 1972.

Vol. 5, no.  7, July 25, 1972:

     Editorial on the Hogg Two-Star Sextant.

     Reports from various faculty who went to eastern Canada to see the July 10 solar eclipse. 
     Percy has left for a year's sabbatical in Cambridge.  MacRae attending meetings to discuss
     large Canadian telescope proposals.

     Details from Fernie re IAU Colloquium 21 to be held at DA August 29 - 31.  Registration
     is $8.00 plus $7.00 per person for the dinner.

     Letter from Beals approving of an earlier account of Newfoundland; he himself a

     Hawker's father died June 24, and Joan underwent serious surgery two weeks later.

     Kronbergs have a son.  DuPuy successfully defended his PhD thesis on June 28.  Pineault
     and Chambers have passed their PhD generals.  Hogg appointed to the editorial board of
     the new JAAVSO.  Mark McCutcheon has won the RASC gold medal.

     Other names mentioned:  Racine, Harris, Coutts, Garrison, van den Bergh, Seaquist,
     Walborn, Amelia Wehlau.

Vol. 5, no. 8, August 29, 1972:

     Editorial on William Sharp of Mathematics and a former summer student at DDO, killed in
     a mountaineering accident.

     List of attendees at the Michigan State AAS meeting, August 15-18.  Garrison and van
     den Bergh to attend IAU Symposium 54 in Geneva in September.

     Letter from Percy saying he and his family are settled in at Cambridge.  Letter from Ed
     Kennedy about his continued research on Brydone Jack in the Maritimes.  A letter from
     Australia requests information on Chant's eclipse expedition there in 1922.

     Attendees at an International meeting of Planetarium Directors visited DDO in July.

      Seaquist's father died August 14.  Philippe Teillet married to Elaine Meyer, Kayll Lake to
     Joanne Robyn.  Sheila Smolkin, recently returned from an East Africa safari, injured in a
     car accident August 17.  Tony Moffats have a son.

     Martin has taken up his assistant professorship at Scarborough.  Seaquist's appointment as
     Associate Chairman has been confirmed.  Louis Fortier appointed part-time lecturer at
     Scarborough as Bolton moves from there to Erindale as assistant professor.

     Madore elected to the SGS Council and will serve on its Executive Committee. He also
     becomes president of GASA, with Bob Dupree as VP, Bill Herbst as secretary-treasurer,
     Martin Duncan as Grad Students Union rep, and Dave Hanes as staff meeting rep.  Chris
     Pritchet successfull in his PhD general exam.

     Other names mentioned:  George Duff, Sanyal, Hogg, Walborn, Kathie Madore, Shemilt,
     Hawkins, Roeder, Ross, Gulliver, Winzer, MacRae.

Vol. 5, no. 9, September 26, 1972:

     Editorial on the 6-inch Cooke refractor and its various locations.

     Phil Gregory accidently observes a great radio outburst of Cyg X-3.  74-in grating for the
     visual region has been tested and is satisfactory.

     Garrison and van den Bergh go to  IAU Symp 54 in Geneva, and van den Bergh also to
     IAU Coll 17 in Paris.  Bolton to IAU Symp 51 in Parksville, BC.  Report on IAU Coll 21
     at U of T, both scientific and social events.

     Sheila Smolkin, Observatory librarian, has resigned effective Oct 13 to accept a position at
     Sci & Med. Miss Priscilla Wagner will replace her.  Frank Ahern has arrived as a pdf with
     van den Bergh, bringing a Fourier spectrometer for the 74-in with him; Chris Pritchett will
     work with him.  The Tom Barnes's have a son.

     Recently arrived new graduate students:  Bjarne Everson from Yale, Gordon Falconer
     from UNB, Mark McCutcheon from U of T, and Lars Rogers from U of T.  Al Irwin was
     successful in his PhD general exam.

     The fencing of the property along Hillsview Drive has been completed.

     Heard appointed to the NRC Copernicus Quinquecentennial committee.

     Jack Locke, Associate Director of R&EE Division at NRC, visited to bring us up to date
     on the Franco-Canadian Telescope proposal.

     Other names mentioned:  Madore, Sanyal, Weller, Walborn, Hogg, Biermann, Oka,
     Crampton, Dyer, MacRae, Feast, Fernie.

Vol. 5, no. 10, October 31, 1972:

     Editorial about Canadian observers of the 1882 transit of Venus.

     Farewell do for Smolkin and welcome to Wagner.  Moorhouse has resigned to accept a
     position in medical electronics.  Jaye Thackeray, "our beauteous and cherry [cheery?]
     assistant secretary on campus", has resigned to accept a position in Switzerland.  Miss
     Elisabeth Sawicki joins us as van den Bergh's secretary.  Gregorys have a daughter. 
     Word from the Gorzas is that they are settled in Gisborne, New Zealand, where Walter is
     teaching high school physics.  Dick Tanner, former U of T astronomy student, has retired
     from Energy, Mines & Resources in Ottawa.

     Mark McCutcheon wins RASC gold medal, presented by Fernie as RASC V-P.

     Other names mentioned:  van den Bergh, Madore, Hogg, Seaquist, Heard, Sanyal,
     Kronberg, King, Pines, Bridle, Schild, Gregory, Bolton, Racine, Roeder.

Vol. 5, no. 11, November 28, 1972:

     Editorial about transits of Venus occuring in stories by Leacock, Twain, Swift, etc.

     Weller and Sanyal made good use of Jeffer's image tube scanner at Las Campanas. 
     Gregory and Seaquist observing at Green Bank, Yen and Kronberg at ARO and Haystack.

     MacRae in Rochester to advise on future of the Mees observatory, and attended the
     memorial service for Harlow Shapley at Harvard November 21.  Many other travels

     Ruth Coombes is leaving her part-time departmental drafting position on November 30. 
     Mrs Pamela Evans has started work as van den Bergh's secretary replacing Elisabeth
     Sawicki.  Dave Hanes was successful in his PhD Generals on November 3.

     Other names mentioned:  Faubert, Moran, Schwartz, Broten, Hogg, Walborn, Landstreet,
     Hutchings, Sackmann, Garrison, Wagner, Beals, Bolton, Roeder.

Vol. 5, no. 12, December 19, 1972:

     Christmas greetings from MacRae, including a report on the launch of Apollo 17.  Further
     greetings from Madore as GASA President, from Rick Salmon in Chile, and the editors.

     Garrison has discovered a pure helium star, CPD -31.1701.

     Details of numerous travels by various people.  Update on Sydney Gould mentioned in the
     previous issue.  Malcolm Thomson of the NRC Time Service has retired.  MacRaes had a
     successful Christmas party last Sunday afternoon with 110 attendees.

     Esther Salve has replaced Jaye Thackeray as assistant secretary, and Warren Magill has
     replaced Anson Moorhouse as photographic technician.  David MacRae received a PhD in
     chemistry, and DuPuy received his PhD.  MSc's were awarded to Emmanuel Davoust,
     Blake Kinahan, Kayll Lake, Michael Shara, and Philippe Teillet.  Hugh Ross passed his
     oral exam defending his thesis, and Bill Herbst passed his PhD generals.

     The Christmas Countdown was held following a regular colloquium by John Hutchings.

     Other names mentioned:  van den Bergh, Madore, Fernie, Rogers, Racine, Mitchell, Hogg,
     Amelia Wehlau, Walborn, Weisskopf, Stillman Drake, Iwanowska, Martin, Gulliver,
     Winzer, Percy, Harris, Kronberg, Crelinsten, G. de B. Robinson, Hagen, Hanes, Pritchet,
     Shemilt, Duncan.

Vol. 6, no. 1, January 30, 1973:

     Editorial on the Radcliffe Observatory and its imminent demise.

     Report from Las Campanas notes that the image-tube spectrograph and 'pulse
     photometer' are working fine.  At DDO Roeder and Hawkins are ready to go with their
     new infrared photometer.  Ahearn's Fourier spectrometer working well.

     Garrison observed on Mauna Kea for 10 nights   the first Canadian to observe there.  He
     reported to the Associate Committee regarding possible Canadian participation with the
     French in constructing and operating a 4-m telescope there.

     Travels:  Garrison to Hale Observatories.  Roeder colloquia at Waterloo and McMaster. 
     Sixth Texas Symposium attended by Bolton, Clement, Kronberg, van den Bergh,
     Chambers, Duncan, Dyer, Hanes, Pinealt, Pritchet, and Roger.  van den Bergh and Coutts
     to the AAS meeting in Las Cruces, NM, and van den Bergh to Cornell.  Bolton colloquia
     on Cyg X-1 to Princeton and the Hamilton RASC.  Gregory a colloquium to UBC, and a
     talk on possible uses of radio astronomy techniques in animal tracking to the Ministry of
     Natural Resources at Maple.  Garrison, Heard, Hogg, Kronberg, and MacRae to an
     Associate Committee meeting in Ottawa, where MacRae as appointed as a member of the
     Interim Board of Directors of the Franco-Canadian telescope project.  He then attended
     meetings in Paris for purposes of negotiation.

     Report on the visit by Dr Wilhelmina Iwanowska re celebrations of the 500th anniversary
     of the birth of Copernicus.

     Letter from Hagen about inaccuracies in DDD reporting.  Response from editor:
     "Gretchen, greatness grovels under your scrupulous scathing scourge."  News from the
     Percys in Cambridge.

     Alice Kato resigns from the department after six years to take a provincial government
     job.  Esther Salve will take over her job at DA.  Anands have a daughter, as do the
     George Mitchells (PhD 1967).  Gregory becomes an Assistant Professor at UBC.  Hugh
     Ross is going to Cal Tech as a pdf.  Gordon Falconer, first year grad student, is leaving to
     return to Calgary.

     Roeder has had a program accepted for the IUE satellite, due to be launched about 1977.

     First of the Final Item columns by Fernie.  This one titled The Mason-Dixon Line, Captain
     Cook, and the Transits of Venus.

     Other names mentioned:  Walborn, Rick Salmon, Larson, Walker, Yen, Herbst,
     Longworth, Martin.

Vol 6, no. 2, February 27, 1973:

     Editorial on the great meteor procession of February 1913.

     Gulliver has found Pleione to be undergoing another shell episode.  Jeffers, Sanyal, and
     Weller have found rapid and periodic variability in the WR star  2 Velorum.  The image
     tube spectrograph in Chile is working very well.  Garrison's program on uv spectral
     classification has been accepted for IUE after its 1976 launch.  Kronberg collaborating
     with Leiden in making supersynthesis maps of extragalactic sources.  Martin observing at
     Kitt Peak and McDonald, and developing software to run Roger Angel's new polarimeter.

     Report on extensive faculty travels.  Grad students hosted a double birthday party for
     Copernicus and MacRae, with much fun reported.

     Elizabeth Barnes appointed assistant departmental secretary, replacing Mrs Kathleen
     Turner, who has resigned effective this week.  Hogg appointed to the Environmental
     Study Committee of Bell Canada, and Heard to a task force on nursing matters.

     Gulliver has passed his PhD generals.

     Final Item:  Le Gentil: Astronome Extraordinaire.

     Other names mentioned:  Racine, van den Bergh, Deupree, Eric Forbes, McClure, Frank
     Drake, Walborn, Gregory, Seaquist, Madore, Percy, Kathy Madore, Hagen, Duncan,
     Pritchet, Harris, Bruckner.

Vol. 6, no. 3, March 27, 1973:

     Editorial by MacRae describing his visit to Hawaii.  Article by Kronberg on job-prospects
     in astronomy for the coming years.  Generally, his conclusions are gloomy.

     Follow-up report on  2 Velorum:  observers elsewhere have found short timescale
     variability.  Herbst, FitzGerald, Madore report good runs at Las Campanas.  Further
     reports on Garrison's classification spectrograph and on Pleione.  Amusing note from
     MacRae on having seen Hugh Ross at Cal Tech.

     Heard, Hogg, Kronberg, and MacRae attended meetings of the NRC Associate
     Committee and IAU National Committee in Ottawa.  Other travels detailed.

     Seminar speakers included John Sorvari, William Liller, and William van Altena.  Fernie is
     organizing a symposium on Chemical Evolution in the Universe for the Royal Society of
     Canada meetings next June.  Speakers will be Richard Sears, Barry Turner, Peter Millman,
     and David Strangway.

     Priscilla Wagner has resigned as librarian for health reasons.  Miss Carol Morrison will
     replace her starting in May.  Meanwhile, Mrs Jean Lehmann will fill in.  Tony Estevens has
     accepted the position of engineer at the Observatory.  David Still will be Racine's research

     Mrs R.K. Young has died.  She was Mrs Graham until her marriage to Young in 1936. 
     After his retirement in 1946 they continued to live on Church St, R.H., until their move to
     Cobourg in 1964.  He, now 87, will continue to live there.  We hear that Ira Bowen has

     Garrison invited to talk at the IAU in Sydney.  He also appeared on TV recently after it
     was announced that Astronomy and Botany would offer the course Life on Other Worlds
     next year.  Lydia Dotto of the Globe & Mail is taking first year astronomy from Fernie,
     and has written several articles featuring the work of Toronto astronomers.

     Hogg and her daughter were guests of the Lieutenant Governor at a reception following
     the opening of the Legislature.  Old pictures of Observatory House on view as part of
     Richmond Hill's Centennial Year exhibit at the R.H. library.

     The Observatory's postal code will be L4C 4Y6.  van den Bergh offers a bottle of Danish
     beer for the best mnemonic.

     Final Item:  Transit Observers in Canada: Moschettos and Frozen Brandy.

     Other names mentioned:  Roeder, Jeffers, Tony Moffat, Bolton, Martin, Walborn, Bignell,
     Gregory, DuPuy, Magill, Hawkins, Madore, Fortier, Bryan Andrew, Crampton.

Vol. 6, no. 4, April 24, 1973:

     Editorial on Rheticus, "the man who came to dinner."

     Minor updates about work on the Crab Nebula, Cas A, and  2 Vel.

     MacRae to Washington for meetings related to the Universities Space Research
     Association.  Garrison and family to spend the (northern) summer in Chile, followed by
     Garrison attending the IAU in Sydney.  Hogg and Heard to Ottawa for a meeting of the
     Canadian Committee for the 500th Anniversary of Copernicus.  Brief review of the
     Copernicus Year in Canada.

     The coming June Institute will have as speakers Bok, Mihalas, Verschuur, Olin Wilson. 
     The Royal Soc. Can. Symposium organized by Fernie will be on June 6 at Queen's.

     Percy has been promoted to Associate Professor.  Walborn has been appointed to the staff
     of CTIO as of Sep 1, 1973.  van den Bergh to serve on the Kitt Peak Evaluation
     Committee for telescope time allocations.  He is also VP of the IAU Commission on star

     NASA announces a new Lunar Data Analysis and Synthesis Program; proposals are

     Ed Weston, on our teaching staff 1952-53, has been in touch with MacRae.  Doug Paul,
     class of 6T2, has been honoured for Innovative Teaching.  Margaret Lamb, DDO
     secretary 1956-58, and her husband, now in England, have a daughter.

     Final Item on William Pickering and the Harvard station in Jamaica.

     Other names mentioned:  Madore, Sanyal, Jeffers, Herbst, Pritchet, Coutts, Anand, Shara,
     Martin, Racine.

Vol. 6, no. 5, May 29, 1973:

     The DDD gets a new look with a new masthead (courtesy Liz Martin), and two-sided
     Xerox photocopying replacing the old one-sided (fading) 'ditto' process.

     Long letter from Percy in Cambridge re his experiences and European travels.

     CAS meeting in Edmonton attended by Campbell, Tom Clarke, Clement, Fernie, Gregory,
     Gulliver, Heard, Hogg, Irwin, MacRae, Pritchet, Racine, Seaquist, and Vallee.  Campbell,
     Estevens, Irwin, and Racine attended a symposium at UBC on Astronomical Observations
     with Television-type Sensors.  Various other travels, including Coutts to Asiago and now
     in Turkey.

     Results of the great postal code mnemonic contest:  Of  13 entries, the judges chose Dave
     Hanes's entry to win:  Ella Foresees Four Wise Sikhs.

     Long letter from Hogg referring to Fernie's Final Item on the Wales/Dymond expedition,
     explaining how through a Dr Tyrrell the DDO came to have the Wales manuscript.  Tyrrell
     bought it in a London bookshop in June 1928 for .3/10.

     Full text of the press release announcing the go-ahead of the Canada-France-Hawaii
     Telescope on May 7.

     Appointments:  MacRae as Chairman of the Board of Universities Space Research Assoc.;
     Anand as Visiting Assistant Scientist at NRAO; Gregory as Assistant Prof at UBC, Rick
     Salmon as chief night assistant at CTIO, Kam-Ching Leung (student 1963-64) as Director
     of the new Behlen Obs, U of Nebraska; Fernie to the organizing committee of Comm. 27
     of the IAU.

     Jean Keller replaces Kathy Turner on the DA secretarial staff.  Carol Morrison takes up
     her position as DDO librarian.

     Summer students:  Chris McAlary, Chester Rak, Gary Wicks.

     Final Item:  JFWH and the Great Moon Hoax.  I.

     Other names mentioned:  Topley, Deupree, van Agt, Bill & Vicki Sherwood, Herbst,
     Gulliver, van den Bergh, Hube, Kronberg, Innanen, Fabian, Walborn, Shara, Bryan
     Andrew, Hawker, Ed Kennedy, Kato, Pineault, Hagen, Bolton.

Vol. 6, no.6, June 26, 1973:

     Editorial about the day DDO opened.  Heard had joined the staff earlier that month (May
     1935).  Crisis when the key to the front door didn't work.  McKenzie King pronounces
     DDO water 'good'.

     Report from Garrison about excellent work being done in Chile.

     Travels:  Martin to McDonald, Aspen, and Cambridge U.  Hogg to the AAVSO meeting
     in Charlottesville.  Fernie to the RASC GA in Ottawa.  van den Bergh to Israel and Italy. 
     Fernie, Heard, Hogg, and MacRae to RSC meeting at Queen's, with Fernie chairing the
     symposium on Chemical Evolution in the Universe, Heard becoming Convenor of the
     Interdisciplinary Division, and van den Bergh becoming RSC representative to the IAU
     National Committee.  Serge Pineault and Kayll Lake back from a summer school in Sicily.
     MacRae to meetings of the Universities Space Research Assoc and to the Canadian
     Society for the Study of the History and Philosophy of Science in Kingston.  Racine to
     meetings of the Scientific Advisory Committee of the CFHT in Montreal and Paris.  Other
     Canadians on this committee are Crampton, Walker, and Wehlau.

     Report on the 7th June Institute with speakers Bok, Verschuur, Mihalas, and Wilson. 
     Humorous anecdotes.

     Gretchen Hagen convalescing from surgery.  Charles Dyer injured in a farm accident and
     his PhD final oral exam postponed.  MacRae appointed to the CFHT board.  Hogg a guest
     at the Government of Ontario banquet for the Queen and Prince Philip.  Dick Henry (MA
     1962) to be part of an NSF solar eclipse expedition to North Africa June 30.

     New grad students next fall will include Nicholas Kasimos, Martine Simard, Simon White,
     Jose Maza Sancho, and Shyam Jakate.

     Final Item:  The great moon hoax. II.

     Other names mentioned: Seaquist, Brent Tully, Winzer, Kronberg, Irwin.

Vol. 6., no. 7, July 31, 1973:

     Editorial on the Mulock Oaks and other DDO tree plantings.

     Ahearn's Fourier interferometer has been shipped to Lowell.  Coutts has returned from
     Las Campanas with 150 plates of globular clusters.  Seaquist has confirmed radio emission
     from R Aqr.

     Travels:  van den Bergh to Asiago, Cambridge, Tel Aviv, Bochum, Groningen, and
     Palomar.  Bolton to Warner & Swasey and Michigan.  Gulliver to Michigan.  MacRae to
     Paris.  Fernie to Cambridge, South Africa, Australia.  Heard to Ottawa  Deupree to
     Cambridge.  Shemilt on the silver medal team for field hockey in the Ontario Summer

     July 12 - 14 the department underwent an assessment for the Council of Ontario
     Universities.  Assessors were Aller, Douglas, Haering, and Nikiforuk.  Aller spent the 14th
     at DDO.

     Dyer passed his PhD thesis exam, and has left for a pdf at Cambridge.

     Ridder married to Ingrid van Lubeek;  Linda Bobo married to William Twitchin.  Inge-
     Juliana Sackmann married to Robert Christy.

     GASA officials:  Bruce Campbell president; Bob Deupree vice-president; Dave Hanes
     secretary-treasurer; Kayll Lake GSU rep.

     CASCA to launch a newsletter called Cassiopeia with Heard and DuPuy as editors.

     Dueprees have a son.  John Roger completed his MSc and has left to join CUSO in
     Nigeria.  Librarian Carol Morrison has her driver's license.

     GASA picnic was held at Bruce's Mill Conservation Area, with about 15 staff and
     students in attendance.

     Final Item:  The Great MoonHoax. III.

     Other names mentioned:  Gulliver, Dennis Marks, Hogg, Brent Tully, Gregory, Tom
     Clarke, Bignell, Winzer, Barbara Irwin, Hagen, Dave Still, Bill Harris, Pritchet, Jim
     Thomson, Walborn.

Vol. 6, no. 8, August 28, 1973:

     Cover is a reproduction of part of a letter from John Herschel to Lady Bell, the letter
     having been presented to DDO by Mrs J.N. Tomes, great-great-grandaughter of Herschel.

     Editorial recalling Prince Philip's visit to Simcoe Hall in 1962.

     Details of travels to the Sydney IAU, the Warsaw 'Extraordinary General Assembly', and
     associated symposia.  Topley back from a 4-week holiday in Norway with her son, Ken. 
     The Frank McDonalds to Scotland for three weeks. Racine working in the Physics Dept,
     Univ. of Montreal for two weeks.

     Clement and Kronberg promoted to rank of Associate Professor with tenure.

     Marie Litchinsky (Fidler) bereaved.

     Final Item:  The Real John Herschel.

     Other names mentioned: Bissell, van den Bergh, MacRae, Garrison, Walborn, Roeder,
     Heard, Hogg, Seaquist, Hurkens, Winzer, Fernie.

Vol. 6, no. 9, September 26, 1973:

     Editorial on early telephone systems at DDO.

     The departmental groups attending the two IAU assemblies have now returned.  Percy is
     back from his sabbatical in Cambridge, as is Nancy Evans from two years in England and
     now finishing her thesis.  Br.ckner is back from Switzerland to become an assistant at
     DA.  Racine to CFHT meetings in Paris.

     Pdf news: Nolan Walborn has left to take a post at Cerro Tololo.  Brent Tully has left for
     a year at Marseille.  John Sorvari and wife Ann have arrived from Rochester.

     New grad students:  Martine (Simard) Normandine, Jose Maza-Sancho, Jurg Pfund,
     Simon White.

     van den Bergh elected VP of IAU Comm. 37 (star clusters), and Fernie to the organizing
     committee of Comm. 27 (variable stars).  van den Bergh also on a new IAU committee to
     deal with the protection of astronomical sites.

     The department's first entry into interdisciplinary teaching is off to a good start with INX
     250 (Life on Other Worlds), with Garrison doing the astronomy part.

     An ebullient participant at the Sydney IAU was Colin Keay (MSc 1965), now associate
     professor of physics at the U of Newcastle.

     The Radcliffe Observatory will close next April. Dispensation of its staff and telescope.

     Final Item:  Tesla and the beginnings of radio astronomy.

Vol. 6, no. 10, October 30, 1973:

     Editorial on memories of Greenwich and an AR-to-be (Woolley).

     Update on improvements to the 74".  In Chile [where a revolution was happening], Chris
     Smith reported being able to carry on observing, and our lawyer, Antonio Urrutia, assured
     us that there would be no problems for astronomers.  Quote from a letter to van den
     Bergh about observing at Wise Obs in Israel as the Israeli-Egyptian-Syrian war raged.

     Article by Ahern about observing in northern Arizona.

     Travels: van den Bergh to Princeton, then Palomar.  MacRae to Houston.  Hogg,
     MacRae, Kronberg, and Heard to an NRC Associate Committee meeting at UWO.  Heard
     to a meeting of the Council of the Science Section of the RSC in Ottawa.

     Party by the Madores very successful.  Longworth's grandson and Blyth's daughter
     featured in Toronto Star pictures.

     Carol Boyd has jointed the staff of DA as secretary in room 1401.

     Mrs Joseph (Mary) Greer visiting Toronto and entertained at a dinner party and ladies'
     luncheon by the Heards and MacRaes.  Kronberg a guest on the Peter Gzowski show, and
     also interviewed at DDO by CBC French network on Copernicus.  Venomous note by the
     editor on English CBC's very poor program on Copernicus.

     Opening of new buildings at Erindale,  including showing of a fist-sized lunar rock.  The
     department's Oct 23 seminar was held at Erindale, and a tour conducted by Percy.

     Final item:  Gauss, Hegel, and the Lilienthal Detectives.

     Other names mentioned:  Garrison, Pritchet, Racine, Richard Stothers, Yervant Terzian,
     Winzer, Jakate, Maza, Normandin, Pfund, Sorvari, Carlos Cesco, Pineault, Tricia
     Edwards, DuPuy, Deupree, Bill Harris, Percy.

Vol 6, no. 11, November 27, 1973:

     Editorial on Professor Larink and the Hertmonceux chestnut trees.

     Reports on DA, DDO, Scarborough observations of the transit of Mercury on Nov.10. 
     Also a report on observations of Comet Kohoutek.

     Derek Sida, Professor of Astronomy at Carleton University, is spending some months of
     his sabbatical in the department.

     Travels:  van den Bergh to Boston U, Lick, U of Michigan, Harvard.  Percy to a Science
     Teachers meeting in Hamilton, Bolton to Texas to inspect their PDS densitometer. Hogg
     to Harvard to interview Fred Whipple for a forthcoming CBC TV program on Comet
     Kohoutek. Roeder to Goddard for a meeting about IUE (due for launch in Dec 1976). 
     MacRae to Ottawa for a meeting of the CFHT directors.

     Letter to the editor from Demarque correcting remarks in the October issue about the
     Yale-Columbia telescope in Argentina and its director, Dr Carlos Cesco.

     Article by Doug Paul (BSc 1962) on a visit to London and seeing Faraday's lab and
     Newton's telescope.

     Chris Smith reports from Las Campanas on sighting a condor nest near the 100-in, a puma
     on the mountain and Sandage on local TV in his cowboy hat.  Martin Duncan has finished
     his MSc and is about to leave the department, so a new singer is needed for the
     departmental quartet.  Jesse Ketchum, great grandson of his famous namesake and RASC
     stalwart, has died at 88.  John Roger, former grad student, has written a long letter
     (contents not given) from Nigeria.  Bolton institutes the Sirgay awards for Christmas

     Anne Cowley visiting for a few days.  ARO committee to meet at Scarborough College.

     Final item:  Thomas Edison and those damned chickens.

     Other names mentioned: Br.ckner, Martin, Kronberg, Pritchet, Hagen, Harris, Heard.

Vol.6, no. 12, December 18, 1973:

     Christmas greetings from MacRae, Garrison & Estevens in Chile, DDD staff.

     Report on observations of Comet Kohoutek (mostly negative).

     Travels:  van den Bergh, Percy, Hagen, Deupree to the AAS meeting in Tucson.  MacRae
     to the RSC symposium on Copernicus in Ottawa Nov 28, and again in Dec for a CFHT
     meeting.  Seaquist, Kronberg, Yen, and MacRae to Queen's U for  the "Third Kingston
     Meeting" of radio astronomers.  van den Bergh to Michigan.

     Letter from Alice Kato (in the Faculty of Pharmacy) noting that Jacques Vall.e had passed
     his final oral exam in October and gone to Leiden as a pdf.

     Visit by Prof Naqvi of the U of Saskatchewan at Regina re plans to set up a 24-in
     telescope at U of S at R.

     Congratulations to Percy as editor of the 1974 Observer's Handbook, continuing the work
     of Chant and Northcott.

     Final Item: Year's End Miscellany.  (Newton and referees; space travel; Planck and
     acceptance of new theories, etc)

     Other names mentioned: Chris Smith, Topley, Jennie Fabian, Linda Twitchin, Fernie,

Vol. 7, no. 1, January 29, 1974:

     Editorial on Professor Malmquist from Sweden.

     Report on using the new IIIa-J plates.

     Although Chris Smith reports seeing Comet Kohoutek on 80 nights, the general consensus
     was that it was "the Fizzle of the Century".

     Travels: Martin observing at McDonald and then Kitt Peak.  MacRae to CFHT directors
     meeting in Ottawa.  Percy spoke to the Niagara Centre of the RASC.

     Report on last month's Christmas Countdown spoofs.

     Martine Normandin's father, Henri Simard, died.  Also Gerard Kuiper and Walter Miller,
     SJ, of Fordham U.

     Hogg involved in four TV/radio shows on Comet Kohoutek.  Bruckner gave a talk on it at
     King City.   Ashit Sanyal married in Chile, now living in Victoria.

     A new DDO phone number:  884-9562, which will reach the staff and the dome at nights. 
     The formerly used number, 884-1396, will now only reach the secretaries' office.

     Final Item:  The Abb. de la Who??   (de la Caille.)

     Other names mentioned:  Bolton, Garrison, Derek Sida, Derek Wills, Barry Newll,
     Michael Ovenden, van den Bergh, Kronberg, Walborn, Bill Harris, Racine, Vall.e, Galt,

Vol. 7, no. 2, February 26, 1974:

     Article by Bolton on light pollution near the Observatory.

     Note on the Am spectroscopic binary HD 82191 and possible observation of an eclipse.

     Report from Chile:  500 spectrograms in one run.  Polar axis re-aligned.  Error of 4' due to

     Travels:  MacRae to Washington, then Honolulu for board meetings.  Gulliver to Hale
     Observatories to use their plate files.  van den Bergh to UWO and Queen's U for NRC
     grant selection committee. GASA visit to Molson's brewery.  Heard to Ottawa for RSC.

     Gretchen Hagen and Bill Harris engaged.  Hagen successfully defended her this Feb 15. 
     Garrison granted tenure.  Percy gives talks to schools.  King Township library thanks
     MacRae for loan of materials and the talk by Br.ckner.  Final meeting of the 1971-74
     NRC Associate Committee next month at Queen's U to discuss draft report on future
     plans for Canadian Astronomy.  Royal Canadian Institute celebrates its 125th anniversary
     with Hogg as past-president, and with greetings from Fernie as VP of the RASC.

     Deaths of two American colleagues:  Charles Adams [should be Abbot](aged 101) and
     Fritz Zwicky.

     Final Item:  The Carpenter's Chronometers. I.  (Finding longitude.)

     Other names mentioned:  Chris Smith, Michael Ovenden, Seaquist, Ahern, Pritchet,
     Herbst, Hesser, Ostriker, Keenan, Deutsch, Gregory, Demers, Salmon, DuPuy, Kronberg.

Vol. 7, no. 3,  March 26, 1974:

     Editorial on George van Biesbroeck (who had just died at 94) and Heard's days at Yerkes.

     Report by Racine on how he and Estevens were experimenting with a TV guide system at
     the 74-in.

     Travels:  van den Bergh to Queen's U, and to the AAS meeting in Lincoln Nebraska. 
     Hagen to Washington for a meeting of the AAS Committee on Manpower and
     Employment.  Bolton to DAO.  Vic Gaizauskas and Mike Marlborough to Scarborough to
     work with Kronberg on the report on the future of Canadian astronomy.  Heard, Hogg,
     Kronberg, MacRae to Queen's U for a meeting of the NRC Associate Committee.  Racine
     to Paris for CFHT meeting.  MacRae to Houston for Lunar Science Inst. meeting.

     Letter from Peter Millman correcting Charles Adams in last issue to Abbot.

     Garrisons have a boy, David.

     Jennie Fabian, assistant secretary at DDO since October 1971, has resigned, she and her
     husband having bought a house in Mississauga.  There was a farewell party on the 12th.

     June Institute speakers will be: Bidelman, Demarque, Stephen Strom, Barry Turner.

     Fernie wins third prize in Griffith Observatory's popular writing competition.

     Deupree awarded a pdf at Princeton with Schwarzschild.  Sida leaving to return to
     Carleton U.  Barry Newell from Yale to discuss electronographic photometry.

     Percy a guest lecturer at the Faculty of Education.  Hogg at the School of Continuing

     Final Item:  The Carpenter's Chronometers.  II.

     Other names mentioned:  P.C. van der Kruit, Sidney Wolff, Innanen, Krzeminski, Madore,
     Vallee, McAlary, Angel, Strittmatter, Martin.

Vol. 7, no. 4, April 30, 1974:

     Front cover:  program for the forthcoming June Institute.

     Editorial on end-of-term thoughts about unusual students (including Judy LaMarsh).

     Old densitometer to be demolished to make way for the new PDS.  A one-paragraph
     history of the old densitometer.

     Statement of policy on guest observers on the Chile telescope.

     Travels:  Garrison and Deupree to the Nebraska AAS meeting.  Garrison to Michigan and
     Indiana.  van den Bergh to Charlottesville.  MacRae to Washington.

     van den Bergh and MacRae members of the new NRC Associate Committee, with
     MacRae as chairman.

     Percy organizes a workshop for teachers held at DA.

     GASA hosts a very successful Monte Carlo Night at the Madores.  Clement elected to the
     General Committee of A&S.  Fernie to edit DDD in absence of Heard.

     Hagen and Harris to be married in August and then go to Yale, where Harris has a pdf and
     Hagen an instructorship. 

     Mrs Ingeborg Zilkalns appointed assistant secretary at DDO in place of Jennie Fabian.

     Final Item:  Harvard in Peru.

     Other names mentioned:  Bolton, Vallee, Martin, Racine, Sida, Bob Chambers, Dave
     Hanes, Roslyn Shemilt.

Vol. 7, no. 5, May 28, 1974:

     Editorial by Fernie on the nature of the PhD thesis.

     Travels:  Heards to Poland and Czechoslovakia for presentation of the Canadian
     spectrograph to the observatory of the Copernicus University in Torun, and conferring
     with colleagues at the Ondrejov Observatory.  Racine observing with Oke on the 200-in
     and later to an ESO symposium in Geneva on large telescopes.  van den Bergh to Indiana,
     Tucson, and then teaching at Erice Summer School in Italy.  MacRaes to  CFHT meeting
     in Paris and then the ESO symposium in Geneva.

     Introduction of 'The Merry Month of May', later known as 'Revisionist's Corner', with a
     page of howlers.

     Hogg becomes Chair of Bell's Social & Environmental Affairs Committee.  Serge Pineault
     and Jurg Pfund represented DDO in a York Central Hospital walkathon, Operation
     Bedpan, walking the 15 miles in under 4 hours, and raising $164.  A party for 30 at the
     Heards followed.  Garrison's son, Lee, entered a Miles for Millions walkathon and ran the
     27 miles in 5 hours.  van den Bergh elected to the SGS Council.

     Letter from former student Mike Shara reports he and Honey are enjoying Israel. 
     Correction to last month's report on GASA's Monte Carlo night   Hanes and Shemilt
     were chief organizers.

     Ahern has accepted an NRC postdoc in Remote Sensing, where he will work with Dave
     Goodenough (PhD 1969).

     Final Item:  Ben Gould, Jack Heard, Tough Times.

     Other names mentioned:  Hagen, Deupree, Miller Barr (the Barr Effect), Herbst, Ross,
     Seaquist, Madore.

Vol. 7, no. 6, June 25, 1974:

     Editorial on the Ondrejov Observatory in communist Czechoslovakia.

     Report on another radio outburst of Cyg X-3 found by Gregory and Seaquist.

     Travels:  van den Bergh, Serge Pineault and Kayll Lake to the NATO summer school in
     Erice, Italy.  Roeder to Ottawa and then Tel Aviv.  Bolton and Heard to the RASC
     Hamilton Centre.  MacRae, Racine, and van den Bergh to Geneva for ESO/SRC
     symposium.  Bolton, Tom Clarke, Clement, Garrison, MacRae, Racine, Hagen, and Bill
     Harris to CAP/CAS meeting in St John's, Nfld.  Racine to observe at Las Campanas.

     Seaquist and family left to start a year's sabbatical in Australia.

     Town meeting on 'Revision of the Astronomy Curriculum' was held June 4.  (No
     summary of the proceedings.)

     Aherns have a daughter.  Report by Carol Morrison on the Special Libraries Association
     meeting in Toronto, including DDO visit and talk by Fernie on June 11.  Fernie
     unexpectedly in South Africa May 24 - June 7.

     RSC meetings on campus June 2 - 5.  Hogg elected chair of the Academy of Sciences
     Editorial Committee.  Heard re-elected Convenor of the Interdisciplinary Division.

     Racine promoted to Associate Professor with tenure from July 1.

     Longworth and helpers have torn down the microdensitometer pier.  He recalls the time
     they constructed it 35 years earlier.  New PDS expected about July 2.

     Letters from past students:  Dave Ellis at the U of Alberta, Emmanuel Davoust in France,
     John Roger in Nigeria.

     Madore has a pdf for next year in Cambridge, and Jack Winzer one at U of Alberta.

     Final Item:  The Duelling Director.  (Maclear).

     Other names mentioned:  Martin.

Vol. 7, no. 7, July 30, 1974:

     No editorial.  Report by Madore on a Canadian "take-over" of telescopes in Chile.

     Travels:  MacRae to Ottawa for CFHT meetings.  Also, as Chair of the NRC Associate
     Committee, he has issued an invitation to the IAU to hold its 1979 General Assembly  in
     Montreal.  Fernie and Percy to Winnipeg for the RASC General Assembly.  Fernie
     becomes RASC President, and Percy second Vice-President.  Percy and family to England
     for a holiday.  Coutts to Moscow for IAU Symposium 67, travelling by way of Leningrad
     and Samarkand.  Hogg to Brantford for celebrations of Alexander Graham Bell

     Report on the June Institute, with particular thanks to Percy for organizing it.

     Phil Teillet passed his PhD general exam.  Gilles Menard, enrolling for an MSc, and
     Gardar Myrdal of the University of Iceland, are working with Kronberg.  Chris Rogers, a
     U of T undergrad is working with Hogg, Roel Hurkens for Heard, Nancy Geffken and
     Chester Rak for Bolton, Chris McAlary for Fernie, Jim de Roux for Racine, John Perkins
     for Percy, and Krystyna Repetowicz for Garrison.

     Inge Zilkalns has resigned as DDO assistant secretary.  Margaret Gallagher has replaced
     Carol Boyd as part-time assistant secretary at DA.  Carol Morrison has resigned as DDO
     librarian to take a position at Science & Medicine Library.  Her replacement is Ruta
     Caune, a recent School of Library Science graduate.

     Roslyn Shemilt awarded her MSc.  Martin Duncan (MSc 1973) married to Kathy Barnett,
     sister-in-law of Bruce Campbell.

     Hogg's title changed from Professor and Research Associate to Research Professor.  Her
     son, David Hogg has been promoted to Associate Director of NRAO.

     Summer party given by the Garrisons and GASA to say farewell to Carol Morrison and to
     welcome Ruta Caune and arriving students.

     Orest Dubas (MSc 1967) has been awarded a contract by the Ministry of State for Science
     and Technology to study methods to popularize science and technology.

     The PDS microdensitometer has just arrived.

     Final Item:  The Remarkable Dr Janssen.

     Other names mentioned:  Jeffers, Racine, Bill Weller, van den Bergh, Strom, Demarque,
     Barry Turner, Bidelman, Hanes, Simon White, Pritchet, Clement, Roeder, Seaquist,

Vol. 7, no. 8, August 27, 1974:

     Editorial: Eric Lindsay and Armagh Observatory.

     Report by Bolton on the arrival and setting up of the PDS densitometer.

     Travels:  Garrison, Bolton, van den Bergh, Herbst, Hogg, Fernie, Racine, and Sorvari to
     the Rochester AAS meeting last week.  Hogg on a quick visit to Frobisher Bay.  van den
     Bergh to Victoria and Palomar.  Martin to Stewart Obs and then Queen's U.  Fernie to the
     U of Maryland as an external examiner.  Garrison to Marseilles for a CFHT working
     group on spectrographs meeting.

     Martin and Nancy Evans have daughter, Catherine, Aug 13.  Robert and Sheila Smolkin
     have a son, Joel David, Aug 3.

     Winzer and Hagen have received PhD degrees.  Joan Hawker recovering from surgery for
     a serious stomach ulcer.  Herbst has accepted an appointment as Lecturer and pdf at York. 
     Betty Herbst will continue as research assistant at DDO.  Dale Ogden is the new assistant
     secretary at DDO.  GASA picnic was held at DDO, Aug 15.  Alex Hays joins DDO as
     PDS operator and programmer.

     Hagen and Harris married.  Crampton (PhD 1967) visits DDO.  Andrew Leir and Ihor
     Prociuk have arrived as new graduate students.

     MacRae's mother turned 100 on Aug 11.  She was married in 1900; her husband was
     Dean of the Dalhousie Law School from 1914 to 1924.  He then accepted a teaching post
     at Osgoode Hall, and the family came to Toronto.

     Final Item:  The American Kepler.  (Kirkwood)

     Other names mentioned:  Thomson, Gulliver, Campbell, Roeder, Deupree, Heard,

Vol. 7,  no. 9,    September 24, 1974:

     Editorial on dodging import duty by calling a telescope a long-range microscope.

     Travels:  Fernie back from Las Campanas.  Heard to Victoria (saw CFHT 4-m disk on
     grinding machine). Deupree to Rochester AAS meeting.  Hogg to Mount Tremblant for
     celebration of Herzberg's 70th birthday.  van den Bergh to Kitt Peak, then Paris.

     Sorvari has resigned his pdf to take a one-year appointment teaching elementary
     astronomy at Guelph University.  John Schmidt (pdf 1968-69) has accepted a one-year
     appointment at the U of Missouri at Rolla.  Bob Hawkins has a sessional appointment at
     Seneca College as teaching master in astronomy.  Mark Naylor (PhD 1971) has accepted a
     position at Mars Inc in Toronto.

     Garrison's father has died.  The Naylors have a son, and the Honigs a daughter.  Simon
     White has finished his master's project and returned to Cambridge.  Rudy Schild struck by
     lightning at Mt Hopkins Obs and barely saved from death.

     New graduate students:  Dorothy Fraquelli, Gerald Diamond, Ihor Prociuk, Margaret
     Buckby, Andrew Leir, Steven Shore, Gilles Menard, Richard Gray, Nikolas Kasimos.

     Two final items:  Celsius, Father of Swedish Astronomy.  The Englishman's Brolly.

     Other names mentioned:  Madore, Evans, Scarfe, Herbst, FitzGerald, Hanes.

Vol. 7, no. 10, October 29, 1974:

     Cover picture of the Radcliffe Observatory.

     Editorial:  The Great TV Dinner Robbery.  (Break-in at DDO.)

     The 74-in dome has been re-painted, this time by roller.  Last time it was sprayed,
     including some cars in the parking lot.

     Travels:  van den Bergh to DAO, Kitt Peak, Albany, and Berkeley.  Hogg to Ottawa for
     RSC committee meeting, and likewise Heard to UWO.  Madores have left for England. 
     Martin to CfA and Steward Obs.  Racine to Paris and Meudon for CFHT meetings. 
     Fernie to a photometry conference at Albany.  Kronberg to Jodrell Bank and Leiden.

     Letter to the editor from Tom Clarke about Solzhenitsyn's inclusion of the astronomer
     Kozyrev and his difficulties in 'The Gulag Archipelago'.

     Andrew Thomson, meteorologist and RASC stalwart has died.  Hogg's stepsister has
     died; following her funeral Hogg attended a banquet marking the retirement of Margaret
     Mayall as AAVSO Director.  Robert and Juliana Christy have a daughter.  The Sharas
     have a son.  Wayne and Ursula Dewsbury have a daughter.

     Visit to Toronto of distinguished French scientists for their exposition at the Ontario
     Science Centre.  Entertained by MacRaes.  Meeting on CFHT matters.

     Andy MacRae (youngest son) has a Phd in physiology from London.  Brother David
     (Chemistry) and wife Sheila to Sydney, Australia.

     Percy running a series of workshops on Elementary School Astronomy.

     Senate orals passed: Madore, Harris, Herbst, Evans.

     Visit by Bill Sherwood (MSc 1967).  David Turner arrives from UWO as pdf with
     Garrison.  Kronberg appointed to the NRC Grant Selection Committee.

     DDO now has a proper telephone intercom instead of a 'leave-it-off-the-hook-and-talk'

     Final Item: Hail and Farewell.  (Fernie's recollections of the Radcliffe Obs.)

     Other names mentioned: Henriksen, Faber, Ahern, Vallee, Hagen, White, Hiltner,
     Sanduleak, Fehrenbach, Delhaye, Locke, Jefferies.

Vol.  7, no.  11, November 26, 1974:

     Front cover: copy of IAU Circ.  2719 announcing Comet van den Bergh (1974g).

     Editorial: Desk calculators at DDO, and early days of Ferut.

     Travels: MacRae to Washington (USRA), Winnipeg (CASCA, NRC Assoc.  Comm.), and
     Houston (USRA and Lunar Sci.  Inst.).  van den Bergh, Racine, Roeder, and Kronberg
     also to Winnipeg for CASCA meeting.  van den Bergh to Berkeley and Palomar.  Garrison
     to Las Campanas.  Fernie to Hamilton RASC.

     The Teillets have a daughter.

     Karl Kamper has arrived to work as a pdf with van den Bergh.  Susan Clark appointed as
     research assistant to Fernie.  Claude Faubert (MSc 1972) is the first full-time astronomy
     appointment at the Science Centre.  Kronberg elected to the Academic Affairs Committee
     at Scarborough as Physical Sciences rep.  Tricia Edwards, who has been a research
     assistant to Racine, Seaquist, and Kronberg, is leaving to spend time in England.

     Queen's holding a Winter Institute on theoretical astronomy in January.  Elizabeth Barnes
     is helping Warren Magill with small printing jobs and slides, using 15th floor darkroom. 
     Bryan Andrew will be here one day a week for two months giving part of a course on
     radio astronomy.

     Final Item: The Lost Astronomies.  (Megalithic astronomy.)

     Other names mentioned: Henrikson, Faber, Martin, Labeyrie, Lake, Herbst, Heard, Hagen,
     Bolton, Thomas Gold.

Vol.  7, no.  12, December 17, 1974:

     Cover: Photo of those attending the Christmas Countdown.  (Key on page 5.)

     Director's Christmas message: CFHT started.  DDO's 40th anniversary in coming year.

     Travels: MacRae to Paris for CFHT meetings.  van den Bergh, Garrison, and Kronberg to
     Gainsville AAS meeting Dec 10-13.  Bolton, Clement, Lake, Roeder, Shore to Dallas for
     Texas Symposium.  Racine to Montreal for CFHT matters.  Ruta Caune to Ottawa for
     Canadian Library Association workshop.

     Report on the Christmas Countdown and DDDroppings.

     Letters to the editor from Hogg (re her own computing machine) and Vibert Douglas (re
     Final Item on archaeoastronomy.)

     MacRaes held their usual open house on Dec 8, with 73 attendees.  Bolton and Percy gave
     talks at Physical Sciences Saturday on campus.  Gerald Clemence of USNO and Yale has

     Graduate degrees awarded: MSc to White.  PhDs to Evans, Harris, Herbst, Madore,
     Deupree.  Faubert (MSc 1972) received a Master of Museology degree.

     Final Item: Year's End Miscellany.  (Collection of amusing quotes, etc.)

     Other names mentioned: Lake, Kamper, Heard, plus many in photo's key.

Vol.  8, no.  1, January 28, 1975:

     Cover: Photo of Moffat Dunlap laying the cornerstone of DDO.  Commentary on page 6.

     Editorial on Greaves, former AR for Scotland.  (Includes story from Art Code.)

     Travels: van den Bergh to Yerkes, Queen's U, and U of Montreal.  Others attending the
     Queen's workshop on 'The Next Galactic Supernova' were Martin and Roeder.  Bolton to
     UWO, the London RASC, and McGill.  MacRae to Ottawa and Houston.  Racine to
     Calgary and Victoria.  Kronberg to Greenbank.

     Letter to the editor re the Sirgay Awards, a previous announcement in DDD having been
     in error.

     Notice from Victoria College arrived at DA addressed to R.K. Young, who retired in
     1945   30 years earlier!

     Visit from John Dove, who is on the Governing Council and Chair of its Academic Affairs
     Committee, to explain this (new) system of University Governance.

     Some undergraduate bloopers submitted by Ed Kennedy.

     Final Item: Davey.  I.    (David Gill.)

     Other names mentioned: Cody, Mrs Dunlap, Chant, Weedman, Lake, Grasdalen, van der
     Laan, Herbst, Coutts, Mulock, Hogg, Fernie.

Vol.  8, no.  2, February 25, 1975:

     Cover: Photos of DDO being built.  Hogg and Edna Fuller (first secretary) in one view.

     Editorial: The Conception and Construction of the Observatory.  (Details costs.)

     Travels: Roeder to St Mary's and UWO.  Hogg and Heard to Ottawa for RSC business. 
     Racine and Kronberg to Ottawa for NRC grant's committee meeting.  Bolton to Toledo.

     President John Evans visited the department Jan 30.  Report by Percy on School Liaison.

     Reproduction of a Liberal cartoon featuring the 74-in.  ("Can't see the stars for the light,
     but the blond in 512 is due home any minute now.")

     Garrison's son held up in a mall.  Bolton on Suzuki's TV show.  Updates on Ken
     McCullogh (did make-up courses in early 1950s) and Fred Hickok (MSc 1969).

     Dale Ogden (DDO secretary) married.  Also Papic in Chile.  Caune and MacRae celebrate
     their Feb 19 birthdays with a coffee party by staff and students.  

     Final Item: Davey II.  (David Gill)

     Other names mentioned: Chant, Mrs Dunlap, Dunlap, Young, Millman, Frank Hogg,
     Clement, Pineault, Shore, van der Laan, Fort, Rybicki, Morton Roberts, Gingerich, Duley,
     Deupree, Gulliver, van den Bergh, Bill Harris, Martin.

Vol.  8, no.  3, March 25, 1975:

     Cover: More photos of early DDO, including Young, Heard, and Frank Hogg.

     Editorial: Memories of the spring of '35.  (Commentary on cover photos, as well as how
     Longworth came to be appointed.)

     Travels: MacRae observing with our 24-in in Chile.  Coutts also in Chile on 40-in. 
     Kronberg to Greenbank, with Brian Andrews lecturing at DA in his place.  Hogg to
     Pasadena and then DAO.  van den Bergh, Fernie, Bolton to Bloomington, Indiana AAS
     meeting.  Roeder and Garrison to NASA at Greenbelt Md for IUE meeting.  Martin to
     Cornell.  Clement to ACAP meeting at Brock U.

     June Institute set for June 10-13.  Speakers so far are Sagan, Schwarzschild, and Morton

     van den Bergh seeking re-election to ASP Board, running against William Randolph
     Hearst III and Clyde Chivens of Boller and Chivens.

     GASA planning a skating party followed by refreshments at 'Astronomy House', 496
     Huron Street.

     Mortons have a son.  Hube visiting DDO for a few days.  

     Final Item: Davey.  III.  (David Gill.)

     Other names mentioned: Chant, Millman, Mattei, Turner, Gingerich, Duley, Sofia, Saslaw,
     Sorvari, Shemilt, Percy.

Vol.  8, no.  4, April 29, 1975:

     Cover: Early ariel view of DDO.  Staff of 1935 in the library (with names).  Commentary
     in the editorial.

     Editorial: Access roads to DDO, then and now.  (Current road built summer of 1964,
     parking lot etc summer of 1959.)  

     Travels: Heards on holiday in Britain.  Robert Smith of the U of Sussex has joined us as
     visiting prof for five months.  Garrison to DAO.  Tricia Edwards returns temporarily. 
     MacRae to Ottawa for CFHT business.  Racine to Montreal and Ottawa, then DAO.  van
     den Bergh to Cerro Tololo.  Fernie to London and Herstmonceux.  Hogg to UWO, then
     Dunstable, then Montreal.  Estevens back from Las Campanas.  Kronberg to U of Virginia
     and NRAO.  Coutts to Las Campanas.

     Larry Morrill has joined the DDO staff as electronics technician helping Hawker and

     The first piece of the CFHT was shipped from France for Hawaii on April 18.

     The Herzberg Institute of Astrophysics officially came into existence on April 1, with Jack
     Locke as Director.

     Turner will continue as a pdf at DDO, having won a Connaught Fellowship.  Gulliver,
     Pritchet, and Pineault have been awarded NRC post-doctoral fellowships.

     Roeder has agreed to be on the National Organizing Committee for the 1979 IAU General
     Assembly in Canada.  Kronberg appointed to the NRC Grant Selection Committee.

     Caune announces there is now available a computer printout of our library holdings, to be
     updated every six months.

     Report from MacRae on his run at Las Campanas.

     Final Item: The Great Automated Comet-hunting Machine.

     Other names mentioned: Northcott, Chant, Hogg, Edna Fuller, Longworth, Andy Bunker,
     George Tidy, Young, Frank Hogg, Millman, Heard, Percy, Sorvari, Bolton, Shemilt,
     Vallee, Campbell, Martin, McAlary, Herbst.

Vol.  8, no.  5, May 27, 1975:

     Cover photos: Chant speaking at DDO opening.  Mrs Dunlap opening door.  Honorary
     graduands.  Correction to statements about these in the July 1975 issue.

     Editorial: The Opening of the Observatory, May 31, 1935.

     Announcement that in future the DDD would be issued only twice in summer.  (No issues
     in June or August.)

     Bruce Campbell tries out the new reticon system at DDO.  Richard Gray taking the image
     tube camera to Las Campanas.

     Travels: MacRae to Washington.  van den Bergh to Tololo, ESO, La Jolla, Mexico,
     KPNO, Princeton.  Kronberg and family have left for a sabbatical in Bonn.  Coutts to
     Chile.  Fernie on jury duty in Toronto.

     Letter from Paul Feldman re cover photos of January issue.  News from Bill and Gretchen
     Harris: of first six visitors to use the new Tololo 4-m telescope, four were Canadian.  Dick
     Henry (MA 1962) to marry.  Hickoks have a son.  Elizabeth Barnes' father (Prof.  Emer.
     of Physics) has died.  Hogg has joined the Canadian Science Writers Association.  van den
     Bergh re-elected to ASP Board and chairmanship of IAU Symposium committee for 1976.

     Bjarne Everson has passed his PhD generals.  Roeder becomes full professor July 1. 
     Topley completed 13 years as DDO secretary May14.  Ahern's appointment with the
     Centre for Remote Sensing in Ottawa has been made permanent.  Longworth has built a
     new display case near the parking lot.  Garrison elected to the Board of the Bruce Trail

     Summer research assistants: Stuart Button, Nancy Gefkin, Peter Jardine, Chris Rogers,
     David Thomson.

     Final Item: The Chief-Magistrate of Lilienthal.  (Johann Schr.ter.)  Contains Malraux's
     remark, and Clerke's 'Herschel of Germany' one.

     Other names mentioned: Martin, Percy, Lake, and many international ones from the DDO

Vol.  8, no.  6, July 29, 1975:

     Cover: Note of John Couch Adams to himself re Uranus' motion.

     Editorial: The total solar eclipse in Toronto of January 24, 1925.

     Travels: Coutts in Chile.  Bolton to Northwestern U and Varenna, Italy.  Hogg to
     Edmonton for RSC meeting, then CASCA at Kingston, and honoured at Museum of
     Science in Ottawa.  Fernie to CASCA at Kingston, then RASC in Halifax, then Greenwich
     Tercentenary meeting, then Int. Union of Amateur Astronomers in Hamilton.  Roeder to
     Montreal.  Heard to Edmonton and then Kingston.  van den Bergh to Kingston, then
     Palomar, then Herstmonceux.  Garrison to Kingston, then Lausanne, then Haute
     Provence.  MacRae to Kingston, then Paris, then Halifax.  Percy to Kingston, then
     Halifax.  Others at Kingston meeting were Racine, Campbell, Robert Smith, Clement, and
     Turner.  Martin to Steward Observatory and CfA.

     Review of June Institute.  Speakers were Schwarzschild, Mort Roberts, Carl Sagan, Cliff

     Coutts and Clement announce their engagement.  To be married July 30.  Margaret
     Gallagher of DA office staff was married June 14 to Mario Rao.

     New GASA officers: Steve Shore, President; Martine Normandine, VP; Dot Fraquelli,
     Secretary; Gerry Diamond, Treasurer; Ihor Prociuk, GSU Rep; Dot and Steve, staff
     meeting reps.  GASA party held at DDO July 17.

     Letter from Sherwoods saying they have moved from Bochum to Max-Planck-Inst-f.r-
     Radioastronomie, Bonn.  Letter from Deupree in Princeton saying he has a two-year pdf
     at Los Alamos.

     Elizabeth Barnes has left her secretarial job at DA for another post in the University.  Miss
     Ruth Hofbauer will replace her.

     Robert McLaren, currently a research associate at Berkeley, will become a new assistant
     professor in the department (20% in Physics) as of December 1.  Ted Bednarek has a one-
     year teaching appointment at St Mary's, filling in for George Mitchell who is on

     NRC post-doctoral fellowships awarded to up-coming PhDs Austin Gulliver, Serge
     Pineault, Chris Pritchet.  John Perkins is summer assistant to Percy.

     Final Item: The Adams-Leverrier Affair.  I.   (Discovery of Neptune.)

     Other names mentioned: Harris, J. deRoux.

Vol.  8, no.  7, September 30, 1975:

     Cover: 74-in logbook entry for DDO's first nova observation.  Commentary on pp 2 - 3.

     Editorial: Barnard's visit to Toronto to give public lectures.  (The Paris/London story.)

     Travels: Report from Seaquist, now back from year's sabbatical in Australia.  Racine to
     Quebec City and Montreal (consultant on latter's observatory project.)  van den Bergh to
     Bonn, Cambridge, RGO, the San Diego AAS meeting, Cerro Tololo, Kitt Peak.  MacRae
     to Montreal.  Percy to UBC and DAO.  Garrison, Gulliver, and Heard to Be Star
     symposium on Cape Cod.  McDonalds to Scotland.  Joan Tryggve to Sweden.

     Ridders have daughter.  Sorvaris have a daughter.  Sally McDonald gives a party to mark
     Hogg's 70th birthday on August 1.  Coutts and Clement married July 30.  Roel Hurkens
     married.  Hogg noted in various exhibits of noteworthy Canadian/Astronomical women.

     New graduate students: Sylvia Alers, Lindsey Davis, Roel Hurkens, Mary Lane, Katie
     Mackrell, Rick McGonegal.

     Two recent masters students, Richard Gray and Gilles Menard, have interrupted their
     studies to contribute two years service in Africa.

     Outgoing graduate students: Bednarek to St Mary's; Chambers with a pdf; Gulliver with a
     pdf to Victoria; Hanes with a pdf to Cambridge; Pineault with a pdf to Cambridge;
     Pritchet with a pdf to UBC.

     Planetarium Association of Canada met in Toronto and visited DDO.

     DDO office changes: van den Bergh to the north end office, previously shared by Heard
     and Bolton.  Bolton to van den Bergh's previous office next door, and Heard to share
     with Hogg upstairs.

     Alex Hay, custodian of the PDS microdensitometer, has left to do a PhD in oceanography
     at UBC.  Ron Lyons, a 1970 graduate of UWO will replace him.

     Visitors: Jan Smolinski of Torun, Poland, and Petr Harmanec from Czechoslovakia.

     Final Item: The Adams-Leverrier Affair.  II.

     Other names mentioned: Chant, Sagan, Thomson, Irwin, Longworth, Young, Jim Roberts,
     Robert Smith, Demarque, Sandra Faber, Pfund, Bignell, Edwards, Kronberg, Menard,

Vol.  8, no.  8, October 28, 1975:

     Editorial: Chant and Lowell.  (Chant seems to have disliked Lowell.)

     The 40,000th plate taken with the 74-in (by Mary Lane and Ridder).  Racine and Estevens
     testing the remote guiding system.  Gulliver finds that the PDS gives radial velocities in
     good agreement with the 'eyeball' method, and is ten times faster.

     Travels: Racine to Regina and to Montreal.  van den Bergh to Rice U and to Pasadena. 
     Shyam Jakate to KPNO.  Hogg to the AAVSO meeting in Concord, Mass.

     Report on a CBC FM series on astronomy featuring some of our faculty.

     Note on the death of Lorne Braun, former student of ours, etc.

     Ruth Hofbauer, DA assistant secretary, has resigned.  Cheryl Hurkens is helping out part-
     time meanwhile.  Pamela Evans, van den Bergh's secretary for three years, has resigned to
     move to Niagara-on-the-Lake.  Katie Mackrell, grad student, has left for Waterloo. 
     McLaren is now in the department.

     Students receiving PhDs this December: Bednarek, Pineault, Pritchet, Gray, Menard.  Jose
     Maza was successful in his PhD general exam.

     Final Item: The Adams-Leverrier Affair.  III.

     Other names mentioned: Halliday, MacRae, Shore, Tammann, Percy, Hanes, Morton,
     Strangway, Kraft, Prociuk, Garrison, Fernie, Kronberg, Wehlau, Seaquist, Martin.

Vol.  8, no.9, November 25, 1975:

     Announcement that this will be the last issue of the year.

     Editorial: Two Telescope Tales.   (Ritchey/Hertzsprung; Schmidt)

     The 74-in mirror re-aluminized, but then splashed with rainwater.  There has been more
     clear weather than usual this month.

     Comet van den Bergh (1974g), although still 17th mag, is brighter than predicted.

     Travels: van den Bergh to Tololo, then Albany, MIT, and Yale.  Garrison and Racine to
     Haute Provence and then Meudon.  Linda Twitchin and husband to Paris.  Bolton to
     Goddard, where he met Anand, now working in the OSO-8 group at Goddard.  Hogg to a
     lunch given by the president of UWO for those ladies who are 'museum specimens'.

     Lynda Hirtenfeld appointed as assistant DA secretary.  DA hosted Astronomy Day on
     Saturday, Nov 8, sponsored by the Toronto Centre of the RASC and organized this year
     by Ann (Totton) Scott (BSc 1961).  The evening program conducted by Hurkens, Rogers,
     and Percy.  Bolton featured in one talk of a CBC radio series titled 'Into the Universe'.

     Kronberg on sabbatical in Bonn, but may visit soon.  Nolan Walborn married.  

     CClement notes a howler: The 3-deg radiation was discovered by a Bell Telephone

     Final Item: The Adams-Leverrier Affair - Finis.

     Other names mentioned: Roger Bell, Robert Kraft, Cordelia Blyth.

Vol.  9, no.  1, January 27, 1976:

     Editorial: The Early Post-war Years.  1. C.S. Yu.  (A valuable summary of the times,
     including Chant and Young alone up to the 1930s, then the arrival of the Hoggs, Millman,
     and Heard.  No PhD students until the early fifties.)

     Summary of recent weather.  Also TV guider on the 74-in working well at -17 F.

     Travels: Martin and Maza to Steward Observatory.  Martin and Everson to the 'Kingston'
     meeting at U of Waterloo. MacRae to Victoria to inspect CFHT blank, then to Hawaii. 
     Percy to U of Texas at Austin, bringing back greetings from Barnes and Duncan.  van den
     Bergh to Harvard, then the Chicago AAS meeting Dec 8-9.  Other attendees at the AAS
     meeting were both Clements, Garrison, and Seaquist.  Garrison then to Chile.

     Review of the recent Christmas Countdown and Droppings.

     Linda Twitchin's father-in-law killed by smoke inhalation in a house fire.  Room 3302 in
     York Central Hospital now bears a plaque saying it has been furnished by staff members of
     DDO.  Racine on CBC French radio, and Roeder, Bednarek, and Gary Welch on CBC-
     AM.  The MacRaes' twentieth Christmas party was a success as always, with 91 guests.

     Racine will leave July 1 to become Associate Professor at Montreal and interim director of
     the proposed 'Quebec Observatory'.  Dale Douglas has resigned from the DDO secretarial
     staff.  Penny Travis replaces her.  Susan Clarke has resigned as assistant to Fernie to enroll
     in a graduate zoology program at Queen's.  Lynda Hirtenfeld has resigned from the
     secretarial staff on campus.  David Hogg is Acting Director of NRAO for six months. 
     Fernie is on sabbatical for six months and is writing a book.  Bob Watson from U of
     Tasmania is here for six months working with Percy and doing Fernie's teaching.  van den
     Bergh has been nominated as Vice-President of the IAU for six years.  Ken McCulloch, an
     astronomy student here in the 1950s and now doing atmospheric work at Baker Lake,
     NWT, has written MacRae about observing a lunar eclipse while on holiday in Mexico. 
     Jacques Vall.e (PhD 1973) is now with the NRC radio group in Ottawa.  Nancy Gorza,
     wife of Walter (MSc 1970), has been visiting Toronto and brought greetings.  Gretchen
     and Bill Harris had a short visit here.

     Hanes and Pineault both successfully defended their theses.  Shore and Maza passed their
     PhD generals.  Bednarek and Pritchet got PhDs at the recent convocation, while Gray,
     Normandin, and Menard received MScs.

     Rudolph Minkowski died in Pasadena January 4.

     Final Item: The Dogon Tradition.

     Other names mentioned: Gulliver, Heard, Ridder, Estevens, Martha Liller, Innanen,
     Demers, Bertola, Hogg, Purcell, Toomre, FitzGerald, Purton, Herbst, Jakate, Bakos,
     Evans, Geffken.

Vol 9, no.  2, February 24, 1976:

     Editorial: The Early Post-war Years.  2.  Ralph Williamson.  (Also Oke, Searle,
     Demarque, MacRae, Clement.)  See p3 of March issue for corrections.

     Great observing reported by our Las Campanas resident observer, Gerry Grieve.

     Travels: McLaren to NASA Ames Research Center, Seaquist to NRAO, MacRae to
     Virginia for international conference on a space telescope, then to Ottawa for CFHT
     business.  Percy to UWO.  Garrison to Maryland as PhD examiner for Peter Jackson (MSc
     1968), who already has a pdf at Waterloo.  Racine and Kronberg to St Mary's for NRC
     grant committee business.

     Letter to the editor from Gene Milone, who had known Yu while teaching in

     Blyth's father-in-law has died.  van den Bergh chosen 1976 McMillan Lecturer at Ohio
     State U.  Meetings at DA: Astronomy Discipline Group of ACAP; NRC Associate
     Committee; IAU National Committee for Canada; Scientific Advisory Committee of

     Turner attends debate and reception for Connaught Fellows.  Debaters were Leyerle,
     MacPherson, Polanyi, Siminovitch.  Interstellar medium group is formed in the
     department, including Clarke, Martin, McLaren, Normandin, and Seaquist.

     Smolkins have a son.  Madores are re-building an old house in Cambridge.

     Final Item: That Dude Hailey.

     Other names mentioned: Percy, Garrison, Batten, Bolton, Purcell, Toomre, FitzGerald,
     Herbst, Dyer, Roeder, Harris, Kamper, Heard, Hurkens, Porco, Wildt, Bill Wehlau, Hogg.

     Identity of Mrs Nolan Walborn revealed.

Vol.  9, no.  3, March 30, 1976:

     Cover: Official announcement of the creation of the Mont Megantic Observatory.

     Editorial: Mackenzie King and DDO.  (Hogg and the visitors' book; Mackenzie King and
     the 'woman of uncertain age but not-so-uncertain occupation'.)

     Correction to part 2 of the early post-war years.

     Travels: Roeder to McMaster, Queens, and Windsor.  Near accident of the Relativity
     Group while travelling to Waterloo.  Hogg to McMaster for Science Writers' Assoc. 
     Heard to Victoria as PhD external examiner for Barrow Baldwin.  Maza to Stewart
     Observatory.  Racine to various western universities.  MacRae and Racine to Montreal for
     official announcement about Mont Megantic Observatory.

     June Institute speakers will be: Gunn, Lynden-Bell, Plavec, Veverka.

     Gulliver successfully defended his PhD thesis and has left to take up a pdf at Victoria. 
     Chambers has also successfully defended his PhD thesis, but not yet taken up his pdf. 
     MSc degrees have been awarded to Margaret Buckby, Dot Fraquelli, and Andrew Leir.

     Irene Priestley has joined the secretarial staff of DDO, replacing Penny Travis, while
     Dianne Grazioli has joined the DA secretarial staff.  van den Bergh has been appointed to
     the Editorial Supervisory Board of Astrophysical Letters.  Yvonne Fernie has been
     appointed an equestrian judge for the coming Montreal Olympics.

     Amusing exam howlers from Bruce Campbell.

     Final Item: The Country Curate.  (Horrocks.)

     Other names mentioned: Clarke, Percy, Demarque, White, Schmidt-Kaler, Watson,
     Hesser, Kamper, Garrison, G. Harris.

Vol.  9, no.  4, April 27, 1976:

     Cover: The University's telephone exchange is now 978 instead of 928.

     Article by Bolton on proposed modifications to the 74-in spectrograph.  Another article by
     Bolton outlining difficulties with spectrophotometry of 74-in spectrograms.

     Turner and Estevens return from Las Campanas reporting new items: telephone system on
     mountain, paved road, first light through 100-in, first negotiations re a radio system
     between DDO and Chile.  Garrison now circulating application forms to prospective guest

     Report from Seaquist re observations of radio stars he and Gregory made at NRAO.

     Travels: van den Bergh to Tololo, Ohio State, Cornell.  Will give reviews at Grenoble and
     at Tucson.  Gerry and Kay Longworth to visit their daughter, Lenora (Mrs Donald Large),
     in Vancouver.

     Innanens have a son.  Gulliver leaves for Victoria.  Barrow Baldwin arrives from Victoria
     to start a pdf.  Farewell at Erindale for Racine.  Don Morton (BA 1956) appointed
     Director of Anglo-Australian Observatory.  Hogg to be awarded honorary DSc by
     McMaster.  Fernie to be Vice-President of IAU Commission 27.

     Final Item: The Time Inventors.  I.  (Sandford Fleming, Greenwich, etc)

     Other names mentioned: Richardson, Heard, MacRae, Watson, Auer, Kamper, Martin,
     Hanes, W. Harris, Buckley.

Vol.  9, no.5, May 25, 1976:

     Editorial: The RASC and its relations with DA/DDO.  Journal editorship, etc.

     van den Bergh, Racine, W&G Harris, FitzGerald, Sturch all observing at CTIO.  Report
     on the visit of the Canadian ambassador to Las Campanas.  van den Bergh discovers
     optical wisps of supernova 1006 AD.

     Travels: van den Bergh to La Serena and Berkeley.  Racine to Chile and Hawaii.  MacRae
     to Virginia.

     Bolton and Martin have been granted tenure and promoted to Associate Professor as of
     July 1.

     Hogg's book, The Stars Belong to Everyone, published.  Signing, interviews, etc.

     U of T undergraduates who will work as summer assistants: Jeff Clayton, Henry Nienhuis,
     Richard McWatters, John Palimaka, Stephen Morris, Douglas Gies, Chris Rogers.

     Dr McCauley, designer of the 74-in and 200-in mirrors, has died.

     Gerry Diamond reports another undergraduate exam howler.

     Andrew Odell of Northern Iowa U is visiting to collaborate with Bolton and Percy.

     Final Item: The Time Inventors.  II.  (Time zones, prime meridian, etc.)

     Other names mentioned: Chant, Halliday, Frank Hogg, Northcott, Lloyd Higgs, Dunlaps,
     Helm, Reinhardt, Petrie, Fernie, C. Clement, Fraquelli, Jackson, Vaughan, Poindexter,
     Minkowski, Madore, Seaquist, Gregory, Liller, Pineault, Roeder, Kamper, Heard.

Vol.  9, no.  6, July 27, 1976:

     Cover: Research position with van den Bergh available due to departure of Betty Herbst.

     Editorial: Heard as pdf in London and his brush with Polish royalty.

     Observing: C. Clement, Kamper, and Garrison at Las Campanas; van den Bergh at
     Palomar (where they have just adopted white TiO paint for their domes); Maza and Martin
     at Steward; McLaren at NASA's airborne Kuiper Observatory.

     Other travels: Bolton and Estevens to Victoria.  Garrison to Vancouver and plans for
     other places during his current sabbatical.  Racine departs for his new position in
     Montreal.  Fernie to Vancouver, Victoria, and Calgary.  Hogg, MacRae, Percy, Racine,
     Seaquist, Turner, and van den Bergh to CAS Penticton meeting.  McLaren and Teillet to
     AAS meeting in Haverford, Pa.

     Bob Watson and his wife have returned to Tasmania after a six months' visit here.

     Report on the 10th June Institute held June 8-11.  Speakers were Plavec, Lynden-Bell,
     Gunn, and Veverka.  Other recent visiting speakers: Odell, Purcell, Tariq, Lester.

     Letter from G & W Harris correcting an error in their name in the May issue.  Bill Harris
     has been appointed Assistant Professor at McMaster to start up an astronomy group there.

     Hogg appointed Companion of the Order of Canada, the most senior rank of the Order.

     Warren and Mary Magill have resigned as photographer and research assistant to take up
     a new life in Nova Scotia.  Kamper appointed in Warren's place.

     John Lester appointed Assistant Professor at Erindale.  Hogg and Heard have formally
     retired and are now Professors Emeriti.   Fernie has finished his book.

     Sherwoods have a daughter.  Hanes and Shemilt married.  Pineault married.  Jeffers

     John Perkins is working for Percy on the RASC Handbook.

     New grad students: Joan Wrobel, Donna Zubrod.

     Final Item: The Catherine Barton Scandal.  (Newton's niece & the Earl of Halifax.)

     Other names mentioned: Townes, John Evans, Slave, Shore, Kronberg, Normandin,

Vol.  9, no.  7, September 29, 1976:

     Remarks by MacRae inviting the IAU to hold its 1979 General Assembly in Canada.

     Report by Fernie outlining the various instruments now available for use on the 24-in.

     Note by van den Bergh on NGC 5102 and the origin of field S0 galaxies.

     Travels: Attendees at the Grenoble IAU General Assembly included Bolton, both
     Clements, Garrison, MacRae, Martin, Kronberg, Roeder, Seaquist, and van den Bergh. 
     Reports on their activities there.  van den Bergh also to Kitt Peak.  Percy to Los Alamos
     (Deupree also there.)  Garrison (on sabbatical) passed through DDO between Poland and
     Lick.  Kronberg returned after his year's sabbatical in Bonn.

     Carson Whelan, secretary and observing assistant at DDO between January 1946 and
     April 1949, has died following a heart attack at the age of 59.  He had succeeded Edna
     Fuller, who was part-time secretary from 1935 to 1945.

     Esther Salve, DA secretary, has resigned to accept a similar appointment at the ROM. 
     Martha Fraser will replace her.  Ruta Caune, DDO librarian, has resigned to take a
     management training course at Ontario Hydro.  She will be replaced by Mrs Sheila
     Summerhays.  Turner has been appointed for a two-year term as assistant professor at
     Laurentian University, replacing Serge Demers (PhD 1966), who has joined the University
     of Montreal.  This also means that Turner's wife, Pat, will leave her part-time position as
     library assistant.  Bruce Campbell has completed his PhD and will soon take up a pdf at
     UBC.  Bill Herbst (PhD 1971), who has been a pdf at York for two years, has accepted a
     fellowship at Carnegie.  This means that his wife, Betty, will resign her research assistant
     position at DDO.  Roel Hurkens has enrolled in a PhD program at the University of
     Victoria.  Jacques Vall.e (PhD 1973) has accepted a one-year appointment with the
     Astronomy Group at Queen's University.

     Heard has recovered well from a heart attack that hospitalized him for two weeks in July.

     Final Item: McClean's Gift.  (Stories of the 24-in refractor at the Cape.)

     Other names mentioned: Sylvia Alers, Barrow Baldwin, Ron Lyons, John Sovari, Caterna,
     Pineault, Bignell, Kormendy, Angel, Maza, Racine, Hanes, Madore, Shore.

Vol.  9, no.  8, October 26, 1976:

     Cover: Portrait of Heard.

     Report of Heard's death on October 5 and funeral on October 7.  Fernie will become
     editor of the Doings.

     Report on Hogg's investiture in Ottawa as Companion of the Order of Canada.

     Report from MacRae regarding his attendance at the official opening of the Las Campanas
     100-in telescope.

     Other travels: van den Bergh to CTIO and Yale.  Estevens to Las Campanas.  Bolton to
     York U.  MacRae to Houston re Universities Space Research Association.  Hogg and
     MacRae to Victoria for a symposium honouring Ken Wright on the occasion of his
     retirement as Director of DAO.  Percy to Kitt Peak.  Seaquist to Greenbank.  Barrow
     Baldwin to DAO.  

     Visitors: Gulliver, Bill and Gretchen Harris.

     Report on a "unique"visit to DDO by a large segment of the Dunlap family, including Mrs
     Craing, David, Moffat, and Donalda [Robarts], on Saturday, October 9.

     Outside colloquium speakers severely curtailed this year because of severe cutback by the
     University of the visiting speakers fund.

     Sheila Summerhays has resigned as DDO librarian and been replaced by Miss Zane Sterns. 
     Fernie is again temporarily library advisor while Garrison is on sabbatical.

     van den Bergh now President of IAU Comm. 37 (Star Clusters).  He's also on the
     organizing committee of a galaxy symposium in Tartu, USSR, and is on the time
     allocation committee for Cerro Tololo.

     Fernie's book has been selected by the Book-of-the-Month Club.

     Final Item: An appreciation of Jack Heard.

     Other names mentioned: Swope, Kronberg, Bill Clarke, Claude Canizares, Roger Beck,

Vol.  9, no.  9, November 30, 1976:

     Cover: Announcement that there will not be a December issue.

     External readership of DDD now ~100, compared to ~60 internal.  Invitation to past
     students to send in news of their activities.  A survey suggests the content remain as

     Travels: van den Bergh to San Francisco, Vancouver, and Tucson.  MacRae and Clarke to
     Ottawa for NRC Associate Committee meeting.

     Ron and Lynda Lyons have bought a house in Richmond Hill, and Lynda is now a
     reference librarian in North York.  Hogg's book, 'The Stars Belong to Everyone', is now
     in its second printing.  Garrison reports heavy demand for time at Las Campanas.  Fernie
     is now Vice-President of IAU Comm.  27.

     Note on the death of Ken Chilton of the RASC Hamilton Centre.

     Martine Normandin has passed her PhD general exam.

     Report that Richmond Hill Town Council has approved funds for paving Hillsview Drive
     next spring.  The Council is also considering the University's offer of a long-term lease of 
     our Chant lands.

     Letter from MacRae drawing attention to Fernie's book.

     Final Item: Another Look at the Dinosaurs.

     Other names mentioned: Garrison, Mary Lane, Rick McGonegal, Mclaren, Doug Hall,
     Claude Canizares, Roger Beck, Kayll Lake, Bill Sherwood, Werner Israel, Phil Teillet,
     Thomson, doug Gies, Percy, Martin, Jose Maza, Roger Angel, Shyam Jakate, Kronberg,  
     Strom, Pritchet.

Vol.  10, no.  1, January 25, 1977:

     Cover: 1976 Christmas Countdown group photo.

     Guest editorial by Bolton on elitism of faculty towards non-academic staff.

     Travels: van den Bergh starting a sabbatical by going to Hale Observatories, AAS meeting
     in Honolulu, and NASA in Washington.  Garrison still on sabbatical with visits to
     Honolulu, Berkeley, UBC.

     Martha Fraser has resigned as DA secretary.  Temporary replacement is Olga Thomson.

     Fernie appointed a Shapley Visiting Lecturer.  First visit will be to Brock U.

     Report by Zane Sterns on the changeback of the DDO library to the Library of Congress
     system.  Ana Smith (Chris Smith's wife) is a part-time assistant in the library.

     Report by Dyer on the opening of the new Scarborough dome to house their 8-in. last
     November 5.  MacRae in top hat and white gloves.

     Visitors included Bill and Vicki Sherwood (both MSc 1967) from West Germany.

     Hogg to receive an honorary degree (with seven other U of T professors) at a special
     Sesquicentennial Convocation on March 15.

     Colloquium committee is now: MClement, Fernie, Lester, Roeder.  Percy reports that
     speakers at this year's June Institute will include Anne Cowley, Beatrice Tinsley, Ken

     Report by Bolton on the Strasbourgh Observatory's microfiche Bibliographic Star Index
     for finding information on individual stars.

     The establishment of Revisionist's Corner.

     Final Item: The Roosevelt of Astronomy.  I.   (Percival Lowell.)

     Other names mentioned: Kayll Lake, Werner Israel, Myron Lecar, Myron Smith, Seaquist,
     Corben, Jakate, Amelia Wehlau, Alan Irwin, Andrew Leir.

Vol.  10, no.  2, February 22, 1977:

     Guest editorial: Reminiscing, by Gerry Longworth.  (Winter in the early days of DDO.)

     Report by Joan Tryggve on the dedication of an organ at York Central Hospital in
     memory of Jack Heard.  (Presented by the Heard family.)

     New DA secretary: Mrs Pamela Sutherland started February 21, replacing Olga Thomson
     and temp Edith Fraser.

     Travels: van den Bergh visiting DDO, then to Lick.  Fernie lecturing at Brock U.

     Report from Bolton on the cost of DDO using material from Chant's autobiography.

     Report on a major fire February 11 that almost destroyed the Sandford Fleming building.

     Blyth becomes a Canadian citizen.  The RSC is holding a Gauss symposium to celebrate
     the bicentennial of his birth.  Hogg gives a luncheon address to the Canadian Club.  Donna
     Zubrod engaged to Robert Keeth of Boston.  van den Bergh draws attention to two
     forthcoming IAU symposia; one on planetary nebulae, the other on the HR diagram.  Inge-
     Juliana Sackmann Christy (PhD 1968) reports the arrival of another daughter, and that
     husband Robert Christy is now Acting President of Caltech.  Fernie is on a panel for
     selection of OGS awards.  Grieve and Fraquelli were in a car accident that damaged the

     Another Revisionist's Corner.

     Final Item: The Roosevelt of Astronomy.  II.  (Part 2 on Lowell.)

     Other names mentioned: MacRae, Gretchen Harris, Jean Lehmann, Marie Fidler, Seaquist,
     Yen, Bill Clarke, Eric Forbes, Teillet, Shore, Percy, Lane.

Vol.  10, no.  3, March 29, 1977:

     Guest editorial: The Radio Shack, by Longworth.  (Early days for army use.)

     Report by MacRae on Hogg receiving here honorary U of T degree.

     Correction to Feb issue: Pamela's last name is Sullivan, not Sutherland.  

     Irene Priestley has resigned as DDO typist to prepare for motherhood.  She has been
     replaced by Mrs Lyn Miller.

     Rick Salmon (erstwhile Chile resident astronomer) writes from Edmonton that he is doing
     well in an Electronic Engineering course.

     Longworth and Hogg were guests at a reception and dinner given by the Lieutenant-
     Governor of Ontario.

     Chris Rogers has returned from Seattle to continue working with Martin.  van den Bergh
     giving seminars at Satna Cruz, Berkeley, Los Angeles, San Diego, McMaster.

     Jos. and Violeta Maza have a daughter.  McLaren draws attention to a Toronto meeting
     of the Optical Society of America where there will be a short course on Charge-Coupled
     Device Arrays.  Letter from Dave Hanes re the ex-Toronto colony in Cambridge.

     Revisionist's Corner: Mnemonics for remembering the spectral sequence.

     Final Item: The Roosevelt of Astronomy.  III.  (Lowell.)

     Other names mentioned: Christine Clement, Hogg, Dale Russell, Landstreet, Tom Barnes,
     Garrison, Hiltner, Schild, Kronberg, MBurbidge, Normandin, Stewart Button, Gingerich.

Vol.  10, no.  4, April 26, 1977:

     Reprint of 'poem' about secretaries and leaping tall buildings, speeding bullets, etc.

     Official word that van den Bergh will become director of DAO on January 1, 1978.

     Travels: Garrison to Chile and Lick.  MacRae to Washington.  van den Bergh to Chile and
     Geneva.  Percy, Fernie, and Seaquist individual trips to UWO.

     Lesters have a daughter.  Rick Crowe hired as Las Campanas resident.  Fraquelli has
     passed her PhD general exam.  Fernie appointed RSC rep on the NRC Associate
     Committee, whose Chair is now Bill Wehlau.

     Note on Earlam and the Richmond Hill Power Squadron.  Sherwood writes to say he will
     spend two months in Russia, including time on the 6-m telescope.  Humorous note on the
     Sherbrooke Record report that Megantic has 1200 clear nights per year.

     Hogg to give up her office of 40 years to move into the small one vacated by Racine.  The
     larger office to have more desks for DA people.

     Most of the library's rare books have gone to the Fisher Library after a scare last summer
     when a $7000 book of ours seemed for a while to have been stolen.

     Revisionist's corner.

     Final Item: In Praise of Uncles.  (Role of uncles in the Copernican Revolution.)

     Other names mentioned: John Eddy, McGonegal, Dale Russell, Richard Henry, Zane
     Sterns, Kronberg, Normandin, Turner, Lyons, Bolton.

Vol.  10, no.  5, May 31, 1977:

     Notice that the next issue of DDD will be in September.

     Story by Longworth regarding Robert Murray Cunningham, who as a schoolboy in 1941
     lived in a cave/sod hut near the Observatory and was an observer, etc for a year.

     Report by MacRae on CFHT progress.  Target date for starting use is June 1979.

     Travels: Fraquelli to Charlottesville and Chile.  McLaren to KPNO.  Garrison winding up
     his sabbatical and will return from Lick by motorcycle.  van den Bergh to Geneva, CTIO,
     and CASCA meeting at UWO.  Roeder to Waterloo.

     Roeder on the LOC fro GR8 to be held at U of Waterloo in August.  Peter Broughton
     (BSc 1962) is spending some weeks at DDO working on Heard's papers.

     Summer students: Ian Baskerville, Nebojsa Duric, Wendy Freedman, Doug Gies, Ian Kay,
     Deborah McDonald (Library), John Perkins, Tom Wells.

     Report on the 1977 Welsh Lectures and McLaren's introduction of them.  Notes that
     Welsh's students include Jack Locke, John Galt, Harvey Richardson.

     DA now has a Dodge Aspen stationwagon, DDO's van has been replaced by another Ford
     van, and a Chevette has been provided for our observers at Las Campanas.

     Correction: Wehlau will not be the next NRC Assoc. Comm.; Ian Halliday will.

     Longworth is winner of the University's Sesquicentennial Long Service Award for his
     more than 40 years of service.  Bob Deupree has a permanent position at Los Alamos. 
     The domes on the Admin Building are to be painted white this coming summer.

     Merry Month of May and also Revisionist's Corner material.

     Final Item: Hubble.

     Other names mentioned: Dick Henry, Mary Lane, Bolton, Shore, Seaquist, Lindsay Davis,
     Bignell, Percy.

Vol. 10,  no. 6,   September 27, 1977:

     Cover: advert for a position in the Dept of Astrology, University of St Andrews

     Announcement that MacRae will step down as Chair/Director next June 30.  A search
     committee is being established to recommend a successor.  Also van den Bergh's request
     for a leave of absence from Jan 1, 1978 to July 1, 1979 has been approved.  It is intended
     to replace him with an assistant professor during this time, as well as having senior
     astronomers as visiting professors.

     New students: Robin Barker, Chris Corbally, Armando Ferro (sic), Mario Pedreros. 
     These bring our graduate student complement to 22.  We also have a new pdf: Dennis
     Ward, who will work with McLaren.

     Teillet has successfully defended his thesis, and has moved to Ottawa as a computer
     programmer in the Centre for Remote Sensing.

     Sylvia Alers married Jim Stilburn and is now living in Victoria.  Kronberg and Garrison
     are back from their sabbaticals.

     Travels: Roeder and Garrison to an IUE meeting at NASA.  Fraquelli, Jakate, Percy to the
     CASCA meeting at UWO.  Percy, Bolton, Shore to the AAS meeting in Atlanta.  Bolton
     and McAlary to Ottawa.  MacRae to Hawaii.  van den Bergh to DAO, Ottawa, Leiden,
     Gronigen, Geneva, Pomona, Ithica, Mt Kobau.  Jakate to India.  Fernie to Cape Town.

     McLarens have their second daughter.  de Roux is engaged to Kathy Corrick.  Hawker
     elected to Board of Representatives of UTSA.  Lane has passed her generals.

     Amusing item by Roy Bishop on telescope costs, finding the cost of the human eye is 21..

     GASA executive for 1977/78 is Lane president, Normandin vice-president, Lindsey Davis
     secretary-treasurer, Jakate GSU rep.

     Hillsview Drive was paved during the past summer.  Domes on the Admin Building not
     yet painted white because of a painters' strike.  An Open House for Richmond Hill
     residents on Sep 17 drew 300+ people, and was a great success thanks to Bolton's
     Beavers. The previous night brought the visit of the Toronto Centre of the RASC.  Chris
     Rodgers was champion in recognizing constellations.

     The DA reference room will soon have a microfiche reader, so researchers will be able to
     consult voluminous catalogues, etc, whose paper versions cannot be accommodated there.

     Revisionist's Corner: Ask Andy howlers.

     Final Item: The Origins of the DDO.  I.

     Other names mentioned: Hanes, Seaquist, Martin, Lake, Campbell, MClement, Evans,
     CClement, Liller, Hogg, McGonegal, Grieve, Zubrod, Zane Sterns.

Vol.  10, no.  7, October 24, 1977:

     Announcement by van den Bergh of his discovery of an optical remnant of SN 1181.

     Humorous poem: "Our father, which art in Downing Street...."

     Travels: MacRae to Hawaii with report on CFHT activities.  Percy, Lester, Lane, Martin,
     and Maza all to KPNO.  Hogg to Holyoke.  van den Bergh to Caltech, Michigan.

     RASC General Assembly attendees visit DDO.  Radio astronomer Alan Barrett finds that
     a miniature radio telescope can detect tumours in breast cancer.  Pamela Sullivan becomes
     Canadian citizen.  Herbsts have a son.  Lindsey Davis passed her PhD generals.

     Mercury magazine's winner in the OBAFG... mnemonic: Obese Balding Astronomer
     Found Guilty; Killed Many Reluctant Nonscience Students.  (George Mumford's entry.)

     Correction to Armando's name: It is Armando Arellano Ferro, abbreviated Armando

     Amusing public reports about the Kitt Peak telescope in New Mexico and also the U of T
     astronomer C.T. Bolt.

     Blitz on a one-day return of all library material very successful.  Admin Building domes
     are now painted white.

     Revisionist's Corner: Nancy comic strip.

     Final Item: The Origins of the DDO.  II.

     Other names mentioned: Schramm, Kronberg, Dickens, CClement, Zane Sterns, Nancy
     Evans, Liller, Bolton.

Vol.  10, no.  8, November 29, 1977:

     Announcements: Barry Madore appointed Assistant Professor initially for one year from
     January 1, 1978.  Fernie (as yet unofficially) appointed new Chair/Director for five years
     from July 1, 1978.

     Job Opportunity: Editor, DDD.

     Travels: Percy to Acadia U as Shapley lecturer.  Garrison and Hogg to Washington DC
     for IAU Symposium 80.  van den Bergh to Washington, Tucson, DAO, Montreal.  Fernie
     to Montreal to join the LOC for the 1979 IAU General Assembly in Montreal, and for
     meetings of IAU National Committee and NRC Associate Committee.  MacRae to
     Montreal.  Fernie to McMaster.

     CFHT primary mirror now complete and being tested.  The Megantic telescope has
     arrived in Montreal.

     Announcement of the Heard Memorial Fund, to be used to publish Heard's editorials.

     Letter from Crowe re Las Campanas matters (dry ice, flexure problems).  Letter from
     Teillet correcting a previous statement that he is a computer programmer at Canadian
     Centre for Remote Sensing, and explaining what it is he does there.
     Lynn Miller has resigned as typist at DDO.  Paulette LeBlanc will replace her.

     Hawker receives a Sesquicentennial Long-Service Award.  Hogg receives the Queen's
     Silver Jubilee Medal of Canada.  Mary Lane and Dennis Crabtree write a description of
     DDO for Astronomy Magazine.  Garrison on SOC of IAU Symposium on Spectral
     Classification.  Hanes' position at Cambridge is likely to be extended another two years,
     while Roslyn is now working at the Institute as a draftsperson and photographer.  Chris
     Smith will be leaving ESO next July to return to study electronics, maybe at U of T.

     Revisionist's Corner: Another Ask Andy boner.

     Final Item: The Origins of the DDO.  III.

     Other names mentioned: Kathy Madore, Racine, Kronberg, Button, Bolton, Lars Rogers.

Volume 11, no.  1, January 31, 1978:

     Celebration of DDD's 10th birthday and review of the past decade.

     Death of R.K. Young on Christmas Eve.  Was 91. Obituary by MacRae.

     Travels: Seaquist to the VLA (now one-third complete).  Percy to Kingston and Niagara
     RASC Centres.  Madore to Washington, CTIO, Las Campanas, Cambridge, Australia. 
     Kronberg and Normandin to ARO and Bonn.  Kronberg to UBC, Calgary, Simon Fraser. 
     McGonegal to Arizona.  McLaren to York U.  Dennis Ward, Fraquelli, Garrison, and
     Kronberg to AAS meeting in Austin.  Pamela Sullivan to Australia (with Karen Oakley,
     van den Bergh's erstwhile secretary, standing in at DA).  Garrison to Chile.  Fernie to
     Edmonton.  Roeder to Queen's U.

     Jim Clarke and Bill Gilmore are new pdfs.  MClement has started a sabbatical (at home). 
     Jim de Roux married.  Bruce Campbell, pdf at UBC, visited the department.  Austin
     Gulliver will be a pdf at U of Alberta.  Chris McAlary and Lindsey Davis engaged. 
     MacRae elected Chairman of the CFHT Board of Directors.  Percy Acting Associate Dean
     of Erindale.

     Department continues to search for senior visiting professors.  Peter Biermann from Bonn
     may come next fall, Chip Arp next Jan/Feb, Bart Bok next April/May.

     Fernie has started an undergraduate course in the history of astronomy and was startled to
     have an enrolment of 241.

     Revisionist's Corner: Another Ask Andy.

     Final Item: The Origins of the DDO.  IV.

     Other names mentioned: Heard, Bignell, Kathy Madore, Anson Moorhouse, Doug & Joan
     Hube, Jack Winzer, Mike Marlborough, Button, Lars Rogers, Stobie.

Vol. 11,  no. 2, February 28, 1978:

     'Finder chart' for identifying faces in last month's group photo.

     Report by Bolton on changes to the 74-in spectrograph.

     Visit by the NRC Grant Awards Committee.

     Clarke has requested a one-year leave of absence to cope with pressures in his publishing
     career.  We expect to advertise a one-year full-time assistant professor position to replace

     Report on cloudiness in temperate northern climates since 2300 BC.  We are now near
     maximum cloudiness in a claimed 400 year cycle.

     Ten Years Ago item.

     McAlary has passed his PhD generals.  Garrison will become Graduate Secretary July 1,
     Seaquist will continue as Associate Chair, CClement will take over from Seaquist as
     Undergraduate Secretary, Bolton will become Associate Director and faculty library rep.

     Percy's media interviews, including one on the Erindale Observatory project.  Percy also
     reports that this year's June Institute will have Ostriker, Weedman, Shu, and Feldman as

     The Walborns in Chile have a baby.  The MacRaes have bought a house at 427 Glenview
     Ave.  There will be a meeting at DA next month of participants in last summer's Cyg X-1
     campaign.  CClement reports finding during a test that the clock in the room was running

     Revisionist's Corner: Menhir, positive and negative Ionians.

     Final Item: The Origins of the DDO.  V.

     Other names mentioned: Sciama, Jim Clarke, Morley Bell, Jakate, A. Wehlau, Liller,
     Demers, Campbell, van den Bergh, Kamper.

Vol.  11, no.  3, March 28, 1978:

     Cover: Three samples of the same statement as written in the Bible, in 1940, and in 1970.

     Report by MacRae on two milestones for the CFHT: primary mirror accepted (specs are
     given), and telescope to be shipped from France to Hawaii this coming summer.

     Travels: CClement to UWO.  Kronberg to HIA.  Martin to York U.  Kronberg and Jim
     Clarke to VLA.  Visitors included Dave Hanes, Jean Brodie, Kathy Madore, van den

     Report by Bolton on record clear observing weather so far this year.

     Seaquist and Percy to be promoted to full professor.

     Teillet reports his appointment as Research Scientist at the Canada Centre for Remote
     Sensing.  He and his wife now have a daughter.  Ihor and Vera Prociuk have bought a
     house preparatory to the arrival of their baby.

     Our radio group and others have discovered HR 1099 to be in radio outburst.  This RS
     CVn binary is also on Fraquelli's thesis list, so she is observing it assiduously.

     Dept of Sanskrit & Indian studies will have a seminar by David Pingree on Islamic

     Fernie is part of an Ad Hoc Review Committee on radio astronomy in the NRC.

     Deaths reported of Su-shu Huang in China and David Thackeray in South Africa.

     Dave Hartwick (PhD 1966) has won a Stacie Award.  Peltier of Physics was the only
     other recipient among 21 nominations.

     From the DDD of ten years ago.

     Revisionist's corner: Variable star bloopers.

     Final Item: The Origins of the DDO.  VI.

     Other names mentioned: Roy Dancey, Peter Biermann, Paul Feldman, Phil Gregory, Russ
     Taylor, Peter Sutherland, Bill Sherwood, Keenan, Bjarne Everson, Kamper, Kayll Lake,
     Chris Rodgers.

Vol. 11, no. 3,  April 25, 1978:

     Announcement that MacRae and McLaren will become editors of DDD from July.

     Travels: MacRae to USRA in Washington.  McLaren to Rochester.  Fernie to Ottawa. 
     Fraquelli and Shore to New Mexico.  Jim Clark to Arecibo.  Button and Kronberg to the

     Vacancy for a staff astronomer at CFHT.  Anne Kubjas will be a summer assistant in the
     DDO library.

     Tryggve promoted from secretary to Administrative Assistant.  Hogg has retired from the
     Board of Bell Canada.  Roeder wins a trophy at Scarborough for 1000 miles of running
     and being 'Sportsman of the Year'.  Herbst (PhD 1974) becomes an assistant professor at
     Wesleyan U (Van Vleck Obs.).  Racine now a full professor at Montreal U, and
     installation of their 60-in telescope at Megantic has begun.  Campbells have a son.

     Someone called from Mississauga Parks Dept asking about how to design an observatory. 
     Urgent follow-up by Percy revealed the design called for was really a conservatory.

     Percy to hold a workshop on teaching elementary astronomy courses on May 18.

     The Dunlap family has presented the Observatory with a magnificent scrapbook.

     The government may impose a policy whereby even TAships will have to be granted by
     competition, with Canadian applicants to get first consideration.

     Revisionist's corner: Kitt Peak's uninterruptable power supply failed.

     Final Item: The Origins of the DDO.  VII.

     Other names mentioned: Bolton, Maza, Martin, Lane, Garrison.

Vol. 11, no. 5,  May 30, 1974:

     Cover: English word 'ghoti' pronounced 'fish', etc.

     Tribute to outgoing chair MacRae by Fernie, reviewing changes during the past decade or

     David Turner of Laurentian has accepted a one-year assistant professorship with us from
     August 1, replacing Clarke, who will be on leave-of-absence.  Fernie has been appointed
     to the executive committee of the Inst. Hist. & Phil. of Sci. & Tech.  Percy elected
     National President of the RASC.

     Travels: Hogg to Inuvik, and then to CASCA meeting in Saskatoon.  Garrison to Hawaii
     and then to Montreal.  Percy to various school and public visits.  Button and Kronberg to
     the VLA.  Fernie to the IAU LOC in Montreal. Visitors included Peter Biermann for a
     week, Jeff Crelinsten (MSc 1971), who is now with the CBC in Montreal, and Dr Robert
     Robbins, U of Texas, to run a teaching seminar here.             

     Summer students John Pala and Petrusia Bojetchko have started work for Kronberg.

     Fraquelli reports fabulous auroral display in early May.  Best in years.

     Office changes at DDO: Fernie to north-west ground floor.  Bolton upstairs to south-west
     office.  Madore to upstairs south-east office.  Tryggve next door to Fernie.

     Revisionist's corner: History of radio astronomy.

     Ten years ago item.

     Final Item: The Origins of the DDO. Finis.

     Other names mentioned: none.  Last issue edited by Fernie.

Vol. 11,   no. 6,   July 31, 1978:

     Cover: Photo of Racine and the Megantic telescope.  Report by Garrison on page 2.

     Greetings to the new Chair by MacRae.

     Report on the June Institute.  Speakers were Feldman, Ostriker, Peebles, Shu, Weedman.

     Report on many departmental members changing residences.

     Tom Clarke married to long-time ROM coworker, Kathy McLay.  Tryggve's son, Ken,
     married to Carol Tarrant.

     DDO now has FORTH computer language, which is useful for instrument control.  A new
     VAX-11 computer installed in the Burton Tower with Anna Pezacki as system manager.

     Summer assistants: Alfred Stulginskas, Tom Wells, Joan Lawlor, Kai Millyard, Petrusia
     Bojetchko, John Pala, Jaymie Matthews, Derek Trevorrow, Nebojsa Duric, Anne Kubjas.

     Travels: Hogg and Percy to RASC GA in Edmonton.  Fernie, Garrison, Kronberg,
     McLaren, Percy, and Hogg to CASCA meeting in Saskatoon.  Fernie and Evans to
     Goddard.  Bolton and Lester to IAU Symp. 83 in Qualicum Beach, BC.  Kronberg and
     Normandin to IAU Symp. 84 in College Park.  Percy to ASP meeting in Park City, Utah. 
     Lindsey Davis, Jakate, McAlary, Normandin, Kronberg, and McLaren to AAS meeting in
     Madison.  CClement and Wells to Chile.  McLaren to KPNO.  Seaquist to ARO. 
     Kronberg and Jim Clarke to the VLA.  MacRae to CFHT directors meeting in Quebec
     City.  Zane Sterns to Special Libraries Association meeting in Kansas City.

     Gilles Menard (MSc 1974) now a grad student at Montreal after two years in Burundi. 
     McGonegal has passed his PhD generals, and is now GASA president.

     The NATO-sponsored 'Advanced Study Institute' on globular clusters at Cambridge will
     have many DDO and ex-DDO people as speakers.  The CFHT is soon to be erected in its
     dome.  Response to advertisement for a CFHT staff astronomer has been poor.

     Other names mentioned: Martin, Lester, Hawker, Bill Clarke, Hartwick, van den Bergh,
     Bill Harris, Searle (Asst. Prof. 1956-61), Madore, Demarque, McClure, Demers, Innanen,

Vol. 11,  no. 7,   September 27, 1978:

     Cover: Photos of the summer picnic at DDO.

     Report by MacRae on the opening of the Megantic Observatory.  

     A reception on the Observatory lawn, attended by about 70 people, was held to thank the
     MacRaes for their fifteen years of directorship and hospitality.

     A delegation of Saudi Arabian academics spent a day at DDO and DA discussing their
     plans for astronomy at the University of Riyadh.

     The CFHT has arrived in Hawaii.  Once it is erected, the mirror will be shipped form

     Peter Biermann has arrived as a one-year visiting professor.  David Turner has likewise
     arrived for a one-year stay as assistant professor.  Bill Gilmore has begun a pdf with
     Seaquist.  Dennis Ward, former pdf, has left to enrol in Library Science at the U of
     Alberta.   Chris Smith and family are back in Toronto from Chile, with Chris enrolled in
     engineering/computer science at U of T.

     New MSc students: Dominique Barceloux, John Reid, and Doug Gies (who recently won
     the RASC Gold Medal.)

     Lindsey Davis and Chris McAlary to be married Sep 30.  Bill and Gretchen Harris have
     twin daughters.  The Campbells, Pineaults, and Mortons also have new children.

     Travels: Tryggve to Norway and Sweden.  Corbally to the Vatican. Garrison to Rome,
     Paris, and Warsaw.  The Clements touring Europe.  The McGonegals hiking on Mont
     Blanc.  Seaquist family to a distant cabin on the Algoma Railroad.

     DDO Publ., vol. 3, no.7 has just been published.  It is a paper by Steven van Agt on 602
     variable stars in the Sculptor Dwarf galaxy.

     Final Item: The Director's Director.  (Airy.)

     Other names mentioned: Normandin, Kronberg, Hogg, Gauthier, Fernie, Jakate, Crabtree,
     Martin, Bignell, de Roux, Gulliver, Bolton, Fraquelli, Wizinowich, Percy, Lester,
     Arellano, Stellingwerf, Eddy, Rubin.

Vol. 11,  no. 8,   October 31, 1978:

     Dianne Grazioli is leaving the DA office.  Matthew Bates joins DDO as a telescope
     operator.  Esther Oostdyk joins the DDO office, replacing Paulette Le Blanc.  She will
     also help Zane in the library.

     Travels: Percy, Mary Lane, Lester, McLaren to KPNO.  Normandin and Kronberg to
     NRAO.  Fernie to Montreal.  Fraquelli to Toledo Midwest Astronomers meeting. 
     Garrison to Paris.

     Visitors: Shore (now a research associate at Columbia U), Campbell.

     Kronberg named non-U.S. member of NRAO Visiting Committee and also to its Advisory
     Committee on the VLA.  Henry King's book, Geared to the Stars, on timekeepers has
     been published by U of T Press.

     Bruce Campbell is the first person appointed to the Scientific Staff of CFHT.  Rick
     Salmon has joined its optics group.

     Fernies put on their first 'Get the year started' party at Observatory House October 6.

     Abstract of Shore's Phd thesis.

     Other names mentioned: Chris Smith, Percy, Vera Rubin, Gauthier, McAlary, Peter Pesch,
     Eduardo Hardy, Philip Morrison, MacRae, Roeder, Turner, Jakate, Hogg.

Vol. 11,  no. 9,   November 30, 1978:

     Cover: photo of Pamela Sullivan and Gale Archer in DA office.

     Extensive report on 74-in matters by Bolton.  Also on Chile 24-in by Garrison.

     Welcome to Gail Archer as new DA assistant secretary. [Gail or Gale??]

     Report by Bolton on workshop activities.  CFHT polarimeter is being built here.  Ridder
     has moved full-time to the shop.

     Report by CClement on Physical Sciences Saturday at DA.  Report by Fraquelli on
     changes in the 'indians and chiefs' system for Saturday night tours.

     van den Bergh married to Gretchen.  Alan Irwin has finished his thesis and is working for
     Martin.  Peter Pesch and Bruce Campbell were visitors here. Owen Gingerich was Snider
     Visiting Lecturer at Erindale and St George.  Crabtree is Union Steward representing DA
     grad students.

     Travels:  Normandin to Berkeley and Caltech and then, with Kronberg, to Bonn.  Madore
     to Las Campanas.  McAlary to KPNO.  Martin (on sabbatical) to Cambridge and Tucson. 
     Fernie to RASC, Niagara Falls.  Seaquist to RASC, London.  Percy to conference of
     science teachers.

     Abstract of Irwin's thesis.

     Other names mentioned: Harvey Richardson, Murray Fletcher, Roy Dancey, Nancy Evans,
     Estevens, Blyth, Lester, Longworth, MClement, McLaren, Corbally, Davis, Gies,
     Bojetchko, Duric, Wendy Freedman, Tom Wells, Teillet, Hogg, Turner, Mary Lane, Chris
     Rogers, Jakate, McGonegal.

Vol. 12,   no. 1,   January 31, 1979:

     Cover: Christmas Countdown group photo.  Key on page 3.

     Report by Bolton on epsilon Persei, newly discovered at DDO as a beta Cephei star.

     Report by Fernie on a reception to honour Henry King's book 'Geared to the Stars'.

     Solution to an astro cryptic crossword puzzle which appeared in the DDDroppings.

     Amusing 'carol' about C.T. Claus   a take-off on Bolton.

     Report by Bolton on 74-in matters.  Report by MacRae on CFHT.  (His term as Chair of
     the Board now over.)

     Abstract of Jakate's PhD thesis.

     Report on the death of Rev. Burke-Gaffney.  (One of a group of priests who established
     St Mary's U in Halifax.  He was first Dean/Professor of Engineering there, and later
     Professor of Astronomy.) [This contains errors.  See the next issue.]

     Travels:  Madore to Israel and UWO.  Crabtree and McLaren to CTIO.  Kronberg and
     Biermann to Charlottesville.   Details of various local talks.

     van den Bergh has officially resigned from U of T, effective July 1, 1979.  Madore will
     continue as his replacement until July 1981, when the position may become tenure-stream. 
     Clarke will continue has leave-of-absence until July 1980, and Turner will continue as his
     replacement meanwhile.

     Jakate was married last month and is now a pdf at the U of Brussels.  The Bates have a
     son.  Ruta Cahn and husband Colin Asimus have a daughter.  Hogg has received a silver
     brooch in recognition of her efforts towards international recognition for Richmond Hill.

     Final Item: The Search for Vulcan.  I.

     Other names mentioned: Thomson, Howard Petch, Fehrenbach, Normandin, McGonegal,
     Lane, Lake, Roeder, McAlary, Shore, Percy, Bill Harris, Crampton, Slettebak, Zubrod,
     Pedreros, Judy Pipher, Nancy Houk, Grieve, Wrobel.

Vol. 12,   no. 2,   February 28, 1979:

     Note on the 100th anniversary of Einstein's birth and local events celebrating it.

     Farewell to Peter Biermann who is now returning to Bonn after six months at DA.

     Travels: Garrison to AAS meeting in Mexico City and to Winnipeg.  Turner to Montreal. 
     Madore to London (UK).  Fernie to Montreal and Ottawa.  MClement to Yale. 
     Normandin to Ottawa.  MacRae and Garrison to a reception at the French Embassy in

     Visitors included Judy Pipher, Sue (Priddle) Reader, Iris (Hogg) Buchan. (With info on
     these people.)  

     Revisionist's Corner: Examples from Jim Hunt (U of Guelph).

     Corrections to last issue's account of Burke-Gaffney.  St Mary's U was in fact founded in
     1802, and was a Catholic institution until 1970.  Correction supplied by Gerry Diamond
     (MSc 1976), now doing a PhD in meteorology at U of T Physics.

     Las Campanas news: "Phernie" photometer installed, new plate baking facility coming.

     Lengthy report on the Scarborough telescope, its history, costs, specs, etc.

     Final Item: The Search for Vulcan.  II.

     Other names mentioned: George Ellis, Roeder, Nancy Houk, Rudy Schild, Nancy
     Morrison, Jakate, Irwin, Mclaren, McAlary, Wehlau, Percy, Matthews, Estevens.

Vol. 12,   no. 3,   March 31, 1979:

     Cover: Photo of trail left by Asteroid Toronto.

     Article by Kamper detailing the history of the Asteroid Toronto project.  Its minor planet
     number is 2104, and the presentation to Mayor Sewell was on March 23.

     Bart Bok will be a visiting professor here from April 20 to May 5.  Jose Maza and Bjarne
     Everson have completed their Phd requirements.  Maza has a position on the staff of the
     University of Chile, while Everson has a pdf at Cambridge.

     The MacRaes left on March 8 for France where Don will spend the latter part of his six-
     month sabbatical.

     Report by Crabtree on the U of T grad student expedition to see the Feb 26 total solar
     eclipse from Manitoba.  (It was a success.)  Similar report by Gies on the RASC
     expedition to northern Manitoba.  (Also successful.)

     Potpourri: Visit by Arp.  Fernie's history course now has 375 students and he lectures
     Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays.  Martin is taking flying lessons while on
     sabbatical in Tucson.

     Travels: Garrison to Dudley Observatory and York.  McAlary and McLaren to KPNO. 
     Turner to Kingston.  Percy to Hamilton and Kingston.  MClement to UWO.  Fraquelli to
     Laval.  McLaren to Guelph.

     Abstract of Maza's thesis.

     Other names mentioned: Landstreet, Corbally, Grieve, McGonegal, Reid, Zubrod, Wrobel,
     Dominique Barceloux, Seaquist.

Vol. 12,   no. 4,   April 30, 1979:

     Cover: Revisionist's Corner material.

     Letter to the editor by Bill Harris detailing a visit to Las Campanas and to Santiago with
     Jos. Maza.  Rick Crowe was the resident of the day.

     Another letter about 'T.C. Bolt' in one of Isaac Asimov's books.

     Description of Bok's activities here as a visiting professor.

     New resident at Las Campanas will be Alan Boyce.  Crowe to return to DA as a PhD

     CFHT news from Garrison.  First light expected this July, and dedication will be on
     September 28.

     Kamper has received a status-only appointment as Assistant Professor, arranged by Dean
     Kruger in recognition of Kamper's contributions to the Department.

     Travels: Kronberg to Charlottesville and Cornell.  McLaren and Crabtree to KPNO. 
     Garrison to Yerkes.  Percy (as Shapley Lecturer) to U of Maine, to Cambridge Mass, and
     to Montreal.

     Thesis abstract of Bjarne Everson.

Vol. 12,  no. 5,   June 30, 1979:

     Summer students: Ed Anderson, Petrusia Bojetchko, Tom Box, Tim Pointing, Douglas

     Letter from Dave Hanes re the first issue of David Dunlap Droppings.

     Martine Normandin successfully defended her thesis and has an industrial pdf at Fairchild
     Camera & Instrument Corp in Palo Alto.  Fraquelli is going to Dartmouth as research
     associate after finishing her thesis. Donna Zubrod and Gerry Grieve married.  Esther
     Oostdyk married to Craig McCleary.  Archie and Ingrid Ridder have a daughter.  Gerry
     Grieve passed his generals exam.

     Garrison promoted to full professor.  Jim de Roux has resigned as research assistant to
     Fernie in order to attend law school at the U of Windsor.

     Travels: Don and Betty MacRae back from four months in France.  CClement to Las
     Campanas.  Turner to Megantic.  McLaren and Crabtree to Kitt Peak.  Arrellano to Cerro
     Tololo.  Seaquist and Gilmore to the VLA.  Wrobel to Greenbank.  Normandin and
     Kronberg to Bonn.  Crabtree, Fernie, Garrison, McAlary, McLaren, Seaquist, and Turner
     to CASCA meeting at UBC.  Fernie and Garrison to NRC Associate Committee meeting
     at UBC.  Fernie to Montreal for IAU Organizing Committee meeting.  Bolton, Lindsey
     Davis, Fraquelli, Gilmore, and Seaquist to workshop on radio stars at HIA.  Percy to
     UWO for RASC General Assembly.  Corbally and Garrison to AAS meeting at Wellesley
     College.  McLaren to annual meeting of Canadian Association of Physicists in Vancouver.

     Update on 74-in matters by Bolton.  Also reports that the Grant measuring engine has
     been digitized using an HP 9815 calculator, and that some data analysis programs are
     being transferred to the VAX. 

     Article by Stuart Button on computer-generated finder fields.

     Duric wins the RASC Gold Medal, and Tom Box the Pounder Prize.

     Article by Zane Sterns about her trip up Mauna Kea after an SLA meeting in Honolulu.

     A selection of Heard editorials is appearing in the JRASC; the first of three in this April's

     Preparation for IAU Symposium 88 on close binaries are in hand for the start at DA on
     August 6.  150+ participants expected.

     Thesis abstract of Normandin.

     Other names mentioned: Madore, Kamper, Jim Clarke, Roeder, Hogg, Wehlau, Lyons.

Vol. 12,  no. 6,    September 7, 1979:

     Cover: CFHT's first photograph (M15).

     Report on first light for the CFHT.  Copy of an advert from the U of Victoria for a
     distinguished astronomer to take up an endowed full professorship in their physics dept.

     Report by Fernie on a night of outstanding photometric stability, and that DDO now has a
     set of DDO filters.

     Bill Weller has been appointed Research Associate at DDO, starting in October.  Bolton
     starts a year's sabbatical with plans to possibly visit Eastern Europe and Moscow.  Roeder
     starts a year's sabbatical, joining Wheeler at U of Texas.  Martin just back from a year's
     sabbatical at U of Arizona and Cambridge.  MacRae back from a six-month sabbatical in

     Report by Bolton on IAU Symposium 88 held at DA Aug 7-10.  Attendees numbered 170
     from 26 countries.  Report by MacRae on the Montreal General Assembly in mid-August.
     Fernie elected president of Comm. 27. DDO hosted a lunch visit by a group of post-GA
     touring astronomers on Aug 25. McLaren, Nancy Evans, Madore, Turner, and Lester all
     became members of the IAU.

     Shore now an assistant prof at Case-Western Reserve U.  Kronberg now chair of the VLA
     advisory committee.  Wrobel passed her general exam, as has Gauthier.  McLaren and
     Gilmore attended IAU Symposium 87 on interstellar molecules in Quebec.  McAlary and
     McGonegal to Kitt Peak.  Seaquist and Gilmore to CfA.  Normandin to Japan.  Hogg and
     Madore to Victoria for IAU Symposium 85 on star clusters.  Garrison uses the new IUE
     to start spectral classification in the uv.  Turner to Kitt Peak.  Madore to Austin, Texas.

     Revisionists' Corner by McLaren and his neighbour conversing on astrology/astronomy.

     Other names mentioned: Petch, Cayrel, Racine, McCLure, Frank Bradshaw Wood,
     Biermann, Margaret Heard, Bok, Corbally, Chris Rogers, Wrobel, Kamper, Irwin,
     Clements, Percy, Mary Lane, Roger Griffin, Schmidt-Kaler, Bethe, Henriksen, Barceloux,
     Gies, Crabtree, Lindsey Davis, Deupree.

Vol. 12,  no. 7,   November 2, 1979:

     Cover: Two photos of asteroid Toronto taken an hour apart with the Chile 24-in.

     Biographical sketches of new graduate students: Wendy Freedman, Nebosja Duric, Lale
     Akatli, Karen Finstad, Louis Noreau, Mercedes Davis, Jeff Clayton, Rick Crowe, Raquel

     Report on our entrants (DART = DA Rally Team) in a car rally at Erindale.  Report by
     Fernie ('Nights of Doubt and Sorrow') on prospects for simultaneous photometry with
     twin telescopes at DDO.  Report by MacRae on the opening of the CFHT September 28.

     Bill Weller has taken up his position as a Reinhardt research associate.  Kampers have a
     son, Brendon.  Corbally has passed his general exam and gone to Chile.  Bolton and
     Lester to Goddard to use IUE.  Fernie has joined the U of T Research Board.  Pedreros
     has finished his MSc thesis.  Fernie and Garrison to Ottawa for an Associate Committee
     meeting.  Madore to UWO and Seaquist to Queen's for colloquia.  Tryggve reports a
     phone call from Walter Gorza's wife, giving their New Zealand address.  Garrison is
     building a pocket spectrograph.  Thomson advertising rooms for rent ($100 a month) in
     his country home.

     Amusing note about Bolton's weather radio.  Amusing note from Provost D.A. Chant
     about his father (prof of psychiatry?) and C.A. Chant in the 1930s.

     Other names mentioned: Button, Crabtree, Grieve, Sterns, Zubrod, Rick Salmon, Arellano
     Ferro, Kronberg, Biermann, Percy, Hogg, McAlary, McLaren, Turner, Sun Kwok, Joe
     Veverka, Borra, Rogers.

Vol. 12,  no. 8,   December 12, 1979:

     Report on IAU Symposium 84 and the dustcover of the proceedings showing a diagram
     by Kronberg and Normandin.  The diagram is reproduced as the cover of the Doings.

     Krzeminski has arrived from Poland for a six months sabbatical here and at Las Campanas. 
     Report by CClement on Physical Sciences Saturday held on November 10.

     Report by Garrison on Las Campanas news.  Hugo Levato very impressed with quality of
     our image-tube spectra.  Garrison trying to photo condors with a movie camera.  Maarten
     Schmidt has resigned as director of Hale Observatories effective July 1, 1980.

     Report by MacRae on CFHT news.  As of January 1, 1980, van den Bergh and Wehlau
     will replace MacRae and Locke on the Board, and Hartwick and Landstreet will replace
     Walker and Wehlau on the SAC.  A new director and associate director to be appointed
     before next summer.

     Seaquist and Lindsey Davis to Arecibo.  McAlary back from Chile.  Kronberg and
     Biermann to the VLA.  Martin to Steward Observatory.  McLaren to KPNO.  Garrison to
     Chile.  Hogg and Percy to AAVSO meeting.  Turner to McMaster.  Fernie to Vancouver
     for wrap-up meeting of IAU organizing committee.  Kronberg to Montreal.  MacRae to

     John Kormendy (RASC Gold Medal 1970) appointed to staff of DAO.  Demarque visited
     the Department November 23.  Roel Hurkens now coordinator of the co-op program at U
     of Victoria.  Michael De Robertis (BSc and RASC Gold Medal 1977) is enrolled at U of

     Note by Turner showing that a sci-fi story in 1940 showed Pluto as having three satellites,
     one of which was named Charon.  This is 38 years before Charon was discovered and
     named..  Two to go??

     Report on GASA's car rally, which started from DDO.  Winners were Sterns and Zubrod,
     with Martin and Camie Geary second.  Organizers were Grieve and Crabtree, and Ron and
     Linda Lyons.

     Revisionists' Corner.

     Other names mentioned: Jim Clarke, Button, Noreau, Madore, Barceloux, Freedman,
     Gies, McGonegal, Chris Rogers, Bojetchko, Box, Margot Loren, Fred Schmidt, Welch,
     Corbally, Arellano Ferro, Keay, Pedreros, Weedman, Rafe Nicholls, Hogg.

Vol. 13,  no. 1,   January 31, 1980:

     Cover: Group photo taken at the 1979 Christmas Countdown.  Identifications on p3.

     More on the naming of Pluto's satellite Charon.

     Larry Morrill has resigned from DDO staff.  Will miss playing darts.

     Madore wins the 'travel award' for most 1979 travels.  Percy comes second.

     Big increase in undergrad enrollment on St George campus.  Fernie's history course has
     attracted 514 students, and Garrison's 306.

     Prof. I.R. Pounder, donor of a number of our departmental scholarships, is in good health
     and attended an Erindale banquet last November 1.

     Garrison and Seaquist to San Francisco AAS meeting.  Kronberg to the VLA.  Wrobel to
     NRAO for several months.

     Report by Madore on travelling back from Chile and nearly being arrested.

     Other names mentioned: Turner, Biermann, Ferro, Zubrod, Clayton, Paul Feldman, Bob
     Wing, Duric, Freedman, Crowe, Bill Fowler.

Vol. 13,  no. 2,    March 31, 1980:

     Cover: Photos of the dedication of Scarborough's 12-in Questar telescope.

     Report on the opening of the Scarborough telescope.

     Tinka Saul is replacing DA secretary Pamela Sullivan while latter is on maternity leave for
     four months.  Sullivans have a son.

     Bolton and Martin promoted to Full Professor effective next July 1.  Martin and Camie
     Geary were married February 9.  Pim FitzGerald promoted to full professor at Waterloo.

     The 1980 June Institute speakers will be David Arnett, Art Cox, Stephen Murray, Ben

     Report on Seaquist's work on SS 433.

     Letter to the editor from Percy re his travels.

     Linda Twitchin has returned from a brief leave of absence.  Her absence does not account
     for the stretched-out interval between issues of DDD.  That ... was an economy measure,
     both temporal and financial.

     Lester and Lane to Goddard for an IUE run.  Garrison and McLaren to Ottawa for task
     force meetings on the Canadian Space Telescope.  Gilmore back from 5 weeks at NRAO. 
     McLaren to RMC at Kingston.  Garrison to NRC associate committee on space research
     in Ottawa.

     Lengthy updates by Bolton and Kamper on the PDS, radial velocity corrections, and the
     Grant measuring engine.

     Other names mentioned: Krzeminski, Joan Foley, MClement, CClement, Kronberg, Dyer,
     Noreau, Finstad, Akatli, Corbally, Simard-Normandin, Madore, Thomson, Fernie, Tony
     Moffat, Gretchen Harris, Bill Harris, Borra, Lorne Avery, Demers, Matt Bates.

Vol. 13,    no. 3,     May 15, 1980.

     Cover: Letter from van den Bergh re first Canadian observations with CFHT.

     Wendy Freedman and Joan Wrobel have won US$5000 Amelia Earhart Fellowships from
     Zonta International.

     McLaren becomes Associate Professor with tenure July 1, with a 20% cross-appointment
     in Physics.  Bill Harris becomes Associate Professor at McMaster.  Zane Sterns now has
     "permanent status" (tenure) with U of T. 

     Zubrod-Grieve and Gauthier are newly-elected as GASA co-presidents, succeeding

     Undergrad summer students: Alex Fullerton, Margot Loren, Paul Ford, Michael Gaspar,
     and Doug Welch.  Peter Wizinowich is our new Resident Astronomer at Las Campanas.

     Summer Visitors' Program at DDO is being run by Corbally, Crabtree, Duric, Finstad,
     Gies, Grieve, Gauthier, Lane, Noreau, Pedreros, and Zubrod.

     Report from Garrison on CFHT news (staff, instruments, etc).

     Pritchet becomes an assistant professor at U of Calgary.

     Visitors: Hanes from Cambridge (becomes staff astronomer at AAT next July), Bidelman,
     Innanen, Biermann. 

     Gilmore to VLA.  McAlary to KPNO.  Martin to Steward Obs.  Kronberg and Button to
     NRAO.  Madore and Freedman at Megantic.  Percy to Montreal.  Madore, Kathy Madore,
     and Freedman to Switzerland.  Kronberg to Bonn.

     CClement gave a party for Hogg's 75th birthday.  Gail Archer passed her driving exam.

     Detailed scientific program of the 1980 June Institute.

     Revisionists' Corner.

     Piece by MacRae on the small transit building on Bloor Street alongside the present U of
     T Admissions Building.

     Piece by Crabtree on his IUE observing experience near Madrid, Spain. 

     Other names mentioned: Bruce Campbell, Rick Salmon, Milone, Shara, Hutchings,
     Crampton, Bolton, Turner, Herbst, Grieve, Seaquist.

Vol. 13,   no. 4,   June 20, 1980:

     Cover: Photo of M81 taken by Madore and Freedman with the CFHT.

     Report from Freedman (as the first woman astronomer to us the CFHT) on observing

     Note that the Mt Wilson and Las Campanas observatories will now be managed by
     Carnegie, with Preston as acting director.

     Report by Percy on the 1980 June Institute, which had about 30 outside attendees.

     Arellano Ferro, Clayton, Crowe, Mercedes Davis, and Zubrod have all passed their PhD
     general exams.  Davis is to be married in Jamaica next month.

     Dyer and Roeder have won honourable mention for their essay submitted to the Gravity
     Research Foundation competition.

     Jim Clarke is leaving to become an assistant professor in the Dept of Computer Science. 
     Pamela Sullivan is back from maternity leave.  A farewell for her temporary replacement,
     Tinka Shanahan Saul, was held June 5.

     McLaren and Percy to serve on the NRC Associate Committee.  Percy to Quebec,
     Halifax, and St John's.  CClement to Las Campanas.

     Brief letter from Bill Herbst (PhD 1974), saying he is an assistant professor at Wesleyan,
     and that he and Betty have one son and another on the way.

     Visitors included Dan Nadeau, Mike Shara, and Bill Sherwood.

     Reminiscence by Hogg re Victoria and early days at DDO.  Frank Hogg joined U of T as a
     lecturer in January, 1935, becoming Head and Director in 1946.

     Other names mentioned: Bill Harris, Maza, Bolton, Grieve, Turner, Nancy Evans.

Vol. 13,   no. 5,    September 12, 1980:

     Cover: New rendition of 74-in dome logo.  Kamper explains how it was done.

     Report by Madore on a galaxies conference at Cambridge.

     Madore to be appointed a tenure-stream Assistant Professor beginning July 1, 1981.  Dyer
     and Turner have received NSERC University Research Fellowships.  Dyer will remain at
     Scarborough, and Turner will return to Laurentian U.  Hawker has obtained his private
     pilot's license.  Finstad has been named a Junior Fellow of Massey College.  Pedreros has
     passed his PhD General exam.  Racine is the new director of CFHT.

     Alan and Barbara Irwin have left for Victoria where Alan has a pdf.  He obtained his PhD
     here in 1978 and has been a Research Associate with Martin since then.

     Linda Twitchin has resigned from DDO to take a post at the Institute of Environmental
     Studies.  She joined DDO in 1972.  Gilmore, after two years as Seaquist's pdf, has left. 
     Gail Archer resigned from DA in July to take a post with a financial consulting firm.  She
     joined DA in November 1978.  Her place will be taken by Maria Wong, once a teacher in
     Hong Kong, but more recently from Australia.

     Percy and Fernie to Los Alamos for IAU Colloquium 58.  McLaren to Hawaii.

     Farewell party for Henry King was held last June 19 at the planetarium.  Madore is now
     the faculty/library liaison officer.

     Report by McLaren on IAU Symposium 96 on infrared astronomy.

     Other names mentioned: Tremaine, Kormendy, van den Bergh, McClure, Hartwick,
     Innanen, Freedman, Corbally, Nadeau, Clayton, Rogers, Noreau, Zubrod-Grieve, Duric,
     Crowe, Krzeminski, Jakate, Matthews, Gulliver, Bolton, Poeckert, Roeder, Campbell,
     McAlary, Davis.

Vol. 13,   no. 6,   November 21, 1980:

     Cover: Photo of Rick McGonegal and his infrared photometer on DA 16-in.

     Report by McGonegal describing this ir photometer and its performance.

     Allen Yen has been appointed a University Professor.  The McLarens have a third
     daughter.  The Herbsts have a second son.

     Shenton Chew has joined the DDO staff.  Rosemary Diamond is a new Secretarial
     Assistant at DDO, with part-time library duties.

     New grad students: Petrusia Bojetchko, Kwang Tae Kim (from Korea), Raied Nasser
     (from Iraq), Raymond Rusk (from Saskatchewan), Leif Schioler (from Denmark).  Duric
     and Freedman have finished their MSc programs and started PhD work.

     Report by CClement on Physical Science Saturday.  DA can now receive Telex messages,
     but at a new number.

     Report by Crabtree on the DDO/GASA fall car rally.

     Corbally to Las Campanas and South Africa.  McLaren and McAlary to Hawaii.  Madore
     to Hawaii.  Martin to KPNO.  Davis to Arecibo.  Hogg and Kronberg to the dedication of
     the VLA.  Percy on Shapley Lectureship travels.  Fernie to U of Montreal.  Tryggve back
     from holiday out west.

     Report by Bolton on his sabbatical work.  Note by Hogg that the AAAS will hold its
     annual meeting in Toronto next January.

     Other names mentioned: George Watson, Garrison, Crowe, Grieve, Zubrod-Grieve, Alex
     Fullerton, Margot Loren, Doug Welch, Ed Zukowski, Richards, Seaquist, van den Bergh,
     Tony Moffat, Gauthier, Gies, Mary Lane, Kamper, Lyons, Dyer, Roeder, Lorne Avery,
     Larry Morrill.

Vol. 14,    no. 1,    January 16, 1981:

     Cover: Group photo of previous month's Christmas Countdown.

     Identification chart for the group photo.

     Kronbergs have a third son.  Longworth celebrated his 65th birthday on January 1, 1981.

     Zane Sterns has resigned as librarian to accept a position with a management consulting
     firm.  She joined us in the fall of 1976.  Alice Kato (DA secretary 1966 - 1973) has
     become secretary to the Principal of New College.

     Advert for a tenure-stream assistant professor in our department.  Starting salary

     Report by Freedman on her second observing run at CFHT.  Madore at CFHT and then
     Las Campanas.  Corbally at SAAO (weather poor).  Report by Garrison on CFHT
     instrumentation.  Report by Bolton on doing uv spectroscopy on the 74-in down to
     3200A.  Bates reports a VAX program that allows VAX ascii files to be read by the DDO
     PDP-8 computer.

     Jacques Vall.e has a staff position at HIA.  The NSERC grant selection committee visited
     DA on January 13.  Kamper and Seaquist to the Albuquerque AAS meeting.  The Fernies
     to South Africa in celebrating their 25th wedding anniversary.  Bolton to Goddard for an
     IUE run.  Lyons to Tucson for an image processing conference.  The Irwins are settled in
     Victoria.  Dominique Barceloux (MSc 1980) has an assistantship at U of Montreal. 
     Wizinowich, our Las Campanas resident was home for Christmas but is now back in Chile. 
     Freedman presented with her Amelia Earhart Fellowship.  Piece by MacRae on Henrietta
     Swope (1902 - 1980).  Also a piece by MacRae on Edna Fuller, DDO's first
     secretary/librarian, who died last year.

     Report by Roeder on his sabbatical in Texas (where permission was obtained for him to
     use the ARPA computer net.)  Report from Hogg detailing the history of the astronomy
     column in The Toronto Star.  Her last column for this appeared on January 10, 1981.

     Other names mentioned: Fernie, Grieve, Button, McLaren, McGonegal, Gauthier,
     Crabtree, Gies, Lane, Tremaine, Arellano, Akatli, Schiler, Nasser, Rusk, Kim, Bojetchko,
     Michaud, Paul Herget, Pedreros, Kamper, Percy, Kronberg, Seaquis, MClement, Dyer,
     Millman, Frank Hogg, Fred Troyer

Vol. 14,    no. 2,    March 6, 1981:

     Cover: Photo of a gravitational lens simulator's effects.  Explanation on p2.

     Lester will become Associate Professor on July 1.  He joined DA in July 1976.  The
     Martins have a son.  The Ridders have a third daughter.  Esther Salve (DA secretary
     1972-76) to be married in April.

     Lynda Colbeck is our new librarian.

     The Canadian VLBA design study is underway, chaired by Seaquist.  The NRC Associate
     Committee on Astronomy is preparing a statement of astronomy priorities in Canada;
     various subcommittees have been established.  

     Reports by Crowe and by Madore on observing runs in Chile.  Report by Bolton on heavy
     demand for PDS time; some reduction programs being ported to the VAX, and an
     interactive graphics terminal is needed.  Report on the new classification spectrograph for

     Three DA grad students have been awarded Connaught scholarships: Duric, Schioler, and
     Box.  Listing of last year's undergrad awards.

     Bolton to U of Guelph and Dalhousie.  Seaquist to Edmonton, UWO, UBC, and DAO. 
     McAlary to KPNO.  Crabtree to Montreal.

     Report on further observational results from CFHT on Pluto/Charon.

     Other names mentioned: Roeder, Dyer, Broten, Garrison, Gary Welch, McLaren,
     Henrikson, Scarfe, Percy, Costain, Wizinowich, Pedreros, Martin, Rogers, Rusk, Evans,
     Akatli, Schioler, Michaud, Paul Herget, Gies, Fernie, Kronberg, Hogg.

Vol. 14,   no. 3,    April 24, 1981:

     Cover: The great Dunlap scrapbook.  Description and background information on p3.

     MClement becomes a full professor on July 1, 1981.  Fraquelli has successfully defended
     her thesis and has gone as a research associate to Dartmouth.  The Clements have a son. 
     CClement will be returning to work half-time after her maternity leave.  Crabtree, Davis,
     McAlary, and Rogers have all been awarded NSERC postdoctoral fellowships.  Hogg will
     receive an honorary degree from St Mary's U next May.

     Report by Bolton on IAU Symposium no. 98 on Be stars in Munich.  Report by Pedreros
     re his return to Chile.  Ian Shelton is the new Las Campanas resident astronomer for 1981-
     82.  Clayton, Ian Thompson, and Garrison to Chile for observing.

     Duric reports how being a summer tour guide led to his giving radio talks on astronomy to
     a Yugoslav audience.  Garrison gave a lecture series at Laval.  Evans spoke here on binary
     cepheids.  Grieve going to Hawaii as a summer student; Zubrod will join him there.  Earle
     Luck visited us for a colloquium.

     CFHT now has a newsletter (called CFH KE HEOU).  From its first issue (last January)
     we learn that Campbell's two year contract has been renewed for a further two years.

     GASA election results: Clayton is president; Crowe is secretary-treasurer, and Freedman,
     Schioler, and Duric are executive officers.

     Abstract of Fraquelli's thesis.

     Other names mentioned: Kamper, Maza, Racine, Poeckert, Joseph Patterson, Mochnacki,
     Percy, Martin, Gauthier, Finstad.

Vol. 14,   no. 4,    May 31, 1981:

     Cover: VLA 20 cm map of NGC 3310.  Explanation by Duric on p3, with VLA news.

     Gies and Schioler have passed their PhD general exams.  Chris Purton (MA with us 1962)
     has left York U for a position at DRAO in Penticton.

     Garrison and Martin to Europe for CFHT committee meetings.  Finstad has left for U of
     Alberta.  Mary Lane has completed her thesis and taken a position with Infomart.  Bjarne
     Everson has left Cambridge and gone to JILA for a position with John Cox.  Corbally is in
     England.  Visitors here included Bill Cruise of CFHT staff, Peter Brogden, who teaches
     electronics at Ryerson, and Victor Clube of the Royal Observatory, Edinburgh.

     Hogg has agreed to serve as Astronomy consultant for the 'New Canadian Encyclopedia'
     to be published soon at the U of Alberta.

     Summer students are Paul Ford,  Alex Fullerton, Parmjit Pancchi, Roussen Roussev,
     Stuart Heggie.  Three prospective grad students are Ed Zukowski, Doug Welch, and Tom

     Revisionists' Corner includes a howler from the Aurora Banner re Duric's public talks.

     One of the speakers at this year's Welsh Lectures was Carmen Costain. 

     Reminder that this year's June Institute is about to get underway.

     Editorial by MacRae on the chaos at DDO produced by the installation of sprinklers this
     summer.  Estimated cost $200,000.

     Report on the farewell garden party for Gerry Longworth.

     The CFHT newsletter has changed its name to CFH NU HOU.  

     Two quotations from The Observatory re work by some Canadian astronomers.

     Other names mentioned: Seaquist, Kronberg, Noreau, Gregory, Anne Gower, Alan Bridle,
     Rick Perley, Bignell, Percy, Kamper, Bolton, CClement, Yen, Turner, Thomson, Madore.

Vol. 14,   no. 5,   June 30, 1981:

     Cover: Announcement of Stefan Mochnacki joining the staff.  Will arrive at the end of

     Seaquist leaving for a sabbatical at the VLA.   McLaren will act as associate chairman. 
     CClement returns from maternity leave July 1, but will be half-time for two years. 
     MacRae will pick up the other half of her position and so will be teaching for at least two
     more years.  Longworth's retirement has allowed us to bring Weller into a permanent staff

     Lane has successfully defended her thesis.  Duric has passed his PhD general exam.

     Report by Noreau on the optical identification of 3C 303.  (Will use "a package of
     programs exported from NRAO called the AIPS.")

     Report by Bolton on the new system of 74-in time allocation, under which observers are
     required to submit proposals for review by the Telescope Scheduling Committee twice a
     year.  The system has gone through two rounds of applications already.

     Report by McLaren on the CASCA meeting at Quebec City.  Report by Percy on a
     workshop in Nice on pulsating B stars.  Report by McLaren on the June 1981 June
     Institute, which this year was scaled back to three lectures from each of three speakers. 
     The latter were Bob Kirshner, Scott Tremaine, and Bruce Elmegreen.

     Garrison is graduate secretary.  Bolton replaces Seaquist as second VP of the RASC's
     Toronto Centre.

     McLaren, Welch, and Brogden back from a (cloudy) run with the infrared photometer at
     Megantic.  Lyons back from a two-week hiking and bird-watching tour of northern
     Scotland and the Orkneys.

     Report on meetings with industry re the CLBA.

     Now that Longworth is gone, there are no regular once-a-week runs between DA and
     DDO.  Request that persons making the trip ask if there's anything to be taken.

     Annual report by Bolton on the PDS.

     Report by Fernie on a visit to Elms Lea by the Marsh family on Sunday, June 14.

     Lane's thesis abstract.

     Other names mentioned: Kronberg, Arellano, BAkos, Crowe, Evans, Garrison, Gauthier,
     Gies, Kamper, Lester, Turner, Dyer, Madore, MacRae, Roeder, Thomson, Corbally,

Vol. 14,   no. 6,    September 22,  1981:

     Cover: Image-tube spectra taken with the 74-in.  These taken with the Reticon system,
     described by Weller on p 3.

     The (Tom) Clarkes have a daughter.  Duric, Freedman, and Schioler have passed their
     PhD general exams.  Akatli has completed her MSc.  Martin now replaces McLaren as co-
     editor of DDD.

     Report by Mochnacki on a newly available spectrophotometric reduction program called

     Library news from Colbeck: A Guide to the DDO Library and DA Reference Room has
     been prepared.  The ApJ will have 12 volumes per year instead of 8, starting Oct 1, 1981. 
     The Ohio State Palomar Sky Survey plastic overlays have been received.  The mail strike
     delayed new book deliveries, but now 25 have been received at DDO in one week.

     Report by Madore on the infrared group's now being able to extend their cepheid
     calibrations using bigger telescopes.

     Freedman to Las Campanas for her first 24-in run.  Grieve and Madore to Pasadena to
     reduce data.  (They report the 100-in has been dedicated as a national monument, but
     there are rumours its operation may be severely cut back for fiscal reasons.)  Akatli spent
     the summer travelling in Europe, and is now looking for a Toronto job in computer
     science.  Bev Oke visited DA and DDO in early September.  The Mochnackis have
     arrived.  Madore has received a $2400 grant from the Pure & Applied Sciences
     Committee.  Dianne Grazioli, former DA secretary, has appeared in a NFB documentary
     on Archaeology.  Kamper to the USNO to measure plates.  Hogg to Victoria for the
     RASC general assembly.  Corbally, Fernie, Hogg, Kronberg, Madore, Martin, Mochnacki,
     Roeder to AAS meeting in Calgary.  Gies and Bolton to CFHT.  Evans to Quebec City for
     CAS meeting, and to U of Northern Iowa.  

     Peter Jackson (MSc 1968) has accepted a position at York U resulting from Purton's
     departure.  He did his PhD at the U of Maryland, and has been there since.

     Welcome to Harvey Liszt, who will be giving the graduate course on radio astronomy this

     Piece by Fernie on a direct-line-of-sight high-speed computer link between DDO and DA,
     and the fact that DA is actually east of DDO.

     Report by Evans on observing SU Cyg with IUE.

     New grad students: Tom Box, Allan Busch, Michael Swift, Doug Welch, Ed Zukowski. 
     Grad students leaving: Crabtree to Dataplotting Services of Toronto, Nasser to U of
     Colorado, Schioler to IBM in Denmark, Zubrod-Grieve to IBM in Toronto.

     Report by Lester on a Liege Symposium on chemically peculiar stars of the upper main

     Fernie and Garrison have made a case for help with Chile funding to the University's
     Private Support Project Review Committee.  The latter permits us to seek private funding
     of up to $20,000 a year for two years.  Fernie and Garrison were also in Pasadena in
     August for talks with George Preston, director of Mt Wilson & Las Campanas

     Report by Bolton on the negative aspects of the DDO sprinkler system project.

     Amusing short report by Martin on his 5-month old son 'observing' Saturn.

     Other names mentioned: McLaren, McGoengal, McAlary, Nadeau, Michaud, Rice,
     Wehlau, Odell, Shore, Martin Duncan.

Vol. 14,   no. 7,   October 28, 1981:

     Cover: Sample output of new software for producing finder charts.  Explanation by Bates
     on p3.

     Davis has successfully defended her PhD thesis.  Rusk has completed his MSc.

     Report from Grieve on the summer student program at CFHT.  Report by Kronberg on a
     university initiative for the Canadian Long Baseline Array (CLBA) project.

     Larson (MA 1963) is now Chairman at Yale.  John Booker (BSc 1960) now head of
     mathematics at Burnhamthorpe Collegiate.

     Hogg and Freedman to Schenectady for IAU Colloquium 68 on Astrophysical Parameters
     for Globular Clusters.  Arellano to KPNO.  Martin to UWO.  Percy to Ann Arbor,
     Montreal, Cambridge Mass., and KPNO.  (Percy encountered Edwin Weston, a member
     of DA in the early fifties, at Ann Arbor.)  McGonegal and Madore to CTIO.  Madore and
     Freedman to CFHT.  Kronberg to DAO and the VLA.  Button to Charlottesville to work
     with NRAO's AIPS group.  Evans to IUE.  Crampton visited DDO, and Seaquist visited

     Letter from Seaquist re life in Socorro, NM.

     Box has won the RASC Gold Medal.  Details of Pounder awards.

     Quote from Eddington 50 years ago on dangers of 'subatomic energy' weaponry. 

     Report by Evans on the Canadian Association for Women in Science.  Report (by Hogg?)
     on Scientists and Engineers for Energy and Environmental Security.  Report by Sullivan
     on length of time to a degree in DA over the past ten years.

     Report on the concluding inspection of the DDO sprinkler system.  Remark by the senior
     architect that such a building doesn't need a sprinkler system and that he had
     recommended against putting one in.

     Report by CClement on Physical Science Saturday.  Estevens is back from two weeks on
     Las Campanas.  (Name means 'the bells', and comes from certain local rocks which, when
     struck, emit a ringing tone of remarkable purity.)  Report by McLaren on the NRC
     Associate Committee meeting at U of T on October 26.  He reports also on CFHT users'

     Colbeck has compiled a guide to the astronomical literature for new students.  Report by
     Bates on 'ONEYE TWO', a control and analysis program for the DDO 24-in photometry. 
     Report by Tryggve on word processing at DDO, using the Diablo system of UTCS.  It is
     far from perfect.

     Thesis abstract of Lindsey Davis.

     Other names mentioned: Arp, Blyth, Yen, Wayne Cannon, Martin, Racine, Hartwick,
     Michaud, Oke, Bignell, Kim, Welch, Paul Ford, Fullerton, Gaspar, Franklin Smith,
     Wehlau, van den Bergh, Garrison, Halliday, Henriksen, Locke, Purton, Rougledge, Roy,
     Scarfe, Walker, Gary Welch, Avery, Batten, Tassoul, Noreau, Campbell, Esther
     McCleary, Rosemary Diamond.

Vol. 14,   no. 8,      December 7, 1981:

     Cover: The computer system used by the relativistic astrophysics group at Scarborough. 
     Story by Dyer and Roeder on p3.  (The computer is a PDP 11/23, with 256 KB of
     memory and two 5.2 MB disk drives.)

     Mike Marlborough (MA 1963) married Lynda in April 1980.  Kwang-Tae Kim has won a
     $900 Korean-Canadian Foundation Scholarship.  Roeder has been appointed Chairman of
     the Physical Sciences Division at Scarborough, commencing July 1, 1982 for five years.

     Report by Freedman on a workshop for graduate students run by Clarke for training in
     making oral presentations at G2000, etc.  Students find it excellent.

     Revisionist's Corner: " Tycho Brahe, a Great Dane...."

     Workshop at DDO has a new high precision vernier caliper, and also a SMOKEETER.

     Madore to MIT.  Percy to KPNO..  Jakate now living in Thunder Bay with wife Shubha
     and year-old daughter Aditi.  He has a few irons in the fire, viz., export/import, retailing,
     and insurance.  McAlary and Davis report on their new life in Tucson.  Freedman reports
     on the latest run at CFHT.

     Carl Sagan will be one of three speakers at the 1982 Welsh Lectures.

     Obituary of John Abrams, first Director of the IHPST at U of T.

     DA has a good volleyball team this year.

     The fifth Kingston meeting on theoretical astrophysics was held at Queen's U, November
     19-20.  After scientific papers, there was a wide-ranging discussion of "the nature and
     location of a National Institute of Theoretical Astrophysics."  A committee was struck to
     make a concrete proposal.

     Other names mentioned: Box, Foley, Richards, Noreau, Busch, Bojetchko, Welch, Rusk,
     Wizinowich, Fernie, Rogers, Ford, McGonegal, McLaren, Clayton, Thompson, Hogg,
     Gies, Bolton, Martin.

Vol. 15,   no. 1,     February 1, 1982:

     Cover: Group photo at Christmas Countdown, 1981, and pictures of Bolton awarding
     SirGays, and Morton and Fernie conferring.  Identifications on p3.

     The Mochnacki's have twin sons.  Rogers, McAlary, and Crabtree have successfully
     defended their PhD theses.

     Peter Brogden is spending his sabbatical from Ryerson at HIA.  Liszt has returned to
     NRAO.  Rogers is starting his pdf at CfA (where he has access to FTS phone lines). 
     Bates has resigned as research assistant to Fernie, Bolton, and Kamper to take a position
     at the Ontario Science Centre in the computer field under Katherine Madore (MSc 1971).

     Report by Corbally on the DDO tours of last summer.  Advert for a CLTA position in
     astronomy at Erindale starting next July 1.  Report by Bolton on IUE time allocation.

     This year's June Institute will overlap with the annual CASCA meeting in Toronto.

     Report by MacRae on the proposed Canadian Institute of Theoretical Astrophysics
     (CITA).  A letter requesting support has been sent to NSERC.  The location of CITA will
     likely be discussed at the CASCA meeting in June.

     Report by McLaren about doing infrared heterodyne spectroscopy at CFHT.

     Akatli has taken a position at Informart, where Lane is also employed.  Yen to Boulder for
     the AAS meeting.  The Turners have moved from an apartment to a house in Sudbury. 
     Rybicki is visiting from CfA.  McLaren may set a record in graduating three PhDs in three
     months.  A recent of Macleans had an article on the universe from a Canadian perspective
     featuring Madore, Dyer, Kronberg, and Roeder.  Normandin and her husband have left
     California and taken jobs in Ottawa, Martine with Bell Northern Research.  Sackmann has
     written describing the CalTech celebration of Bill Fowler's 70th birthday.  Madore and
     Freedman to Las Campanas for a run with the 2.5 m Dupont.  Then Madore to KPNO. 
     Barceloux (MSc 1980) has moved to Italy to continue her graduate studies at Padova.

     Report by Garrison on a Las Campanas run.

     Various Revisionist's Corner items, including one from Racine in French.

     Note on Val Sears being appointed Science Editor of the Toronto Star.

     Description by Crabtree of a bibliographic index system he has developed on the VAX.

     Thesis abstracts by Rogers and by McAlary.

     Other names mentioned: Bojetchko, Box, Clayton, Duric, Gies, Grieve, Kim, Pedreros,
     Richards, Rusk, Schioler, Welch, Evans, Crowe, Kwok, Hogg, Azuma, Fraquelli, Percy,

Vol. 15,   no. 2,   March 1, 1982:

     Cover: Photos of Las Campanas, including one of Shelton.  Report by Garrison on p3.
     Report by Duric on his Las Campanas run, another by MacRae on his visit there, and
     finally, the story of Garrison's tarantula held over from last month's issue.

     McLaren has been appointed to the Scientific Advisory Committee of CFHT for 5 years. 
     Wizinowich has become a Telescope Operator and Instrument Technician at CFHT. 
     Crabtree has a research appointment with Richer at UBC.

     Six undergrads have received NSERC summer awards: Parmjit Panchhi, Christine Wilson,
     Robert Spalding, Pierre Gauthier, Peter Manson, Andrew Platzer.

     CClement reports this term's enrolment figures.  Biggest is AST 210 with 325.

     Madore to Yerkes and Pittsburgh.  Mochnacki to U Vic and UBC.  DDO now has a
     postcard of itself made from an aerial shot taken by Fernie and Hawker more than a year
     ago.  The pamphlet "Astronomer", first prepared by Heard, has been rewritten by
     MacRae; it features Madore and Freedman at the CFHT.  Bolton has been written up in
     local newspapers lately.  GASA held a Christmas Revel at Gies' house immediately after
     the last Christmas Countdown.  Clayton held a Vernal Equinox party at the 'GASA
     Presidential Palace'.

     Report by Colbeck on computer literature searching.  Report by Bolton on a new working
     group on helium-rich stars.

     Advertisement for a U of T 'Mindpower Event'.

     Thesis abstract of Crabtree.  Advertisement for Resident Astronomer at Las Campanas.

     Other names mentioned: Crowe, Arellano-Ferro, Landstreet, Marlborough, Shore,
     Richards, Swift, McGonegal, Evans.

Vol. 15,   no. 3,     April 2, 1982:

     Cover: Picture of the CFHT polarimeter during testing at DDO.  Report on this on p3 by

     Dyer and Mochnacki have been appointed to the graduate faculty.  John Harper, 3rd year
     student at Scarborough, has been awarded an NSERC summer award.

     Report by McLaren on a (poor) CFHT run.

     Report by Bolton on 74-in and 24-in telescope problems.

     Sullivan and Wong are both away.  Tryggve and Kathleen Jan are filling in.

     Staff meeting news: Henceforth Spanish will be accepted (among French, Russian, or
     German) as fulfilling the department's foreign language requirement

     Registration form for the 1982 June Institute and CASCA meeting.  Institute speakers will
     be Roberta Humphries, William Press, Paul Schechter.

     Letter to the editor re his writings on Las Campanas by 'I'.  Prize offered by the editor for
     the first person to identify the owner of the observing initial 'I'. [= Innanen].

     Introduction of the first GASA Gossip column, written by Clayton, humourously 
     covering GASA sports teams, etc.

     Garrison to Winnipeg.  Martin to Queen's re the CITA proposal.  Evans to Goddard for
     an IUE run on cepheid blue companions.  Percy to Denison U in Ohio and to Buffalo.

     Report by Richards on astronomy at the U of North Carolina   Chapel Hill.

     Revisionists' Corner featuring AST 210 howlers.

     Other names mentioned: Landstreet, Earlam, Ridder, Estevens, Hawker, Morrill, Chew,
     Wizinowich, Kamper, Gies, Thomson, Noreau, McAlary, Bojetchko, Crowe, Zukowski,
     Rusk, Ross, Box, Ferro, Duric, Welch, Bruckner.

Vol. 15,   no. 4,    May 3, 1982:

     Cover: Kronberg working at the new AIPS station in Room 1405.  Story on p3.  (A 435
     MB storage disk cost $42,000.)

     The Sullivans have a daughter, and, one day later, the Wongs have a son.  The Eversons
     (in Colorado) have a daughter.

     GASA Gossip by Clayton re early evening among the graduate students.

     Report by Bolton on the new PDS radial velocity program at DDO.

     Contest results in identifying 'I': Bruckner wins (and he himself has the only observing
     initials with an umlaut in them).  Most distant entry was from Dick Henry in Baltimore.

     Report by Bolton on the operational status of the 74-in after recent accidents.

     Note by Colbeck that DDD is now registered with the International Serials Data System in
     Paris and has an ISSN number on the verso of the cover.

     Robin Armstrong, who becomes Dean on July 1, visited DA for general discussions.

     Listing of Welch Lecture speakers.  Sagan was one, King-Hele another.

     Revisionists' Corner.

     Percy to Milwaukee.  Garrison to CfA.

     Jacqueline Patasar is filling in as DA secretary while Sullivan and Wong are away.

     Obituary of I.R. Pounder, who established the Pounder awards.

     Other names mentioned: Madore, Seaquist, Gies, Welch, Evans, Kamper, Corbally,
     Zukowski, Lynden-Bell, Rusk.

Vol. 15,   no. 5,    June 25, 1982:

     Cover: Plaque on Elms Lea commemorating the Marsh family.  Story by Fernie on p3.

     McGonegal has successfully defended his thesis.  Rusk has passed his PhD generals. 
     MacRae is now officially Professor Emeritus.  Evans has been appointed visiting assistant
     professor at Erindale for 1982-83, replacing Percy who is on sabbatical.  McLaren starts a
     sabbatical in Hawaii.  Seaquist returns from his sabbatical in Soccoro, NM.  Sullivan and
     Wong return from their maternal leaves in July.

     Report by Clayton on his IUE run.  Report on the June Institute/CASCA meeting.  Report
     by Madore on another CFHT run with Freedman and Al Busch, plus a visit to Soccoro
     and Austin TX.

     Amusing piece about final exams of astronomy and religious studies students in Varsity

     Report by Colbeck on her attendance at library conferences and other library news.

     Report by Weller on the Chant Reticon system, now being tested at the telescope.

     GASA gossip column by Clayton reports amusingly on GASA elections.  Freedman
     becomes president, Crowe secretary-treasurer, Bojetchko desk person, Duric GSU rep.

     Letter from Hanes regarding the contest 'Who is I?'

     Report by MacRae on the presentation of Shapley's Toronto doctoral hood to Racine by

     Piece by MacRae on the Loebneri magnolia tree presented to DDO by Yvonne Fernie.

     Letter from Turner that Garrison's tarantula in Chile was by no means the first seen there.

     Letter from Ed Kennedy on his experience with exam howlers since his move to
     Saskatoon in 1965.

     Travels: Welch and McAlary to Las Campanas.  Kamper to Tucson, then Lick, then the
     Troy AAS meeting.  Hogg, Rusk, Stagg, and Evans also to the AAS meeting.  Fernie to
     the Fairborn Observatory near Dayton OH.  Finstad back for her MSc convocation.  John
     Reid is now at the Ontario Science Centre. McLaren to Victoria.  Hogg and the MacRaes
     to Ottawa for RSC meeting.  Clayton, Ferro, and Madore to Goddard IUE station.  Percy
     to Saskatoon for RASC GA.

     Garrison moving to a house at 46 Belmont (near the campus), which he will share with
     Susanna Jacob.  Madore and Evans have been awarded young astronomer awards to
     attend the August IAU GA.

     Obituary of Elizabeth Chant Robertson, one of Dr Chant's two daughters.

     Thesis abstract of McGonegal.

     Other names mentioned: MClement, Arp, Bolton, TClarke, Fullerton, Kronberg, Martin,
     Pedreros, Noreau, Gingerich, Innanen, Wiziniwich, Wehlau, Chris Smith.

Vol. 15,   no. 6,     October 4, 1982:

     Cover: Plan of the 13th floor at DA, showing who occupied which office.  Story by
     MacRae on p3 gives early (1957) planning history of McLennan labs, and how we have
     now got all of the 13th floor since Computing Science is moving out.

     Welch has married Carol Gibbons.  The Duncans have a son.  Colbeck has received
     'permanent status' and been promoted to Librarian III.

     Report on the IAU GA at Patras: David Clement was the youngest Canadian there.  Fernie
     was President and Evans Secretary of Comm. 17.  Percy was Canadian rep on Comm 46. 
     Evans, Percy, and Kronberg presented papers.  Other attendees were Bolton, Garrison,
     Madore, Dyer, Arellano, Freedman, and Corbally, plus many alumni.

     Martin Duncan has joined DA as an NSERC URF with teaching duties at Scarborough. 
     Ray Carlberg has become a research associate with Martin.

     New graduate students: Ed Anderson, Michael Bietenholz, Bernard Bois, Alex Fullerton,
     Richard Gray [MSc 1975; has been teaching in Cameroon for last 7 years], Lee Oattes,
     Miachael Rensing, Fred Schmidt, Chris Stagg.

     Las Campanas news, including latest statistics on seeing, etc conditions.

     Note by Bolton on radial velocity standards, showing DDO system is good.

     Amusing note referring to 'O-type and elated stars'.

     Colbeck reports that the library will create files giving the weekly acquisition list, preprint
     list, available journals, available observatory publications.
     Amusing note on downtown phone system for Dr Young in the early 1930s, plus a memo
     from Mochnacki about a temporary DDO patch ("Open office window, connect black
     cable...."), followed by a report from Weller about DDO's new high-speed data link (1200
     and 9600 baud) to the downtown VAX.

     IUE software has arrived, including IDL package.  See Clayton or Bolton for details.

     Mochnacki is to be the Telescope Project Scientist for the proposed STARLAB orbiting
     telescope.  Outline of this proposal.

     Report by Weller on a rocket flight on which was included an experiment by R.W.
     Nicholls and himself on the sun's inner corona.  This utilized a 512x320 CCD.

     The Fernies gave their annual wine-&-cheese party Sep 25.  Garry Ferland (U of
     Kentucky) spent a week at DA in July.  Richards did an interview on Global TV re a lunar
     eclipse.  Kronberg presented his NRAO Visiting Committee Chair's report to the Board of
     Trustees of Associated Universities.  Percy reports a successful summer of observing with
     the DA 16-in.  Sun Kwok visited DA to use the AIPS system.  Yen, the MacRaes, and
     Kronberg all had sailboat adventures during the summer.  Seaquist returned from Socorro.

     Report by Rusk on a VLA workshop attended by seven of our grad students.  GASA
     gossip by Clayton re a quiet summer.

     Plan of the 14th floor of DA with occupants of offices listed.

     Other names mentioned: Noreau, Aikman, Bakos, Bignell, Campbell, Crampton,
     Demarque, Halliday, Hanes, Hube, Keay, Kormendy, Larson, Leung, Millman, Moffat,
     Morton, Racine, Kamper, Estevens, Shelton, Batten, Sullivan, Wong, Eddie Costa, Van
     Horn, Busch, Duric, Freedman, Wrobel, Zukowski, CClement, Wizinowich, Hiltner,
     Biermann, Bates, Hurkens, Burbidge, McAlary, Crabtree, Kim, Shore.

Vol. 15,   no. 7,     November 1, 1982:

     Cover: Photos of petroglyphs, etc in the neighbourhood of Las Campanas.  Story by
     Kamper and Estevens on p3.

     The McGonegals have a son.  DuPuy has left St Mary's U for a position at the Virginia
     Military Institute in Lexington, Virginia.

     GASA Gossip by Clayton on the introduction of volleyball downtown.

     Report by Corbally on last summer's DDO tours.

     DDO has received (as a bequest) two oil paintings.  One is a painting of M81 by a Ray
     Broadfoot, who is an RASC stalwart.  The other, titled "Northern Lights" is by Franz
     Johnston, one of the founders of the Group of Seven, and is probably of considerable

     Report showing the new letterhead of DDO stationery.  (Still in use at the end of 1999.)

     Report by Duric on another visit to Las Campanas.  Report by Martin on the upcoming
     sixth Kingston meeting on theoretical astrophysics.  It is hoped a firm recommendation for
     the formation of CITA will emerge.

     Fernie will complete his first term as Chair next summer, and a committee has been formed
     to recommend a Chair for the next term.  The Dean calls for comments and nominations.

     Obituary by MacRae of Ralph Williamson, former faculty member.

     Report by Martin on the film "Universe", featuring MacRae at DDO, and the influence of
     its special effects on Stanley Kubrick's making of the movie "2001".

     Report by Madore on one continuous trip to Madrid, Besan.on, Patras, French Riviera,
     Toronto, Tololo, Hawaii, Palomar, Toronto.

     Crowe featured in a highschool newspaper.  Pfund visited DA last September 24.  He is
     now a senior electrical engineer with a firm in Switzerland. Blyth back from a holiday in
     Scotland.  Percy and Bolton to an NRC associate committee meeting in Ottawa.  Seaquist
     has been appointed to the NSERC Space & Astronomy grant selection committee starting
     July 1, 1983.  Kronberg is the current chair of this committee.  Fernie's term on the U of T
     Research Board is up and he will be replaced by Kronberg.  Seaquist reports that the
     CLBA report was submitted to NRC in October.

     Other names mentioned: Busch, Arellano, Box, Crowe, Ford, Fullerton, Gies, Heggie,
     Kim, Richards, Rusk, Swift, Zukowski, Hogg, Tryggve, Garrison, Yen, Lester, Bill
     Clarke, Lake, Pedreros, Freedman, Pudritz, Welch, McAlary, McLaren, McGonegal.

Vol. 16,   no. 1,    January 21, 1983:

     Cover: Group photo at Christmas Countdown 1982.  Identifications on p3.

     McLaren has been appointed as a CFHT staff scientist for 18 months.  McGonegal has a
     CFHT post as Software Technician.  Zukowski has completed his MSc.  The Ed
     Andersons have twins.  The Normandins have a duaghter.  DAO astronomers have
     discovered another black hole.

     Memo from the Dean announcing Fernie's appointment as Chair for a second term.

     Report by Madore on a Las Campanas run with the DuPont 2.5m telescope.

     U of T has been chosen as the location of CITA, the start-up of which should be in mid-

     Report by Bolton on recent shop activities: TV guider, Chant reticon, exposure meter. 
     Fernie's twin photometer system should be ready for testing mid-March.

     Bolton announces a contest in designing T-shirts for DA/DDO and DDO alone.

     Report by Percy on a three-week visit to Czechoslovakia.  Report by Richards on a visit to
     the U of the West Indies in Jamaica and their astronomical observatory.

     Garrison and Schild (CfA) announce the finding of the brightest known nova-like star.

     GASA gossip by Clayton re Christmas Countdown, etc.

     Report by Madore on a fatal plane crash in Chile.  Report by Freedman on a West Coast

     Longworth's wife, Kay, died shortly before Christmas.  Elinor Foden, senior academic
     secretary at Erindale died December 27, 1982.

     Garrison, Percy, Seaquist, Clayton, Lyons to the Boston AAS meeting.  Percy also to
     Jamestown (NY), Saskatoon.  Corbally to Yale, Mochnacki to KPNO.  Kronberg to

     Kim has received his MSc. Krzeminski now in charge of Carnegie's Chile operations. 
     Lester will be our new graduate secretary, taking over from Garrison.  Colin Norman from
     Leiden and Cambridge visited DA for three weeks.  McLaren back for a few days to check
     on his graduate students.  Russ Taylor is a new NSERC postdoc at DA.  Rick Salmon has
     recently been promoted by CFHT to Optical Engineer.

     Report by Lyons on the AAS Working Group for astronomical software.  DA has
     acquired a new Diablo (letter-quality printer).

     Advert for Chile resident.

     Other names mentioned: Welch, Grieve, Kamper, Blyth, Weller, Chew, Ridder, Hawker,
     Estevens, Harmanec, Millman, Heard, Crabtree.

Vol. 16,   no. 2,     March 4, 1983:

     Cover: Poem about LMC X-3 from a paper by Cowley et al.  Story on p3, as well as a
     report by Gies on his updating the parameters of Cyg X-1.

     Stagg has passed his PhD general exam.  Bojetchko-Kowalsky has completed her MSc, as
     has Welch.

     Bolton to Goddard for STARLAB working group meeting.  He has also been appointed
     to the SAC of CFHT.  David Smith from Sky & Telescope is spending some time at DA. 
     Percy to UWO.  Arellano-Ferro had a successful run at IUE.  Roeder to U of Alberta,
     UWO, and, with Dyer and Duncan, to the Texas Symposium last December.  Garrison and
     Corbally to the CFHT.  Hogg to KPNO for its 25th anniversary celebrations.

     Report by Kronberg on his participation as a lecturer in a winter school in India.  Report
     by Noreau on an observing trip to KPNO.  Report by Madore on a clouded-out run at
     Palomar.  Report by Mochnacki on the DDO/DA data network, which allows on-line
     spectroscopic data reduction in real-time.  Report by Madore on a CFHT run.

     GASA Gossip by Clayton on evenings at DA.

     Application form to attend a workshop at DA on MK classification, 6-10 June, 1983.

     Other names mentioned: Lester, McLaren, Weller, Chew, Hawker, Earlam, Freedman,
     Seaquist,, McAlary, McGonegal, Maza.

Vol. 16,   no. 3,    April 25, 1983:

     Cover: Infrared light curves of Cepheids from Welch's MSc thesis.

     Editorial: Evans and Madore take over as DDD editors.  MacRae now retired and Martin
     now part of the newly established CITA.

     Arellano-Ferro successfully defended his PhD thesis and is returning to Mexico.  Wrobel
     has defended her thesis and taken up a pdf at Cal Tech.  Clayton has received an NSERC
     pdf.  Bojetchko-Kowalsky and Welch have completed their master's degrees.

     Scarborough has recommended that Dyer be promoted to Associate Professor without
     tenure.  Fernie appointed RSC representative to NRC's Associate Committee for three
     years.  Percy elected to the Council of the RCI.

     Stagg to Las Campanas to start his doctoral thesis work.  McAlary visited DA last month,
     as did Peter Biermann and Gary Ferland.  Percy to Hamilton and Minnesota to give

     Bolton announces there were only two entries for the DA/DDO t-shirt logo contest (see
     January 1983 DDD), and so the idea has been dropped.

     Rusk reports on his travels to Cal Tech, the VLA, and Haystack.  GASA Gossip by
     Clayton on G2000.

     Report by Bolton on shop activities.  Twin photometer system now completed and set up. 
     Chant reticon system progresses.  New exposure meter, grating mount, and TV guider
     underway.  The electronics shop has now been installed in the upstairs big north-west

     Report by Garrison on Las Campanas news.  First mention of El Ni o.  Bob Slawson will
     be the new Resident.

     Excerpts from the Library Committee report recommending the main departmental library
     be moved from DDO to DA.  Its conclusions were accepted at a recent staff meeting.

     Thesis abstracts of Arellano Ferro, Bojectchko-Kowalsky, and Welch.

     Other names mentioned: Seaquist, Bignell, Mochnacki, Kamper, Crelinsten, ANderson,
     Schmidt, Fullerton, Bois, Colbeck, Crowe.

Vol. 16,   no. 4,   May 31, 1983:

     Cover: Portrait of Hogg.  Story on p3 of her being awarded the PASP's Dorothea
     Klumpke-Roberts Award for popular science writing.

     Grieve and Corbally have successfully defended their PhD theses.  Zane Sterns married
     Gary Stuggins on May 28.  The Earlams have a second daughter.

     Arp visited DA May 16-18.  Madore to STScI.  Mochnacki and Weller to CfA for
     spectrometer consultations.  Mochnacki to Goddard fro STARLAB meeting.  Martin to
     CfA.  Corbally to the Vatican Observatory in Tucson.  Hogg and Percy to Quebec City for
     a joint meeting of the RASC and AAVSO.

     Summer students: Barbara Long, John Harper, Gordon Drukier, Peter Ip, Chris Kelly,
     Lian Zerafa.

     GASA Executive for 1983/84: Duric, President; Kowalsky, Chair Person; Noreau, GSU
     Rep; Crowe, Sec/Treasurer; Welch, Staff Meeting Rep; Fullerton, Staff Meeting Rep.

     Roeder has resigned from Scarborough to become Chair of Physics at South-Western
     University, Georgetown, Texas.

     GASA Gossip by Clayton on thesis writing.

     Report by Lyons on various microdensitometer meetings.  Report by Carlberg on a
     working trip to Europe.  Report by Richards on her Chant Fellow duties.  Report by
     Corbally on his visit to the Vatican Obs Research Group.

     Extensive Revisionists' Corner material.

     Report by Kamper on a computerized standard star velocity file.

     Thesis abstracts of Corbally, Grieve, and Wrobel.

     Outline of scientific sessions at the MK Workshop to be held June 6 - 9.

     Other names mentioned: Dick Bond, Simon White, Stagg, Bietenholz, Rensing, Oattes.

Vol. 16,   no. 5      July 29, 1983:

     Cover: Map of 6 cm continuum radio emission from the galactic plane.  Story on p3.

     The Martins have a son, as do the Bates.  The Bois have a daughter.

     Editorial notes that prices of photographic reproductions are now too high to continue
     their use in the DDD.  Research graphs will be welcomed in their place.

     Note on Russ Taylor, whose work is the cover story.

     Notice of a proposed 1984 IAU Colloquium on Cepheids: Theory and Observation  

     GASA Gossip: The annual summer picnic at DDO, reported by Clayton.

     Report by CClement on a survey of careers followed by our BSc, MSc, and Phd grads.

     Update by Weller on the Chant reticon.  Lian Zerafa, here for the summer, is working on
     improving the VAX link.

     Report by Weller on a visit to Las Campanas.  Report by Garrison on the MK Workshop. 
     Report by Martin on progress towards establishing CITA.  Report by Colbeck on the
     library move from DDO to DA in mid-August.

     Note by Hogg on the death of John Baglow's father.

     The CASCA-CAP meeting in Victoria was attended by Percy, Welch, Taylor, Seaquist,
     Clements, Fernie, Garrison, Duncan, Hogg, and Carlberg.  The AAS meeting in Minnesota
     was attended by Seaquist and Evans.  Hogg received the Klumpke-Roberts award at the
     ASP meeting in Hawaii.  

     Dick Henry (MA 1962) reports that he and his wife have a son.

     Other names mentioned: Gregory, Bolton, Rusk, Wayman, Rogers, Racine, Gies.

Vol. 16,   no. 6     November 4, 1983:

     Cover: Isophotes in NGC 3310.   Story by Duric on p3.

     Busch has completed his MSc thesis.  Zukowski, Kowalsky, and Kim have passed their
     PhD general exams.

     Evans has accepted a position as Support Astronomer at the IUE and will be returning to
     the US.  Bois is completing his MSc with Mochnacki and plans to move to Electrical
     Engineering for a second MSc.  Grieve has completed his PhD and has accepted a position
     in Ottawa at the Canadian Centre for Remote Sensing.

     Pamela Sullivan, after six years as DA secretary, left the department on October 1 to
     return to Australia.

     New graduate students: Dale Frail, Brian Glendenning, John Harper, Michel Bouchard,
     Judith Irwin, Peter Leonard [see p2 of next issue.]  The first four are MSc students; Irwin
     already has an MSc from UVic.

     Mochnacki to Cambridge and Imperial College last July and August.  Madore and
     Freedman also there for most of the summer.  Also to KPNO and Palomar.  Carlberg to
     Victoria.  Percy to KPNO and the AAVSO GA on Nantucket.  Arellano-Ferro visited DA,
     as did Routledge, Pineault, and Hughes.  Kronberg to RGO, Jodrell Bank, and Bonn.

     Kronberg appointed Chair of a steering committee to advise HIA on the creation of a new
     millimetre wave telescope at ARO.

     Report by Stagg on a Be star mini-campaign.  Report by Freedman on her summer travels. 
     Report by Welch on an MMT run.  Report by Fullerton and Gies on their period-search
     problems with Deeming and Scargle routines.  Report by Colbeck on the library move last
     August and the settling-in period since then.

     Madore has won the AAS' Henri Chretien Award.

     Thesis abstract of Allan Busch.

     Other names mentioned: Crowe, Zukowski, Rosemary Diamond, Lester, Bolton, Taylor.

Vol. 17,  no. 1.,   January 23, 1984:

     Cover: 1983 Christmas Countdown group photo.  Identifications on p3.

     Welch passed his generals exam last December 2.  Clayton defended his thesis Nov 2.

     Humorous piece by MacRae about Willy Fowler receiving a Nobel Prize.

     GASA Gossip by Welch about students at the VAX computer.

     Visitors included McLaren, Sellwood, Arp, Clayton, Evans.  Carlberg reports on his work
     with Sellwood during the latter's visit.  Duric offers a program of his for writing CVs

     Report by Crowe on his thesis work.  Report by Gray on his Las Campanas run.  Amusing
     note by Madore on observing initials.

     Thesis abstract of Clayton.

     Other names mentioned: Sackman, Percy.

Vol. 17,  no. 2.,   March 19, 1984:

     Cover: CM diagram for M33 by Freedman, with story on p3.

     Bietenholz, Fullerton, Rensing, Rusk, and Fred Schmidt have completed their MSc
     degrees.  Gies has accepted a pdf at U of Texas.  Madore has been awarded tenure and
     promotion to Associate Prof.

     Travels: Percy to KPNO.  Kronberg to Montreal and the AAS meeting in Las Vegas. 
     Carlberg, Noreau, Crowe, Duric, Freedman, Gies, and Rusk also to the latter.  Report on
     the meeting by Crowe

     Poem by Mercedes Richards. GASA notes (skating, giving blood) by Duric.  Amusing
     note by MacRae regarding an astronomer named Ferrari.  Note regarding 1984/85 being
     the centenary of women being admitted to U of T.  Amusing contest suggested by Dick
     Henry (MA 1962) using puns based on astronomers' names.

     Letter from Peter Broughton regarding observing initials.  Letter from R.K Young's
     daughter Marjories Vold.

     Thesis abstracts of Bietenholz, Fullerton, Rensing, Ann Rusk, and Fred Schmidt.

     Other names mentioned: Bolton, Martin, Fernie, Russ Taylor, Oates, Glendenning, Judith
     Irwin, Welch, Garrison, Grieve, Evans, Gregory, Mochnacki, Weller, Chew, Wehlau,

Vol. 17,  no. 3.,   May 22, 1984: 

     Cover: CM diagram for open cluster NGC 7790 by Pedreros. (No accompanying story.)

     Duric has an NSERC pdf.  Crowe has successfully defended his thesis, and will be 
     Canadian astronomer at CFHT, replacing McLaren, who will become Associate Director
     there.  Noreau has a pdf at Laval.  Maritta Ellis, former research assistant to Garrison, is
     engaged.  Zane and Gary Stuggins have a (first) child, as do Pat and Dave Turner.  Ed
     Anderson has a computer position at KPNO.  Pedreros has successfully defended his
     thesis and now returns to his teaching and research position at the U of Chile in Santiago. 
     Weller has a position as scientific engineer at Tololo, starting August.

     Report by Mochnacki re progress on building the photon counting spectrometer.

     The DA volleyball team lost the first round of the playoffs.

     Travels: Percy to UWO, Laurentian U, Rochester. Bolton to Niagara RASC, and

     Report by Fernie on DDO's new street address and its postal code.  Report by Mochnacki
     about how many micro-computers (Rainbows, Osbornes, KayPros, etc, etc) there now are
     in the department.

     Report by Fernie on the move of the Cooke six-inch refractor from DDO to the National
     Science Museum on March 27.  (A detailed description and history of this telescope is in
     Beattie, JRASC, 76, 109, 1982.)

     Announcement that CASCA now has a Joint Subcommittee on Space Astronomy.

     Report by Mochnacki on the end of Canadian participation in STARLAB.

     Thesis abstract by Crowe.

     Other names mentioned: Chew, Platzer, Hawker, Kamper, Blyth, Earlam, Ridder, Zerafa,
     Russ Taylor, Rusk, Fred Schmidt, Judith Irwin, Fullerton, Zukowski, Frail, Richards,
     Anderson, Noreau, Tietenholz, Lyons, Madore, Freedman.

Vol. 17,   no. 4,    August 20, 1984:

     Cover: Group photo of IAU Coll. 82 (Cepheids - Obs & Th) participants.  Identity chart
     on p6, as well as a brief report.

     Hogg is Honorary Chairman of the Board of Directors of the U of Waterloo Faculty of
     Science Foundation.  Bois has finished his MSc and is moving to Electrical Engineering. 
     Judith Irwin has passed her generals and will work with Seaquist on her PhD.  Glenn
     Starkman is this year's RASC gold medal winner.  Freedman has successfully defended
     her thesis and has now taken up her fellowship in Pasadena.  

     Ed Anderson has a position in computer support at KPNO, joining Lindsey Davis who,
     finishing her NSERC pdf, is now a programmer at KPNO.  Crowe is now at CFHT.

     Colbeck has taken a year's leave of absence from the departmental librarianship and gone
     with Weller to Tololo.  She is replaced by Marlene Cummins.

     Frail and Kwang-Tai Kim are at DRAO this summer.  Frail is an MSc student with
     Seaquist; Kim is completing a PhD with Kronberg.  Arellano-Ferro spent three weeks in
     the department after the IAU Colloquium.  Madore and Freedman were at the Aspen
     workshop, and then at KPNO.  Madore will start his sabbatical at CalTech in September.
     Percy to meetings of the AAVSO, RASC, CASCA.

     Summer students: Virginia Fabro, Julian Smith, Robert Norman, Christine Wilson,
     Gordon Druiker, Lian Zerafa, Andrew Platzer, Helena Poll.

     Report on the naming of asteroid 2917 for Helen Hogg.  A note about Sigma Xi having
     small research grants available.

     Fernie's opening remarks (on Goodricke and Piggot) at the IAU Colloquium.

     GASA Gossip by Welch about the replacement of the DA Dodge with a "mini-van". 
     ("The engine is said to do 0 to 5 km/hr in 50 seconds.") Amusing report by Leonard on
     the summer picnic.  Report by Bois on "the ill-fated Sept-Iles Observatory".

     Thesis abstract of Bois.

     Other names mentioned: Stagg, Gies, Rusk, Bolton, Garrison, Rusk, Ridder, Bietenholz,
     Bojetchko, Poll, Zukowski, Schmidt, MClement, CClement, Mochnacki.

Vol. 17,   no. 5,   November 5, 1984:

     Cover: Reprint of a 1945 article on how to harvest spider webs.

     (Percy and Mochnacki now appear to be the new editors of DDD.)

     Duric was married on Oct 20 to Marcia Mahood.  Fullerton and Oattes have passed their
     generals.  New graduate students are Dan Blanchard, Josephine Chan, and David
     Holdsworth.  Fraquelli (PhD 1981) has a position at STScI.  Evans has a continuing
     position at Computer Sciences Corp as a Resident Astronomer at the IUE.

     CITA is growing rapidly.  Henriksen and Martin are personnel, with visitors Choe (U. of
     Minnesota), Madej (Warsaw U), McLenaghan (U of Waterloo), and 'regular visitors'
     Carlberg (York U), Duncan, Dyer, and Sutherland (McMaster U).  Molly O'Reilly is
     secretary.  Also news of CITA meetings.

     Hogg officially opened the Edmonton Space Sciences Centre, the treasurer of which is
     Doug Hube, now a faculty member at U of Alberta.  Madore has been appointed to the
     STScI's working group on galaxies and clusters, which will suggest projects for the Space

     Report by Garrison on his sabbatical, spent mostly at home editing the proceedings of the
     1983 Toronto workshop on the MK Process.  He also spent five weeks in Denmark and
     attended an IAU Symposium at Como, Italy.

     Piece by Fernie on bringing back the name of Elms Lea to Observatory House.

     Travels: Rusk to Caltech and Santa Cruz.  Seaquist to Ottawa on CLBA business.  Welch
     to CFHT, Las Campanas (DuPont telescope), Cerro Tololo.  Gray to Las Campanas. 
     Percy to Michigan.  Mochnacki to Pasadena for a meeting on the future of the Mt Wilson
     Observatory.  Garrison to Mexico.

     Report by Fernie on the twin photometer project which started last spring.  A warm room
     has been built in the 24-in dome.

     Report by Garrison on Las Campanas events, including visits by the Wellers and by the
     Canadian Ambassador to Chile.

     Thesis abstract of Freedman.

     Other names mentioned: Dick Bond, Russ Taylor, Myron Smith, Kronberg, Earlam, Blyth,
     Hawker, Brogden, Slawson.

Vol. 18, no. 1,     February 4, 1985:

     Cover: Group photo at previous Christmas Countdown.  Identifications on p3.

     Duric has successfully defended his thesis, as has Gies.  Duric is now starting a pdf at
     UBC. Gies has started his pdf at Texas. The Bois' have a daughter.  Wlodek Kunowski
     has joined DDO as an Engineering Technologist.  Rob Managan is a new pdf with
     MClement.  Slawek Rucinski has joined DDO as a Research Officer.

     Editorial about the closing of Mt Wilson and rumoured closings of smaller KPNO

     Piece by Mochnacki on how to pronounce local Polish names.

     Travels: Bolton and Fullerton to CFHT.  Frail to DRAO.  Percy to KPNO.  Rusk and
     Zukowski to the VLA.  Kamper to IAU Coll 88 at Union College.  Taylor to DAO and
     then to take up a position at the U of Groningen.

     CITA news: Tremaine will become the first CITA Director in July.  CITA is gradually
     taking over the 13th floor.

     Fernie will give the RCI lecture on DDO.  Report from Garrison on his Las Campanas
     run.  Report from Kamper on IAU Coll. 88 on radial velocities.  Report from Welch on his
     run at Las Campanas.

     Duric's thesis abstract.

     Other names mentioned: Madore, Freedman, Slawson.

Vol. 18, no. 2,   March 18, 1985:

     Cover: Tracing of a spectrum of Comet Crommelin from Las Campanas.

     Travels: Duncan, Garrison, Judith Irwin, Madore, Rusk, Zukowski to January AAS
     meeting in Tucson.  Welch to Hawaii.  Bietenholz to Europe and Africa for a few months. 
     Kamper and Chew to UBC to see their Reticon system.  Seaquist to various places as
     chairman of the NSEC grant selection committee.  Percy to U of Alberta. (He reports that
     Gulliver is now married to a Peruvian; Joan Hube (BSc 1961) has a second degree in
     Computer Science and is a programmer in the geophysics group.)

     Fernie has a two-year appointment to the Warner/Pierce Prize Committee of the AAS, and
     has also become a regular columnist for American Scientist.  Duric returned to DA briefly
     to work with Seaquist.  Christine Wilson (BSc 1984) returned from some months in Africa
     and is a TA prior to starting graduate work.  Percy, CClement, Garrison, Fullerton, and
     Welch were active in meetings of the Science Teachers of Ontario and the American
     Association of Physics Teachers/American Physical Society.

     Hogg has received the Toronto Award of Merit, the 1985 Sandford Fleming Medl of the
     RCI, and an honorary degree from the U of Lethbridge.  CASCA will sponsor the first
     annual Helen Sawyer Hogg Public Lecture next May, delivered by Owen Gingerich. 
     Hogg has just completed 50 years at DDO.  Fernie's lecture on DDO to the RCI drew a
     large crowd.  Erindale will be celebrating International Astronomy Day.  Percy spoke at
     York Mills Collegiate and to the Council of Outdoor Teachers of Ontario.  He is an
     associate editor and columist for the Journal of the Science Teachers Association of

     Jack Winger (PhD 1974) has returned from the U of Alberta and now teaches electronics
     in Barrie.  Donald Morton (BSc 1956), currently director of AAO, has been elected a
     Fellow of the Australian Academy of Science.

     CITA news: Choe has left for Seoul.  Fitchett and Lattanzio are new pdf's. 

     CASCA annual meeting and DDO 50th anniversary week will be May 27 - 31.  Percy will
     host a meeting on the study of variable stars with small telescopes July 11 - 14.

     Fernie reports that the old, hazardous chairs in the DDO auditorium are about to be
     replaced with modern, safe ones.

     Lengthy, humorous report by Fernie on dealing with old nitrate film of Chant and DDO. 
     Report by Frail on his visit to Penticton.  

     Thesis abstract of Gies.

     Other names mentioned: Clarke.

Vol. 18, no. 3,    May 31, 1985:

     This issue, celebrating 50 years of DDO, was largely addressed to the Canadian
     astronomical community.  The first 17 pages contain articles (some reprinted from earlier
     issues) by staff members about the work and facilities of the Observatory.

     Cover: Photos of DDO's opening on May 31, 1935.

     Glendenning completed his MSc last January.  Bolton has been elected a Fellow of the
     Royal Society of Canada.  Dyer has been appointed Associate Professor with tenure in the
     departments of Astronomy and Computer Science at Scarborough.  Kronberg has a
     Guggenheim Research Fellowship for 1985-86.  Percy has been elected President of the
     RCI for 1985-86.

     Laura Fenton-Lloyd, assistant to Kronberg, has left, and been replaced by Laura Carriere. 
     Rich Mably is now also a part-time assistant to Kronberg.  Petrusia Kowalsky is assistant
     to Percy. Noreau has successfully defended his thesis and has left to take up a pdf at U of

     Travels: Bolton to Ottawa, UWO, Paris, and Boulder. Workshop at latter also attended by
     Fullerton, Percy, and Stagg.  Glendenning to the VLA.  Kronberg to HIA, VLA (with
     Zukowski, Fenton-Lloyd, Glendenning), and Minneapolis.  Percy to various smaller places
     as Shapley Lecturer, and also to Iowa U.  Seaquist to NRAO, the VLA, HIA, DRAO and
     Vancouver.  Welch to Saudi Arabia. McLaren visited DA.

     Bolton has been appointed to a committee to choose second generation instruments for
     HST.  Madore and Freedman will be in Toronto in June to get married.  Mochnacki
     appointed a member of the Scientific Advisory Council of the Mt Wilson Research Corp..

     The Canadian Application Committee for CFHT met at DA.

     Summer students: Stephen Allen, Man Hoi Lee, David Leggett, Shiu-Hong Lui, Peter
     Mathieu, Michael Richer, Bruce Coffin.

     Report by Richards on her part in the Expanding Your Horizons Conference, and (with
     CClement, Christine Wilson, and Judith Irwin) as a mentor for high school girls.

     CITA news: Richard Bond has been appointed as Associate Professor with tenure, starting
     July 1, 1985.  Pineault appointed to CITA Council.  Margaret Fukunaga appointed as
     Administrative Assistant.

     Other names mentioned: none (post p17).

Vol. 18, no. 4,     August 6, 1985:

     Cover: Diagram of the galaxy system Arp 205 from Noreau's thesis.

     Madore and Freedman were married June 23.  Wizinowich married in Hawaii.  The
     Duncans have a daughter.  Hogg and Millman honoured by the IAU as having been
     members for at least 50 years.  Tom Wells has become a student in the Faculty of
     Education.  Tryggve has her first grandchild.

     Report by Percy on the May CASCA meeting/DDO anniversary celebrations.  Report by
     Carlberg on CITA's galaxy formation conference, and another by Rusk on CITA's 'Jets
     from Stars and Galaxies' conference.  Report by Percy on the meeting 'Study of Variable
     Stars with Small Telescopes'.  Another report by Percy on the Peel Summer Academy for
     gifted children.  Report by Welch on his visit to Saudi Arabia.  Report by Fernie on the
     naming by (through??) Harry Guetter (MA 1963) of an asteroid after Jack Heard.  The
     asteroid is (3023) Heard = 1981 JS.

     MSc thesis abstract of Glendenning, and Phd thesis abstract of Noreau.

     A huge, astronomical crossword puzzle by McCall.

     Other names mentioned: Chreptak, McCleary, Wong.

Vol. 18, no. 5,     November 22, 1985:

     Madore is again editor of DDD.

     Cover: Photo of Gerry Longworth.  Obituary of him on p2 by Fernie.

     Glendenning and Harper have passed their generals.  Frail has completed the requirements
     for his MSc.  The Martins have their third son, and the Staggs their first son, as do the
     Hanes.  The Glendennings have a second daughter, and the Kunowskis a first daughter.

     Travels: Percy to Czechoslovakia; Garrison, Fernie, Hogg to UWO.  Koubsky of
     Ondrejov Observatory was visiting DA, as was Crabtree, who implemented versions of
     R2D2 and DAOPHOT on our VAX.

     Reproduction of the invitation received by Hogg to the Shapley Centennial.

     New students: Peter Ip, Brian Stekelenburg, Mihail Karpusas, Bob Hill, Patricio Ortiz,
     Michael Bietenholz, Michael Seufert, Catherine Westbury, Shiu-on Poon.

     Report by McCall on 'The Coming of IRAF'.  Report by Leonard on GASA earning
     money by paper recycling.  Report by Madore on Canadian Space Astronomy, including a
     brief from John Hutchings to the appropriate Ministry.  Report by Fullerton on his life in

     MSc thesis abstract of Frail.

     Other names mentioned: none.

Vol. 19, no. 1,    March 3, 1986:

     Cover: Group photo of previous Christmas Countdown.  Identifications on p3.

     Leonard has passed his general exam.  Blanchard has completed his MSc.  Madore has
     been awarded a two-year Killam Fellowship.  Crowe married in Hawaii.  Shelton will stay
     for a third year as Las Campanas resident.

     Advert for a CLTA assistant professorship for 1 or 2 year.  Salary $35,000.

     Travels: Garrison to Indian IAU and New Zealand.  Percy to India, Newfoundland, Mt
     Holyoke AAVSO meeting.

     Report by Leonard on Halley open houses at Scarborough.  Report by Judith Irwin on the
     Houston AAS meeting and U of T attendees.  Abstracts of latters' papers.

     Other names mentioned: Dyer, Harper, Oattes, Rachel Webster, Harper.

Vol. 19, no. 2,   May 26, 1986:

     Cover: Photo of Halley's Comet taken by Shelton with 10-in astrograph, March 1986.

     Mochnacki has received tenure with promotion to associate professor.  Gray has received
     two pdfs and will go to Denmark for one.  Fernie is Chair of the AAS Warner/Pierce Prize
     committee, and has a further 3-year appointment to the NRC Assoc. Comm. on astronomy
     as representative of the Royal Society of Canada.

     Wrobel returned to DA for a visit.  Rucinski attended IAU Symposium 118 in
     Christchurch, New Zealand last December.

     Report by Fernie on photometry of BM Cas, following a meeting in Florida last
     December.  Another report by Fernie on receipt of NRC films related to Canadian

     Other names mentioned: none.

Vol. 19, no. 3,   October 27, 1986:

     Cover: Photo of Scarborough theory group (Ip, Leonard, Seufert, Oattes, Dyer, Webster,
     Duncan, Blanchard, Harper).  Report on their activities on p2.

     Announcement that Garrison and Rogers are the new editors.  Brief editorial about their
     hopes for DDD.

     Announcement that DDD is going 'electronic' in that articles may be submitted by e-mail
     using Bitnet accounts on the VAX.

     McAlary (PhD 1982) has died.  Obituary to follow.

     Rucinski has been appointed CLTA assistant professor to replace Madore, who is now on
     his Killam Fellowship at CalTech.  Gray, Richards, and Stagg have completed their PhDs. 
     Gray is on a pdf in Denmark, Richards is at Chapel Hill, NC, Stagg continues as a TA. 
     Holdsworth and Westbury have completed their MSc requirements.  Frail, Bietenholz,
     Hill, and Ortiz have passed their general exams.

     Bolton has married Susan Challenger (Oct 3), Frail has married Ruth Milner (Aug 15), and
     Irwin and Br ckner are engaged.  

     Lee Anne Wilson has returned to Iowa after a one-year sabbatical here.  Nancy Morrison
     has also finished her sabbatical here and returned to Toledo.  Rob Managan finished his
     pdf with MClement and has gone to Lawrence-Livermore.  Crabtree (PhD 1982) visited
     en route to STScI for several months.  Welch (PhD 1985) and Gies (PhD 1985) visited
     DA.  K-T. Kim returned from Penticton.  Pedreros (PhD 1984) is back in Canada as a
     research associate at Saint Mary's.  Kowalsky is now studying in the Faculty of Education.
     Harmanec and Koubsky of the Ondrejov Obs were visitors.

     New students: MSc ones were Dubinski, Fieldus, Straker.  PhD ones were Jim Picha, Yin
     Zhan, with Dimitar Sasselov expected next spring.

     Patricia Monger is a new computer consultant for Kronberg.  Nancy Evans (PhD 1974)
     has returned as a research officer with Fernie and Percy.  The Cray supercomputer is now
     running on campus.

     Travels: Hogg to Harvard, Waterloo, Holyoke.  Fernie, Kowalsky, Percy to the AAVSO
     meeting at Harvard. Bolton, Fullerton, Garrison, Percy, Stagg to Boulder for IAUCol. 92. 
     Fernie, Fullerton, Managan, Evans to Los Alamos.  Kronberg to Bavaria.  Kim to NRAO. 
     Fernie and family to South Africa.

     Blyth has received a letter from the USSR embassy thanking him for his Royal Navy
     convoy duties during WW II.  Kronberg appointed the first chair of the U of T
     Supercomputer Users' Group.  Christine Wilson (BSc 1984), now at CalTech, has
     discovered a comet.  Report from Gray in Denmark.  Report on CITA activities    they
     have now almost taken over the 12th floor.  Report by McCall on the CCD at UTSO. 
     Another report by McCall on the future of optical/ir astronomy in Canada.  Report by
     Mochnacki on Shectograph progress at DDO.  Another report by Mochnacki on the
     SEDS U of T space conference.  Report by Bolton on the synoptic high resolution
     spectroscopic observing group workshop.  Report by Rucinski on his experiences with the
     VLA.  Report by Fullerton on his summer meeting activities.  Report by Kim on his time
     at Penticton.  Report by Rusk on Shareware.  Library news by Cummins.  

     List of departmental preprints received by the library.  Thesis abstracts of Stagg and

     Other names mentioned: Oostdyk, Priestley, Innanen, Carlberg, Kayll Lake, Jayanne
     English, Seaquist, Glendenning, Irwin.

Vol. 19, no. 4       December 1, 1986:

     Cover: Infrared composite P-L relation for Cepheids from Welch et al.

     Editorial: Theme for this issue is a tribute to McAlary.  Note that electronic submissions
     are working well.

     Tributes to McAlary from Welch, Crabtree, McLaren, Crowe.  A memorial fund has been
     set up for the purchase of a gift to the library in McAlary's name.

     Bolton has been named an Outstanding Richmond Hill Citizen.  The Leonards have a
     daughter.  Pedreros will be getting married in January.

     Travels: Crabtree visited DA.  Martin visited from Lick where he is on sabbatical.  Evans
     to IUE.  Rogers to Toledo.  Frail to Arecibo.  Percy to Fredonia, NY and Boston. 
     Garrison to Yerkes.  Duncan to Laval (with report on snow storm).

     Percy named local chair for IAU coll. 105 on teaching of astronomy, to be held at
     Williamstown MA.  Report from Alan Irwin about his work in Victoria.

     GASA Gossip by Fieldus, which includes a listing of new students: Jim Picha, Yin Zhan
     (PhD students), and Rob Straker, John Dubinski, Mike Fieldus (MSc students).

     Bolton explains the term 'asteroseismology' as against 'astroseismology'. (It's because
     'seismology' is of Greek origin, as is 'astero', while 'astro' is Latin.

     Piece by Beattie on his first visit to Chile.  Report by Blanchard on a two-day gravitational
     lensing workshop at DA.  AIPS news from Kronberg.  Optical Image Processing Station
     (including IRAF) news from McCall.  Library news from Cummins (start of listing book
     reviews, the arrival of the library's IBM PC).

     Thesis abstracts of Richards, Gray.

Vol. 20, no. 1        February 1, 1987:

     Cover: Group photo from previous Christmas Countdown.  Identifications on p3.

     Editorial notes a new series of articles on DDO non-academic staff; this issue: Oostdyk.

     Short contribution about McAlary from Corbally.

     Fullerton married to Anne Pettem.  Freedman very nearly won the Trumpler Award for a
     PhD thesis.  Managan's have a daughter.  Seufert completed his MSc and is back in
     Montreal to do bio-medical engineering.  McDonald back from a brief stay in hospital, as
     is also MacRae.  Shectograph project proceeding well.

     Travels: Garrison in Chile (and sent a live radio message to the Christmas Countdown). 
     Duncan, Madore, Garrison, Zukowsk, Rusk, Irwin, Glendenning to the Pasadena AAS

     Profile of Oostdyk by Tryggve.  (Oostdyk joined DDO in October 1978.)  Pencil sketch of
     her by Chew.

     GASA Gossip by Fieldus: volleyball, student 'affairs'.  Report on Las Campanas by
     Garrison.  Piece by Rusk about climbing Mt Wilson.  Piece by Evans on IUE software. 
     Library news by Cummins: shelving for 1309 has arrived.

     Other names mentioned: Bolton, Gies, Laura Carriere, Hill, Oattes, Bruckner, Straker,
     Kim, Fernie, Lyons.

Vol. 20, no. 2      April 1, 1987:

     Cover: The telegram announcing the discovery of Supernova 1987A.

     Editorial on the above.

     Announcements that van den Bergh's wife, Gretchen, died on February 8, and that
     Michael Ovenden died on March 15.  Mercedes and Donald Richards, Louis and Guilheme
     Noreau, Wendy Freedman and Barry Madore, are all expecting offspring.  Noreau is now
     a research associate at Laval.  Stagg is leaving to take up a pdf at Manchester.

     Travels: Bolton to Goddard and Texas.  Judith Irwin to Halifax.  McCall to York.  Percy
     to Lakehead, where he was hosted by George Harrower.  Garrison to Yerkes and Ohio
     State.  Rogers to UWO.

     Kronberg is Chair of the U of T supercomputer users' group, and on a committee to
     consider the role of the Innovations Foundation.  Victoria College hosted a meeting re
     Canada's participation in the JCMT.  The new AIPS workstation will be operational very

     Report by Garrison on SN 1987A.  Report by Rucinski on his run at Las Campanas and
     the supernova.  GASA Gossip by Fieldus.  Revisionist's Corner   a letter from someone
     claiming to have foreseen the supernova in a dream.

     Library news by Cummins: more terminals in the main library.  Special arrangement with
     CfA to allow on-line access to their computer by phone to get latest IAU Circulars on the
     supernova.  This is temporary only.

     Report by McCall on a proposed Canadian 2m telescope with adaptive optics for high
     resolution.  Report by Frail on his run at Arecibo.  List of CITA visitors and colloquia.

     Other names mentioned: Shelton, Shore, Fullerton, Gies, Keith Marcus, Mohamed Dattu,
     Monger, Oostdyk, Straker.

Vol. 20, no. 3       July 15, 1987:

     Cover: Spectra taken with the DDO Shectograph. 

     Editorial: CCD shipped to Chile.  Lester echelle approaches full realization.  Supernova
     celebration in Convocation Hall.

     Letter from Gray announcing the death of Bengt Str mgren on July 4.

     Report by Mochnacki on the DDO photon counting spectrometer ("Shectograph"). 
     Supernova update by Garrison.

     Fernie announces the return and appointment of Carlberg as associate professor with
     tenure at Scarborough and DA, and that Cummins has been awarded permanent status and
     promotion to Librarian III.

     Freedman and Madore have a duaghter.  The (Mercedes) Richards' have a daughter and
     are moving to the U of Virginia.  Fraquelli was married to Arthur Campbell on May 2 and
     has moved to the STScI.  Kowalsky has graduated from the Faculty of Education and will
     be teaching physics at Bishop Strachan School for girls.

     Travels: Fernie and Mochnacki to the CAS/AAS meeting in Vancouver.  Cummins to the
     SLA meeting in Anaheim.  Stagg and family have left for Manchester.  Rogers to a NATO
     star formation meeting.  Garrison to Tucson for a Faint Blue Star meeting.  Bolton to a
     RSC meeting at McMaster.

     The department's stellar astronomers have formed a small discussion group which meets
     at DDO on Thursday mornings.

     Summer students: Kim Venn, Doug Johnstone, Jayanne English, Michael Richer, Bill
     Hodges (Bolton's stepson), Rene Plume, Robin Kingburgh.

     Revisionist's Corner on the difference between astrology and astronomy.

     Amusing 'poem' titled "On Not Seeing Halley's Comet in 1985."

     Report by Evans on her visit to IUE.  Report by Beattie on a new computerised database
     of 74-in plate records.  GASA Gossip by Fieldus.  Library news by Cummins.  Report by
     Kim, Frail, and Bietenholz on a SNR/ISM workshop in Penticton.

     Lengthy reports on the supernova celebrations held in Convocation Hall on April 24,
     including the full text of the current David Dunlap's remarks.

     Other names mentioned: McCall, Dyer, Shelton, Platzer, Zerafa, Chew, Blyth, Hawker,
     Kamper, Ridder, CClement, Thomson, Fullerton, Hill.

Vol. 20, no. 4,      November 2, 1987:

     Cover: CCD picture of one of Rogers' Bok globules.

     Editorial: Need for a departmental graphics expert.

     McCall is engaged to Susan Piotrowski.  Ortiz's have a son.  The Dyers their first baby. 
     The Noreaus a daughter.  Crowe has an assistant professor position at the Univ of Hawaii. 
     Francene Gandall has joined the DA administrative staff.  Frail to Berkeley.  Bolton to
     Prague and McDonald.  Evans to Goddard.  Gies visited DA.  Garrison to Chile and
     Detroit.  Keenan visited DDO.

     Report by Bolton on how important DDO is to many European astronomers.

     Report by John Filhaber, introducing himself and his work at Las Campanas.  Includes the
     first CCD run there.

     Letter from Man Hoi Lee (BSc 1987) about his graduate student life at Princeton.

     Report by Fullerton on team work on O-stars.  Report by Leonard on whether more
     children are born around full moon, finding a negative result, but a strong trend for births
     at mid-week rather than weekends.  Report by Frail on talks about unusual subjects he had
     given recently.  

     GASA Gossip by Fieldus, including a list of new graduate students: Ian Shelton, Ian
     Short, Mike Richer, Teresa Cripps, Grancois Rouleau.

     Report by Rogers on his first observing run (to Las Campanas).  Update by Garrison on
     Supernova 1987A.  Report by Lyons on the DDO summer tours.

     Thesis abstract of Oattes.

     Other names mentioned: Hill, Carriere, Dyer, MacDonald, Beattie, Ortiz, Hill, Dubinski,
     Leggett, Blanchard, Ip Wong, Straker, Sasselov, English, Irwin, Bruckner, Lough, Sloan,

Vol. 21, no. 1,     February 15, 1988:

     Cover: Group photo from 1987 Xmas Countdown.  Identifications on p2.

     Oattes has successfully defended his PhD thesis, and now has a job with U of T
     Computing Services.  Welch has a URF at McMaster.  Noreau married Guilleme Perodeau
     last December.  The Crowes have a daughter.  Estelle Campbell, research assistant to
     McCall and Percy, has left.

     Travels: Frail to Arecibo and VLA.  Hill to Las Campanas.  Glendenning to KPNO.
     Kronberg to Manchester and Cambridge and HIA.  (This was the 20th anniversary of the
     first transcontinental VLBI experiment.)  MacRae to HIA.  Bolton, Garrison, Fullerton,
     Fieldus, Leonard to Austin for AAS meeting.  Garrison to Ottawa.

     Kronberg is on a committee to examine the U of T Innovations Foundation.  Bond gave a
     lecture to a joint meeting of the RASC/RCI.   

     Humorous article by Dubinski re Supernova 1987A.  Update on latter by Garrison. 
     Report on computer improvements at DA and DDO by Mochnacki.  Humorous report by
     Fernie on the growth of the ApJ.  Report by Mochnacki on the undergraduate CCD. 
     GASA Gossip by Fieldus.  Report by Garrison on a copy of his spectrograph going to

     Other names mentioned: Yen, Rogers, Evans, Glendenning, Shelton, Filhaber, Hill, Irwin,
     K-T Kim, Sasselov, Blyth, Beattie.

Vol. 21, no. 2,     June 1, 1988:

     Cover: Plots of recent JCMT data.  Commentary by Rogers on p6.

     Condolences to Hogg on the death of her husband, F.E.L. Priestly.

     Announcement by Fernie that Seaquist will be the next Chair/Director starting July 1.

     Amusing piece by MacRae (with sketch by Chew) regarding Seaquist's early days at DA.

     Blyth has retired.  The Welchs have a son, as do the Wellers.  Madores are expecting. 
     Madore promoted to full professor.  Duncan appointed to Queen's faculty.  Gray is the
     first recipient of CASCA's Plaskett Medal.

     Travels: Evans to Goddard and to Brock.  Rogers to Trent and Michigan.  Garrison to
     Chile.  Kamper to Tucson.  Tryggve to Manila.

     Kronberg has joined NRC's Assessment and Audit Committees.  He will also chair IAU
     Symposium 140.  Asteroid 1983 BN has been named in honour of Ruth Northcott.

     Report by Kronberg on the radio astronomy group's installation of new software on the
     Cray supercomputer.  Report by Kamper on the photon counting spectrometer.  Report by
     Webster on her gravitational lens work on the MMT.  Report by Garrison on a science
     seminars for high school students program.  Report by Garrison on his giving a talk in
     Spanish.  Supernova update by Garrison.

     Revisionist's corner.  ("Asteroids Ceres and Phallas....")

     GASA Gossip by Fieldus.

     Library news by Cummins regarding the move of the preprint database to an IBM PC
     from the VAX.

     Other names mentioned: Freedman, Percy, Bond, Monger, Glendenning, Carriere, Beattie,
     Rucinski, Bolton, Ridder, Noreau, Rusk, Zukowski, Frail, Diamond.

Vol. 21, no. 3,       August 1, 1988:

     Cover: 1.4 GHz map of the Crab Nebula at highest ever resolution. Details on p4.

     Br.ckners have their first child.  Blyth has received a medal from the Soviet Union for
     service in the Murmansk convoys during WW II.  (See vol 19, no.3.)

     Travels: Percy to Cornell.  CClement to Las Campanas.  Rogers to KPNO.  Visitors
     included Duncan and Deupree.  Nearly a dozen DA/DDO people attended the May
     CASCA meeting in Peterborough.

     Kronberg re-appointed to the U of T Research Board.  Also is Chairman of an
     international review committee to assess the Sudbury Neutrino Observatory proposal.  K-
     T Kim has submitted his PhD thesis.  Garrison has initiated a 'Friends of DDO' lecture

     Summer students: James DiFrancesco, Rene Plume, Barry Sloan, Ted Colivas, Shauna
     Sallment, Marcus Neeser.  With descriptions of their projects.

     GASA Gossip by Fieldus.  (Summer picnic; Dubinski new President.)  Library news
     (highlights of annual report) by Cummins.

     Other names mentioned: Rogers, Irwin, Hogg, Bietenholz, Madore, Kamper, Hill, Straker,
     Ridder, Sasselov.

Vol. 21, no. 4,       October 15, 1988:

     Cover: CCD frame of a cluster, using a new grey-scale program developed by Ortiz.

     Editorial on new trends in imaging.

     Barry Sloan awarded the 1988 RASC Gold Medal. Blyth and McDonald have retired. 
     Rucinski, Evans and McCall have all started work at York University.  Percy elected
     Honorary President to the Science Teachers' Association of Ontario.

     Travels: Bruckner and Percy to IAU Coll 105 at Williams College.  Percy, Garrison (and
     others?) to the Baltimore IAU.  Sasselov and Fullerton to IAU Coll 113 in Quebec.  Evans
     and Fernie to IAU Coll 111 in Lincon, Nebraska.  Fernie and Garrison to IAU Coll 106 in
     Bloomington, Indiana.  Rogers to the JCMT.

     Obituary of Joseph Pearce by Fernie.

     Report by Ortiz on the cover picture.  Report by MacRae on the careers of Blyth and
     McDonald at DDO.  Report on the travelling telescope by Bruckner and Percy.  Report by
     Beattie and Kamper on fibre-linked spectroscopy at DDO.  Report by Lyons on Saturday
     evening visits.  Report by Blanchard on the international space university.  Report by
     Madore on his forthcoming 2-year research leave to be senior scientist at the NASA
     Extragalactic Database in Pasadena.  Report by Straker on life as the sunangles person.

     Word from Gray that he is spending a year at Washington State U.

     Highlights of the library's annual report.  Notes that the library will run out of space in
     two years at the present rate of expansion.

     Other names mentioned: Kronberg, Mochnacki, Frail, Millner, Glendenning, Fieldus,
     Neeser, Ridder, Short, Unwin.

Vol. 22, no. 1,     January 1989:

     Cover: Photo of David Dunlap III and David Dunlap IV.  Note on p3.

     Editorial complaining about the apathy of the readership in contributing news, etc.

     Humorous letter to the editor by Fernie re UTFA's pamphlet on sexual harrassment.

     Staggs have a second son and are now in Calgary.  Tremaine has won the Steacie Prize. 
     Noreau is joining DA as a CLTA.  Gies is now in the tenure stream at Georgia State U. 
     Irwin, Kim, Leonard, and Rusk have all successfully defended their theses.  Irwin is now at
     HIA, Kim has returned to Korea, Leonard is at CITA, and Rusk at the Defence Dept Labs
     in Victoria.  Garrison gave the Jacob Bronowski Memorial Lecture for 1988 at New

     Albert Hartviksen is the new caretaker at DDO.  Maria Wong moved to the geophysics
     group in Physics last October.

     Travels: Dubinski to Las Campanas.  Cummins to Coll. 110 and the IAU.  Bolton and
     Rucinsk to IAU Coll. 107 in Victoria.  Fieldus to McDonald.  Rogers, Lester, and
     Sasselov to Hawaii.  Percy to the AAVSO meeting in Cambridge, Mass.  Garrison to Baja
     California.  The Fernies to South Africa.  Stanislav Stefl from Ondrejov is visiting DDO.

     The library has received a book overdue for 21 years   a record.  Cummins is coordinating
     a progam to 'twin' librarians from Western and non-Western countries.  Greg Scott will
     be working with Percy in the mentorship program.  Details of various talks by Percy and
     Garrison to science teachers.

     Report by Leonard on his test of the efficiency of the Canadian postal system.   GASA
     Gossip by Fieldus ( including a reprinting of an edition by Clayton in 1982.)

     Thesis abstracts of Irwin, Kim, and Leonard.

     Other names mentioned: Richer, Straker.

Vol. 22, no. 2,      February 15, 1989:

     Cover: Group photo, Christmas Countdown of Dec, 1988.   Identifications on p2.

     Humourous letter of complaint by Cummins re omission of issue number and date.

     Sasselov has been awarded an advanced graduate degree in Bulgaria.   Bond has been
     awarded a Steacie Fellowship.  Kaiser has won the AAS' Warner Prize.  Boothroyd and
     Webster have won NSERC URFs, to be held in CITA.

     Oostdyk has accepted a position in Chemical Engineering.

     Travels: Frail to Cornell.  Percy and Sasselov to Vienna.  Garrison to Chile.  Prof. Gladys
     Vergara of Montevideo, Uruguay, visited DDO.

     Announcement that a 0.5 msec pulsar has been discovered in SN 1987A.

     Letters from Gies and Moorhouse updating their recent careers.

     Report by Mochnacki on DDO computer upgrades.

     GASA Gossip by Fieldus (about student couples in the Department).

     Other names mentioned: Bolton, Earlham, MClement, Seaquist.

Vol. 22, no. 3,     April 15, 1989:

     Cover: Lightcurve of AW UMa (eclipsing binary). Discussion on p9.

     Apologies from Rogers for misinterpreting 'Bt' as being Bolton instead of Beattie.

     Rucinski appointed adjunct professor in DA. Has a similar position with York U, but his
     primary appointment is with ISTS. Yee has a Connaught grant to start with his
     appointment this coming June 1. Leonard to UBC as a postdoc. Fullerton to U of
     Deleware as a postdoc. Frail has an NSERC postdoc and will go to either Australia or the
     VLA in late-summer. Rogers has a term appointment at UWO.

     Guddi Gumbhir and Brenda Parkman have joined the DA secretarial staff.

     Travels: Kamper to IAPPP meeting in Tucson. Garrison to Yerkes, and, as Shapley
     Lecturer, to a slew of American colleges. Noreau to Montreal. 

     Percy is holding workshops for school teachers. The UTSO CCD is being shipped back to
     Photometrics for repair. The IAU travelling telescope has been in the local news.

     Judith Irwin at HIA reports that Grote Reber is looking for a helper to establish a radio
     array in the wilderness east of Georgian Bay in late-summer.

     K-T Kim, now in Korea, reports by e-mail through a newfound link, on his activities there
     since leaving us last year.

     Report by Rucinski on ISTS-SAL and other new astronomy institutes. Report by Fernie
     on his recent stay at the Cape Observatory and talks with Cousins. Report by Udalski on
     his use of the DDO 24/19-inch telescope system for photometry.

     Colloquia and preprint listings.

     Other names mentioned: Evans.

Vol. 22, no. 4,       July 26, 1989:

     Cover: Cartoon about budget astronomy.

     Editorial by Garrison announcing that co-editor Rogers has left to take a position at
     UWO, and that Fernie will take over the editorship from Garrison with the next issue.

     CClement elected treasurer of CASCA. Dyer is a CASCA board member. Percy appointed
     Associate Dean (Sciences) and Vice-Principal (Grad studies and Research) for five years
     at Erindale. Lester is Assistant Chairman (Astronomy) at Erindale. Johnstone awarded the
     RASC Gold Medal and has a scholarship to Berkeley. Garrison starts a four-year term on
     the RCI Council. Andrew Yee, DDO telescope operator for the past eight months, has a
     staff position at Science North in Sudbury. David Leggatt (specialist program) is now a
     physics teacher at Marc Garneau Collegiate.

     Thomson's father has died. The Leonards have a second daughter. The Jewisons have a

     Travels: Cummins to the SLA conference in New York, where she became Chair-elect of
     the Physics-Astronomy-Math division. Percy and Sasselov to the AAVSO meeting.
     Garrison and Jewison to the AAS meeting in Ann Arbor, MI. Br.ckner and others to the
     CASCA meeting in Montreal. Jewison to Regina.

     Recent visitors: Paparo from Konkoly Obs in Hungary; Pasachoff from Williams College,

     Summer students: Matthew Lister, JayAnne English, Greg Scott, Ian Walker, Francine
     Marlo, Paul Hendry, Nigel Price.

     Letter from Richard Gray reporting his tenure-track position at Appalachia State U.

     Article by Garrison re high levels of public misconceptions about science. Article by Percy
     re U of T Mentorship Program. Note by Thomson re his family's connection to that of

     GASA Gossip by Fieldus. Highlights of the libraries' annual report.

     Other names mentioned: Marie Glendenning, Mochnacki, Kamper, Seaquist, Bietenholz,
     Dubinski, Li, Ortiz, Rouleau, Shelton, Short, Sloan, Zhan, Beattie, Straker, Glendenning,
     Oattes, Matthews, Bietenholz, Blanchard, Short, Hill, Bolton, Lilly.

Vol. 22, no. 5     September 29, 1989:

     Front cover: charcoal rubbing of plaque at the new Helen Sawyer Hogg Observatory.
     Report by Bolton (page 3) on the opening of that observatory, National Museum of
     Science & Technology, Ottawa, September 23.

     Editorial by Fernie about his return to the editorship.

     Letters from kt (Kim) about his new position in Korea, and from Fraquelli about her new
     baby. Seaquist's mother has died. Corbally was in a severe car accident, but is recovering.
     Leonard has won the Plaskett Medal for best PhD thesis. Rucinski reports his being
     granted time on the Voyager spacecrafts.

     Columns from the DDD of twenty and ten years ago.

     Steve Eales appointed at Erindale as replacement for Percy for 5 years. McLaren has
     resigned effective next June 30. Administration has refused a replacement. Sandra Scott is
     new telescope operator replacing Andrew Yee. New graduate students: Paul Hendry,
     Sang Hee Kim, Omar Lopez-Cruz, Francine Marleau, Don Ping Tang.

     Visitors: Colbeck & Weller from Chile, Sherwoods from Germany, Turners from ?

     Travels: Garrison to New Jersey, Rucinski to ESO and Seattle. Yee to Berkeley, Boulder,
     Montreal, Toulouse.

     GASA Gossip by Fieldus. GASA officers: Fieldus (President), Short (Treasurer), Sloan
     (GSU rep), Kroeker (desk person), Gang Li & Hill (staff meeting reps) Sasselov (sun

     Report by Fernie on radio interference problems for photometry at DDO. Report by
     Garrison on the Chile CCD. Report by Mochnacki on computer developments at DDO
     and DA. Report by Percy on the RCI Youth Science Academy.

     Article by Fieldus on a trip to the Yukon by himself and Sasselov. Article by Jewison on a
     weird phone call. Revisionists corner: a laughable journal reference. Article by Beattie on

     Other names mentioned: Heard, Br.ckner, Judith Irwin, Chew, Hawker, Kamper, Ortiz,
     Urrutia, Clarke, Dyer, Kronberg, Unwin.

Vol. 22, no. 6        December 1, 1989:

     Cover: Copy of 25 Year Service Award to Joan Tryggve. She has been with us for 27 yr.
     Editorial: Announcement of the inaugural reception at Hart House of the University's 25
     Year Club. Others honoured (and their years of service) were Hawker (38), Earlam (34),
     Hartviksen (29), and Fernie (28).

     Report by Br.ckner on U of T Day 1989.

     Report by Mochnacki on the Department's new central computer "vela". It's a Sun 3/160
     running SunOS 3.5.

     Travels: Bolton to NATO workshop on mass loss from stars in Iowa. Garrison back from
     Chile run. Noreau to NRAO. Percy to Ottawa meeting of science educators. Indrek Kolka
     from Tartu Obs, Estonia visited us. Lyons visited us from Hawaii. He left us last
     December after 14 years here. Mike Jewison has replaced him. Marc Krogulec from
     Poland is a new pdf working with Seaquist.

     Cummins reports on library changes, including new computers.

     Report by Jewison on last season's Saturday night tours. (2500 visitors.)

     Percy recently retired as VP (Programs) from the RASC Toronto Centre. David Hogg
     (our first radio astronomy PhD, 1962) appointed as Deputy Project Manager at
     Greenbank. The McDonalds have sold their Richmond Hill condo and moved north to
     Stroud; Mary recovering from a minor stroke. The Blyths have bought a flat in Scotland
     to escape Canadian winters.

     The 1990 Observer's Handbook has an article on the early history of the RASC, and an
     old aerial photo of DDO.

     Percy elected President of the AAVSO.

     GASA Gossip by Fieldus.

     Wizinowich has completed his PhD at Arizona and accepted a position at Steward Obs.
     Letter from Jayanne English in Australia. Letter from Corbally reporting on his recovery
     from his August car accident. He also reports progress on Mt Graham. Humorous letter
     from Dave Hanes. Copy of a humorous letter by Roy Bishop regarding WHMIS matters.

     From the DDD of twenty years ago: NRC gives us money for a 24-inch in Chile

     From the DDD of ten years ago: Reprint of the origin of the term 'Countdown'.

     Report from Sasselov on his and Fieldus' travels to Alaska. (Chapter 2).

     Other names mentioned: Straker, Richer, Frail, McCall, Leonard, Matthews, Noreau,
     Lopez, Marleau.

Vol. 23,   no. 1          January 31, 1990:

     Cover: Christmas Countdown group photo. Key on page 3.

     Editorial note reporting a DDD mailing list of 115, and inviting e-mail reports from past
     staff and students.

     Stephen Eales is a new CLTA assistant professor at Erindale replacing Percy, who is an
     assistant dean there.

     Travels: Noreau, Sasselov, Percy, Kronberg, Hill, Garrison to the AAS meeting in Boston.
     Kronberg to Washington.

     Carmen Costain of the DRAO has died, as has Robert Hardie, ex-Quebecer at Vanderbilt

     Kronberg has received a Humboldt International Research Award. Garrison will teach at
     the Third Vatican Observatory Summer School next summer. Fernie is an invited speaker
     at the next ASP meeting in Boston. Sasselov organized a workshop at DA on high galactic
     latitude seemingly young stars.

     A relatively young C.A. Chant appears in a group photo taken at Lick in 1907 that
     appears in an article by Osterbrock in the June 1989 issue of the JHA.

     Amusing reprint of horoscope predictions by a Robin Armstrong. Another such reprint of
     amusing definitions from the Association of Administrative Assistants.

     GASA Gossip by Fieldus.

     Letter from Emmanual Davoust (MSc, 1972).

     Excerpts from the DDD of ten and twenty years ago.

     Chapter 3 of the Fieldus/Sasselov expedition to the Great White North.

     Note by Mochnacki about his new dog.

Vol. 23, no. 2        March 31, 1990:

     Cover: Cartoon sketch by Chew of shop meeting attendees. Explanation by the editor on
     page 2, as well as a suggestion that we keep a list of past grads' email addresses.

     Travels: Garrison to Chile, accompanied by Seaquist. Cummins to SLA meeting in St
     Louis. Garrison to Villanova. Kronberg and Noreau to the JCMT. Fernie to UWO.
     Kamper to CCD conference in Charleston.

     van den Bergh and Paulette Brown married in Victoria. Seaquist appointed to Academic
     Board.. Lyons has a new job in San Diego. David Goodenough (PhD 1969) and Pphil
     Teillet (PhD 1977) have received awards of excellence as part of a team at the Canada
     Centre for Remote Sensing.

     The library now has a public access computer.

     GASA Gossip by Fieldus.

     Letters from the Wellers in Chile and Frail in New Mexico. As well a long one from
     Emmanuel Davoust describing his life since acquiring an MSc here in 1971.

     Excerpts from the DDD of ten and twenty years ago.

     Other names mentioned: Pimentel, Earlam, Ridder, Scott, Hawker, Kamper, Thomson,
     Sasselov, Shelton, Lopez, Marleau, Percy, Bolton.

Vol. 23, no. 3     June 8, 1990:

     Cover: Spectrogram produced by the new CCD on the 74-inch. Discussion of the CCD by
     Kamper on page 3.

     Travels: Garrison to the Vatican summer school. Also to Vanderbilt U, and Appalachian
     State U.

     Announcement that Simon Lilly will join the department in November as Associate Prof
     with tenure.

     The Carlbergs have a daughter. The Thomsons are expecting. The Rusks have a son.

     van den Bergh has won a $50,000 Killam Prize as well as the AAS' Russell Lectureship.

     Article by Garrison announcing that musical entertainment on Las Campanas will now be
     by CD rather than reel-to-reel tape.

     Amusing quote from a librarian about a man who had been given a plant seed by an alien.

     Letters from Corbally, DuPuy, Turner, Richards, Hube, Barnes.

     Excerpts from the DDD of ten and twenty years ago.

     Amusing quotes in Revisionist's Corner.

Vol. 23, no. 4             September 28, 1990:

     Cover: The Pope meets Bob.... Editorial comment on page 2.

     Travels: Visits by Fullerton and Raman Prinja (Univ. College, London). Sasselov and
     Lester to CFHT in time for farewell to Bob McLaren as CFHT director. Cummins to SLA
     conference in Pittsburgh (where she became Chair of PAM division) and CISTI in Ottawa.

     (New) President Prichard visited DDO on June 27. Br.ckner has left to joint his wife in
     Ottawa. Scott has relinquished her telescope operator position to take over Br.ckner's
     position plus DA computer guru job. Pedreros has become a TO in Scott's place. Laura
     Carriere and Bob Hill leaving for Hill's postdoc at Louisiana State.

     Venn married to Evan Skillman and moved to U of Minnesota. Thomsons have a baby
     boy. Ortiz' have a baby girl. Oostdyk and Oates are married. Dyer promoted to full
     professor. Chew becomes a Canadian. Bolton appointed to a committee of the CSA.
     Francis Ahern (DDO postdoc in 1968) appointed to a senior international position in
     forestry research and remote sensing. Goodenough (PhD 1972) appointed to a similar
     position in remote sensing.

     Carlberg (at Caltech) reports on a book by Hugh Ross. Dubinski reports on his summer in
     Africa and Kilimanjaro climb. Amusing report by Fernie on the new ApJ etc reference
     style. Report by Mochnacki on computer developments at DDO. The library now has an
     automated ordering system.

     The Department has been awarded the 1990 Sky & Telescope Astronomy Day Award.

     GASA Gossip by Fieldus.

     Letters from Clayton, Crowe, and Turner. 

     Other names mentioned: Trudel, Siqin Huang, Salloum, Schwartz, Neeser, Landry (all
     new grad students), Freedman, Madore, Gies, Glendenning, Bietenholz, Zhan, Zukowski.

Vol. 23, no. 5       November 30, 1990:

     Cover: Illustrations of starspots on VW Cep from Hendry's MSc work. Comment on p2.

     Editorial note on news from Colin Keay (MSc 1965).

     Our latest professor, Simon Lilly, arrived this month. The Crowes have a second daughter. 

     Our proposed new graduate curriculum has been accepted by SGS. Shutters of a DDO
     dome almost rivetted  together by enthusiastic leak-seekers. Calculation of the
     temperatures of Heaven and Hell.

     Hogg recently held an extensive family reunion.

     GASA Gossip by Fieldus.

     Letters from Vicki Sherwood, Doug Hube, Chris Corbally, and Bob McLaren about their
     recent activities. MacRae notes that (President) Prichard's signature resembles a once-
     popular cartoon about getting organized.

     Quotes from the Doings of ten and twenty years ago.

     Other names mentioned: Earlam, Garrison, Pedreros, Short, Sasselov, Lopez-Cruz.

Vol. 24, no. 1     January 31, 1991:

     Cover: Christmas Countdown 1990 group photo. Index on p2.

     Travels: Percy to Halifax, Munich, Boston, UWO. Garrison to Schenectady, Chile,
     Philadlplhia. Bolton and Fieldus to McDonald.

     Visitors included Indrek Kolka from Tartu to Erindale for three months, and Bob Hawkins
     (grad student circa 1970).

     Kaiser has been awarded a Steacie Fellowship. Bolton is on extended sick leave due to
     pleurisy. Jean Lehmann, now 86, suffered a heart-attack last month but is recovering.

     Recollections of Peter Millman, who died last month, by Hogg.

     Report on AAS meeting by Kamper, and another by Ortiz. Report by Garrison on Jim
     Keffer's (U of T''s Vice-President for Research) visit to Las Campanas. 

     Amusing small BASIC program.

     GASA Gossip by Fieldus with an invitation to start the Gossip supplement series.

     Letters from Kwang-Tae Kim, Geoff Clayton, Doug Johnstone.

     Excerpts from the DDD of ten and twenty years earlier.

     Other names mentioned: Hendry, Lopez-Cruz, Sasselov, Hill, Carriere, Oostdyk, Oates,
     Fernie, Kronberg.

Vol. 24, no. 2       March 28, 1991:

     Cover: Print of the Vienna Observatory in 1745, illustrating the use of our new scanner.

     Editorial comment on p2 about the scanner and two amusing incidents.

     Antonina 'Nella' Campisi has joined DA as a secretary.

     Travels: Garrison to Yerkes, Ip to Trieste. Frail visited DA.

     Leonards have a son.

     Revisionist's corner from Dave Turner. Report by Garrison on last summer's Vatican
     summer school

     GASA Gossip by Fieldus.

     Letters from Ip, Ed Anderson, Daver Turner, Dave DuPuy.

     Excerpts from the DDD of ten and twenty(-two) years earlier.

     Other names mentioned: Beattie, Hogg, Bolton, Hendry, Mochnacki.

Vol. 24, no. 3       May 31, 1991:

     Cover: Humorous skymap of galaxies as a take-off on McDonald's by MacRae

     Travels: Garrison to Weleyan University in Middletown, Connecticut. Percy to
     Charlestown, RI , as well as to St Louis University and Las Vegas. Cummins to the SLA
     meeting in Washington DC.

     Summer students: Steven Ferance, Paul Finney, Derek Lewsey, Li Sen, Charles Shepherd,
     Eric Tittley, Ian Walker.

     Jewison's have a daughter. Carlberg has been promoted to full professor, and Yee to
     associate professor with tenure.

     Hogg has had a successful operation for eye cataracts. A short biography of her for young
     people has been written by Michael Webb, published by Copp Clark Pitman.

     A collection of exam howlers in Revisionist's Corner.

     Picture of Dyer as a graduate student c1970, with promise of others to follow.

     Letters from Corbally, Leonard, Westbury.

Vol. 24, no. 4    September 27, 1991:

     Cover: Total solar eclipse of July 1991. Report by Hendry and Lopez-Cruz on p16.

     Travels & visits: Jozsef Vinko from Konkoly Obs visited. Percy and Garrison to the IAU
     General Assembly in Buenos Aires. Cummins to the SLA meeting in San Antonio, TX.
     Bietenholz continues his bicycle journey through Europe and Asia.

     New graduate students: James Brown, Paul Finnie, Dan Hudon, Esmail Mawjee, John
     Purcell, Randall Pyke, Paul Wiegert, Piotr Zembrowski.

     Susan Tarr married to Peter Timmins. Peter Wizinowich appointed optical enginner at
     Keck Obs. Kim Innanen has had minor planet 3497 named after him. Percy becomes
     president of IAU Comm 27 and vice-president of Comm. 46. Seaquist and Ridder become
     members of the 25-Year Club of U of T. Hawker has completed 40 years at DDO.

     Erindale College celebrates its 25th year. A Light Pollution Control By-Law has been
     drafted by Richmond Hill Town Council.

     Revisionist's Corner. The Way We Were featuring a 1970 photo of Peter Martin.

     Report by Carlberg on a cosmology meeting in Rio de Janeiro. GASA Gossip by Fieldus.
     Report by Garrison on the new CCD spectrograph for Las Campanas. Report by Shelton
     on the Perseid meteors. Report by Br.ckner on the travelling telescope in Maylasia.
     Reports by Trudel on warnings to new MSc students, and on a star formation workshop in

     Letters from Wizinowich, Welch, Lyons, Kwang-Tae Kim, Westbury.

Vol. 24, no. 5     November 29, 1991:

     Cover: Aurora Borealis over the 74-in dome on Nov. 8. Photo by Ian Shelton.

     Percy has received the Service Award of the Science Teachers Assoc of Ontario.

     Current fourth-year students: Tim Boychuk, Devon Hamilton, John Januszczak, Bern
     Lehle, Charles Pinnegar, Charles Shepherd, Eric Tittley.

     Travels: Percy to AAVSO meeting in Cambridge, Mass., and to UT at Austin TX.
     Garrison to Baja California. Kronberg to OVRO. Short and Lester to CFHT. Urrutia
     visited DA.

     GASA Gossip by Fieldus. (Reports Rm 1422 is new lounge.)

     Report on a TA Workshop by Clarke. Letter from Dale Frail.

     Obituary by Don MacRae for Gus Bakos. Obituary by Trudel for Alberic Boivin.

     Revisionist's Corner.

     Other names mentioned: Beattie, Seaquist, Thomson, Lilly, Mochnacki, Glendenning,
     Yee, Hendry.

Vol. 25, no. 1    January 31, 1992:

     Cover: Christmas Countdown group photo. Key on p2.

     Dale Frail on front page of the Toronto Star re discovery of planets circling PSR
     1257+12. Ortiz has successfully defended his thesis. Hogg attended an awards banquet at
     the University of Waterloo to make the first presentation of the Helen Sawyer Hogg

     Mark Fabro is the new telescope operator at DDO.

     Travels: Percy to Japan, Garrison to Chile and he and Fieldus to the AAS meeting in

     GASA Gossip by Fieldus.  The use of Rm 1422 as a lounge has been declared a success
     and will continue indefinitely as such.

     Letter from Ian Halliday commenting on the death of Gus Bakos and recalling early 1950s
     history at DDO. Letter from Chris Corbally with news of the Vatican Telescope on Mt

     Library news from Cummins. DDO library now so crowded that topmost shelves must be
     used, so a tall ladder on wheels has been installed.

     Other names mentioned: Shelton, Short, Brown.

Vol. 25, no. 2     March 31, 1992:

     Cover: Pictures of Kronberg at the AIPS station ten years ago, and as it is now. Story on

     Travels: Garrison to Illinois and Wisconsin, as Shapley Lecturer to Alberta and BC.
     Cummins attended the Ontario College and University Library Association winter

     The Gies' have a daughter. Nancy Evans appointed associate director of ISTS Space
     Astrophysical Lab at York U.

     A sink and running water have been installed in the 14th floor lounge. Kronberg et al have
     had some of their research reported in Science News.

     Revisionists corner.

     Letter from MacRae further to Halliday's letter in previous issue  re DDO history. Letter
     from Mark Neeser via Fieldus.

     GASA Gossip by Fieldus. Explanation of the Library's Serials Database Project by

     Other names mentioned: Sandra Scott, Judith Perry, Zukowski, Hendry, Hawker, Short.

Vol. 25, no. 3     May 29, 1992:

     Cover: Picture of Hogg on the occasion of her giving up her office. Story p2.

     New summer students: Allen Attard, Denise Giguere, Jason Harlow, Katherine Hayhoe,
     Inese Ivans, Sara Seager.        

     Bolton elected Secretary of the Math & Physical Sciences Section of Academy III of the
     Royal Society of Canada. Percy appointed Vice-Chair on the Board of Trustees of the
     Ontario Science Centre. Fieldus' Gasa Gossip mentioned in the U of T Bulletin.

     Travels: Bolton to Ottawa for Space Astronomy sub-committee meeting and RSC
     meeting. Carlberg and also CClement to Hamilton RASC. Garrison to Mexico and Chile.
     Percy to Mississippi as Shapley Lecturer.

     Report on the Ontario Science Centre by Percy. GASA Gossip by Fieldus. (The last one
     he ever wrote.) Shelton reports on the DA van ("V'ger") passing 100,000 km.

     Letter from Bill Weller re leaving Chile for Tucson.

     Quotes from the Doings of ten and twenty years ago. Revisionist's Corner.

     Other names mentioned: Kamper. Shelton, Lopez-Cruz, Brown, Trudel, Hudon.

Vol. 25, no. 4    September 30, 1992:

     Cover: Plaque for the newly named 24-inch Helen Hogg Telescope on Las Campanas. 

     Announcement of the death of Mike Fieldus last July 4.  Excerpts from his best Gasa
     Gossip columns.

     New graduate students: Michael Allen, Charles Kerton, Joachim Stadel, Natalia
     Taranenko, James Wadsley.

     Report on the occasion of the Chile 24-in being re-named after Hogg.

     Travels: Cummins to San Francisco. Percy to AAVSO, AAS and CASCA meetings,
     among others. Fernie and Garrison  to CFA, Victoria, Dublin. Visitors to DDO included
     Fullerton and Anson Moorhouse. Kronberg reports that Bietenholz continues his around-
     the-world bicycle ride. Peter Cottrell from New Zealand visited DA. Yee hiked in

     Letter from Nebraska State Penitentiary requesting a free subscription to DDD. 

     Revisionist's Corner. Weird letter sent to Garrison.

     Rick Crowe (PhD 1984) awarded tenure and promotion at the U of Hawaii. Mochnacki
     elected to represent DA and Physics on the UTFA Council.

     Library news by Cummins. Garrison reports on a visit to a Chilean gold mine. Percy &
     Mattei (AAVSO) have received a US$304,000 grant to develop a "Hands-On
     Astrophysics" project.

     UTSO news by Garrison. Percy reports on precision photometry with the DA 16-inch.

     Humorous article by Trudel re preparing overhead transparencies

Vol. 25, no. 5         November 30, 1992:

     Cover: Humorous announcement of Seaquist's appointment to a second term as Chair.
     More on page 2.

     Regular staff meeting on October 4 was held at Erindale to celebrate the College's 25th
     anniversary. 700+ visitors were hosted by DA on U of T Day,  October 17.

     Pimental going to Chile in December to install new console and telescope control system
     on our 24-in.  Bolton to EUVE committee in Columbia, MD, and to Ottawa. Corbally
     visited DA to give the Wiegand lecture. Percy to the AAVSO meeting in Cambridge, MA.
     Cummins to CfA. Tom Meylan visited DDO to observe. Jean-Marc Perelmuter from U of
     Montreal visited DDO to use the pds scanner.

     Rob Ivison has arrived from Liverpool to take up a pdf with Seaquist.

     Letters from Rusk and from Stagg.  Revisionist's Corner.

     Reprint of the Final Item column of April 1975 on the automated comet-hunting machine.

Vol. 26, no. 1       January 31, 1993:

     Cover: Group photo of the 1992 Christmas Countdown. (No identification key.)
     Additional photos on p6.

     Announcement of the death of Helen Hogg on January 28, 1993.

     Editorial remarks on the 25th anniversary of the David Dunlap Doings.

     Jonathan 'Gang' Li and his wife, Mao, have a daughter. Ortiz is leaving for a faculty
     position at the U of Chile. Hill has left for a postdoc at Carnegie. Janet Mattei is visiting
     the RASC.

     Obituary of Jean Lehmann written by MacRae.

     News from Erindale by Percy. 

     Long article detailing experiences of Yee, Tremaine and others on an expedition to
     Greenland in the summer of 1992.

Vol. 26, no. 2      March 31, 1993:

     Cover: Copy of the dedication to Hogg's memory of the A&S calendar.

     McMaster U has re-opened its planetarium. Kronberg has won a Killam fellowship.
     Tryggve has a new grandson. The Leonards have another son.

     Travels: Percy to Cambridge MA.  Kim (PhD 1988) visited DA. (He is now the chair of
     his department in Korea.)

     Remembrances of Helen Hogg: brief messages from many who knew her.

     Letters from Nancy Evans and Dail Frail.

Vol. 26, no. 3      May 31, 1993:

     Cover: Announcement of Joan Tryggve's impending retirement on August 31.

     Announcement that Fernie will leave the editorship (to be Acting Chair), and that future
     issues will soon become electronic.

     Summer students: Jeff Bezaire, Jason Harlow, Katherine Hayhoe, Inese Ivans, Tal Kenet,
     Sara Seager, Sarah Thompson, Tracy Webb.

     Garrison is now President of the Royal Canadian Institute.

     Travels: Garrison to Chile and Shapley lectures tour. Percy also on a Shapley tour.

     Visitors: Rick Perley, Richard Gray, Hai-Shou Yang.

     Letter from MacRae re an unexpected meeting with Walter Gorza.

     Revisionist's Corner.

     Las Campanas news by Garrison. Mochnacki announces that Las Campanas is now on the

     Article by Seaquist on a rattlesnake encounter at the VLA.

     Article by Hudon on Martin Amis's book, Time's Arrow.

     Article by Hudon on the history of The Tea Message.

     Library news by Cummins.

Vol. 26, no. 4        October 1, 1993:

     Cover: Pulsational velocity curve of Polaris in 1993.

     Announcement that Bolton is the new editor of DDD.

     Lester promoted to full professor as of last July.

     Alan Yen died May 29. Excerpt from Seaquist's announcement of this.

     New students: Felipe Barrientos, Tracy Clarke, Devon Hamilton, Katherine King, Gabriela
     Mallen-Ornelas, Cleon Manz, Charles Shepherd, Hye-Kyeong Song, James Taylor.

     Farewell party for Tryggve was held at Elms Lea on June 25. Linda Taillon is the new
     Business Officer at DA. Unwin continues as secretary at DDO.

     Travels: Rick Perly and family returned to NRAO after 5 months at DA. Kronberg starts
     his two-year Killam Fellowship staying at U of T. Kronberg and Dyer to Liege. Bietenholz
     has a position at York U. Percys spent July in New Zealand, then to Cambridge MA.
     Garrison to Tucson and Mexico City. Seaquists to Cal Tech. Fernie to South Africa in
     August. Boltons to Quebec and Ottawa. Ivison to Australia and the UK.

     Article by Mochnacki about watching the Perseids. Shop Team news by Bolton. GASA
     Gossip by Brown. DAN'S UNIVERSE by Hudon. Best two Tea Messages.

     Other names mentioned: Nella Rupp, English, Corbally, Gray, Arellano-Ferro Moffat,
     Fullerton, Kamper, Blyth, Chew, Lester, Earlam, Ridder, Pimentel, Wadsley, Sigut,
     Wiegert, Hayhoe.

Vol. 26, no. 5     December 5, 1993:

     Cover: Histogram of number of papers based on UTSO data versus year

     Long report on this by Garrison.

     Lopez Cruz married. Jason Harlow wins RASC Gold Medal. Percy receives AAVSO
     Observer's Merit Award. Fabro resigns as 1.88m telescope operator. Jason Harlow
     replaces Fabro. Goetz Golla is a new postdoc working with Kronberg. 

     Steve Shore is now chair of Physics & Astronomy at Indiana University (South Bend).
     Mercedes Richard has received tenure at the U of Virginia.

     Travels: Bolton, MClement, Percy, Sigut to IAU Sym. 162 on the French Riviera. Percy
     to AAVSO annual meeting. Lester and Sasselov to CFHT. Sasselov's postdoc at CfA now
     over; he starts a Hubble postdoc.

     Report by MacRae on visits by James Baker and Charles Seeger. We hear that Jozsef
     Vinko has his PhD. Shop Team report by Kamper, Garrison, Bolton. Report by Percy on 
     possible revisions to the structure of the IAU.

     GASA Gossip by Brown. Dan's Universe by Hudon. The Best of the Tea Message.

     Revisionist's Corner

     Other names mentioned: Nancy Evans, Mike Marlborough, Doug Gies, Alex Fullerton,
     Ralph Williamson, Ruth Northcott, Jean-Louis Trudel, Charles Kerton.

Vol. 27,   no. 1          February 21, 1994:

     Cover: Group photo from the 1993 Christmas Countdown. Key on page 2.

     Editorial comments about publication delays.

     Letters from Mclement and Emmanuel Davoust. Latter notes posting DDD to him costs
     $2.17, so suggests e-mailing it instead.

     Martin has won the CASCA Beals Award. The Carlbergs have a son. Ip has successfully
     defended his thesis. Kronberg reports that Martine Simard-Normandin has been appointed
     Adjunct Professor at Ecole Polytechnique in Montreal. She is employed by Northern
     Telecom in Ottawa.

     Travels: Carlberg to Seattle for spring term. Rucinski to Center for EUA. Cummins to
     Washington DC. Garrison to Las Campanas and Washington DC. Brown, Hudon, and
     Lopez-Cruz to the Fifth Canary Islands Winter School.

     Notes on DDO office changes. Palomar Sky Survey being moved to the DDO basement to
     avoid overloading.

     GASA Gossip by Brown. Note on Coalition for Public Information by Cummins. Note on
     the 'death' of I.S (International Imaging Systems image processor) by Kronberg. DAN'S
     Universe. Campus Crime Watch by "Dick Tracy". The Best of the Tea Message. 

     Revisionist's Corner.  Editorial by Bolton on final exams.

Vol. 27,  no.2         April 30, 1994:

     Cover: Radio map of NGC 7465 area.  Story by Li and Seaquist on page 2.

     Editor's notes: Fact sheet about the May 10 solar eclipse, forthcoming collision of Comet
     Shoemaker-Levy with Jupiter, Perseid Meteor shower. 

     Tremaine has been elected a FRS. Kronberg's Killam Award has been extended to a
     second year. Percy has been elected to the Board of the ASP. Tremaine, Bond, Martin,
     Dyer, Carlberg, Duncan (Queen's), and Couchman (UWO) have been awarded $280,000
     for a new computer. Iverson is leaving his pdf position with Seaquist to join the Royal
     Observatory Edinburgh.

     Summer assistants this year: Tara Rosebery, Allen Attard, Denise Giguere, Inese Ivans,
     Gregg Wade. Next fall Sara Seager will to to Harvard, Denise Giguere to Queen's, Gregg
     Wade to UWO, Jason Harlow to Penn State.

     Travels: Kronberg to Cornell and Korea. Percy to San Francisco. Kamper to Hawaii, Lick.
     Allen to the VLA.

     Shop Team news by Bolton. GASA Gossip by Brown. Dan's Universe by Hudon.
     Mentorship Program by Percy. The Best of the Tea Message by Hudon. Editor's Corner
     (re Faculty final exams II) by Bolton.

Vol. 27,  no. 3       July 20, 1994:

     Cover: EUVE Spectrum of the active star AB Dor. Story by Rucinski on page 2.

     Tremaine elected to the RSC. van den Bergh appointed a Member of the Order of Canada.
     Lilly elected a Director-at-large of AURA. Pablo Prado (UTSO resident astronomer) and
     his wife have a baby girl. Garrison has a first grandchild. Eales has become a Canadian

     Seaquist has returned to resume the Chairmanship/Directorship from Fernie. Bolton has
     resigned as Associate Director and been replaced by Fernie. Percy's term as Associate
     Dean (Sciences) at Erindale has ended. Steve Smith is a new telescope operator at DDO,
     replacing Harlow who has gone to graduate school at Penn State.

     Travels: CClement to Las Campanas. Cummins to the SLA meeting in Atlanta. Many from
     the DA to the CASCA meeting at UWO. Garrison to Chile and Yerkes (for W.W.
     Morgan's funeral). Percy to AAVSO meeting in Houston . Seaquist to Chile. Fullerton
     (PhD 1990) has a pdf in Munich. He will share an office with Kim Venn (8T7). Peter Ip
     (PhD 1994) and his wife have a son.

     Message from Corbally updating the Vatican Telescope situation.

     Las Campanas News by Garrison. CASCA Meeting report by Mochnacki. Reports on
     eclipse activities at Erindale and St George on May 10.

     GASA Gossip by Brown (new President is Wiegert, Secretary is Sawicki, Treasurer
     Wadsley). Dan's Universe by Hudon. Obituary of W.W. Morgan by Garrison. Editor's
     Corner (Faculty exams III) by Bolton.

E-mail from Bob Garrison to all departmental members, November 11, 1996:

     The Doings has been dormant for about a year (sic. It had been dormant for over two
     years.) Some of us have missed it and would like to see it reborn. Over the years it has
     served as an important link uniting the various centres of departmental activity.

     Brian Beattie and Bob Garrison will be the new editors. For the first issue Tom Bolton
     will be a co-editor, since he has already done much of the editing of material for an issue
     that never quite made it to press.

     To reflect the demographics of the department we propose to change the title slightly,
     from the "David Dunlap Doings" to "The Doings of the David Dunlap Observatory and
     Department of Astronomy". I've already had suggestions for a more formal title and for a
     brand new title, but there are several reasons for keeping it close to the same. Continuity
     with the past is the strongest reason; this title shouldn't mess up libraries' classification
     too much and most other readers probably won't even notice the change. Also, I'm not
     prepared to run a contest for a sexy new title; life is too short.

     The first issue will consist mainly of material already submitted. In case some of this is too
     dated, we will warn the author and it can be withdrawn. New material will be requested
     for the next issue, so be prepared to contribute. We hope that with the new format and the
     new, more inclusive title, less arm-twisting will be required.

     The publication will be electronic, with a few paper copies produced for libraries and for
     individuals who request them. It will be posted on the departmental homepage.

The first electronic issue (vol. 28, no. 1) was published on January 30, 1997.

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Last update: February 12 2004 (index itself last updated: August 21 2003)